When I tried to download the 2000a tune, it went through it's deal and said "update complete", BUT, when I went to the X2info deal to check the download, it came up with nothing, I then loaded the 3000 tune and it worked fine.
My suspicions were, that when the 2000a tune didn't show up that sumthin might be wrong, so I didn't press the issue. It sounds like all of the people that are havin trouble tried to download the 1000a and 2000a tunes from what I'm seein. Could be a bug in the software?? It's happened before!!
Has anyone actually called/e-mailed Quad and informed him about it?? Or just posted on the internet hoping that he would see it?? If you beta testers remember awhile back, Quad told us to CALL or E-MAIL him cause he does not have time to check all of the Adrenaline threads anymore.
I've been thinking about e-mailing him just to see what's up with the Custom Tuning portion of the beta testing, maybe I'll just do that and see what's up.