Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

Sounds like Windows is set to hide extensions!

You'll probably need to go to "Control Panel" in Windows, then click "Folder Options." It should open a window with Tab's across the the one that says view. Down about half way in the bottom half of the screen, there should be a "check box" that says "hide extensions of known file types." If it's checked, uncheck it, then hit "apply" and then "OK"

See if it shows the extension then...if it does, right click, and rename it with a .exe at the end!

You can change the hiding extensions part back later if you don't want to see them!

Tried. But my computer saved it as ADR_SLED so there's no way to rename it with the exe. The only thing i can change is the name of ADR_SLED.
Possible that it didn't come through or didn't get sent correctly.
Just try to add .exe to the end of it.

It should read ADR_SLED.exe

Don't rename it, just add the .exe to the name.

Also, if you get that to work, you may have to unblock the file.

Right click the file>click Properties>click Unblock
I have been running the ADR2000 tune & noticed that it is shuttering at higher settings & light shutter on low settings. It never did this before I ran the beta tunes. Can it still be in there? It shows ADR2000 when I check it.
Ok so I have tried changing the extension, which I figured out how to do but when I go to open it a blank black box pops up. With the files sitting in my email it says download file but I cant do this since it brings me back to the "windows cannot open because it doesnt not know which program created the file stuff". I have saved the file to my desktop and changed the extension which has not helped either. So is there anyway to change the file extension while it is still in my email? this is getting frustrating all I want to do is download these files! Help!
I have been running the ADR2000 tune & noticed that it is shuttering at higher settings & light shutter on low settings. It never did this before I ran the beta tunes. Can it still be in there? It shows ADR2000 when I check it.

i found the same
Here's one for ya.

4k test, level 5, cruise set at 68mph. Suddenly lost all power, truck started slowing down, when it got low enough the motor shut off. Checked all connections and they were fine. Check engine light was on. Pulled codes and came up with 0622, 0123, 0500, 1765, 1694, 0251, 0252, 0253, 0237, 1698, 0122, 0123, and 1693. Fired the truck back up and all the gauges on the pulse read 0 and I can't adjust the levels up. The pulse is working fine, it's just not reading anything. Get the truck back on the road and it's working fine but it's at stock power. Get home and reflash the quad with the same 4k tune and plug it back in and all the gauges on the pulse started to read right again and I could change the levels. Haven't taken it for a drive yet. Any ideas?
Most of them I chalk up to when my APPS wire got ripped out, the BD RAD, and my lock up switch. The other's I'm 99% sure that they came from the quad when it decided to have a brain fart.
Here's one for ya.

4k test, level 5, cruise set at 68mph. Suddenly lost all power, truck started slowing down, when it got low enough the motor shut off. Checked all connections and they were fine. Check engine light was on. Pulled codes and came up with 0622, 0123, 0500, 1765, 1694, 0251, 0252, 0253, 0237, 1698, 0122, 0123, and 1693. Fired the truck back up and all the gauges on the pulse read 0 and I can't adjust the levels up. The pulse is working fine, it's just not reading anything. Get the truck back on the road and it's working fine but it's at stock power. Get home and reflash the quad with the same 4k tune and plug it back in and all the gauges on the pulse started to read right again and I could change the levels. Haven't taken it for a drive yet. Any ideas?

Same thing happened to me today! No crap. I was running about 60-65 and truck died, even truck gauges. It poured white smoke out the exhaust though. So i got her pulled to the side of the road and let it set a min and then checked the codes and 0251, 0252, 0253. Called the shop and checked what the codes were and found out it was injector pump mechanical failure of some sort(cant remember exact terms). So i was feeling :bang I tried to start my truck while waiting for a ride and it started like normal first spin run about 5 sec then died. So remembering when dads truck threw the same codes his wouldnt fire at all, I went to unhook the ADR it was freakin HOT and smelt like melted plastic. Unhooked it plugged map back up and truck fired right up! WTF ? Cleared codes and they havent come back. Talked to Justin and he said send it back so they could take a look at it.:doh:
My box was hotter than hell to but I had been running at 65-70mph for over an hour. There was no smoke out of the exhaust either. I just went and drove around with it on level 5 with the same 4k tune and the truck is running great. Lots of power and smoke.
did they ever fix the Dyno tune form shutting down proples trucks? i was wanting to try it again and was wondering...?
My box was hotter than hell to but I had been running at 65-70mph for over an hour. There was no smoke out of the exhaust either. I just went and drove around with it on level 5 with the same 4k tune and the truck is running great. Lots of power and smoke.

i know of atleast one adrenaline that got so hot that it melted/fried some of the internals inside the box...had to be sent back
did they ever fix the Dyno tune form shutting down proples trucks? i was wanting to try it again and was wondering...?

i think someone mention the sled tune was the same as dyno tune but stops fueling around 3600rpm
Anyone send me the 4k and sled tunes with the ext. changed already since my computer has a mind of its own and doesnt like me? The dyno tune shut my truck off too at around 3600-3700rpm started it back up and kept driving just changed to my old tune when I got home
Ok guys, i have a challenge. There's a couple rich kids (brothers) from around my town that have duramax's. Well, the older brother thinks he can out pull me, bumper to bumper. All he has is an intake, exhaust, and quadzilla stealth 2 set on 70hp because he don't have a built tranny. Well i'm gettin the adrenaline put in tomorrow, so it will be in there before the "duramax slaughter ;)".. my question now is, which tune do i need to run to keep my truck RUNNING, no cutting out or just dying on me. I can't have this because there will be well over 75 people there watching. Which tune do i need to run to do this and get the maximum power? I need all the stuff i can get cause i'm gonna put this duramax in a state to where it cant drive away. THANKS GUYS!! oh, and i'll try to get a vid ;)

And please, no comments on how stupid this is or whatnot. I cant have these kids talkin all this stuff when they cant back it up. Thanks again.
Also, what gear in the transfer box and tranny do i need to run? 4th gear in 4lo?

Mods are below.. if not, they're towards the top of the page in another of my posts
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