Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

At least you can drop levels. I have to unplug my box to get the pl back down to 0 and then push up. The down button is broken on my pulse. LOL
At least you can drop levels. I have to unplug my box to get the pl back down to 0 and then push up. The down button is broken on my pulse. LOL

Cant you take the pulse apart and clean the buttons with a cotton swab and alcohol? i thought I seen Quad post somethin like that.
I tried loaden the comp1 tune and it said completed but when I clicked on info nothing came up in the box like the other programs do , like the dyno says RACE.EXE then after I unpluged it it gave me and error so I dunno if its loaded or not is this common now ??
My Adrenaline surges on all setting with all Tunes. I even tried the ADR1000 and it surges. The stronger the tune the more it surges. Im not getting any help at all from Quadzilla. Mine surges at lower RPM's at around 1/4 throttle in 5th and 6th gear with ADR1000. I tried the ADR2000A tune and its undriveable. It surges from 50-70mph in 6th. If someone got a tune that actually works good in there truck send it to me to try....

On another note I did but down 316/716 with only the ADR2000 and 4" Exhaust.

I tried loaden the comp1 tune and it said completed but when I clicked on info nothing came up in the box like the other programs do , like the dyno says RACE.EXE then after I unpluged it it gave me and error so I dunno if its loaded or not is this common now ??

That is exactly what happened to me, just figured it lost connection or something? I'm gonna ry to reload the 2000a & see if it is working right.
I've been runnin the 3000 tune for 2 weeks now, no problems.
Only light to moderate surging on PL5 or higher (only with cruise on).
Got 17.1 MPG last week running the 3000 tune on PL4.
I've been runnin the 3000 tune for 2 weeks now, no problems.
Only light to moderate surging on PL5 or higher (only with cruise on).
Got 17.1 MPG last week running the 3000 tune on PL4.

Maybe my problem is a bad download. I'm gonna try this again.
Ive been driving the 3000 for about a month now and it shutters on any PL over 3-4. I only turn it up when someone wants to play.... Ive tried the orginal 1k, 2k, 3k, sled and 4ktest. So far 3000 takes it. i can deal with surge/stumble...what ever you want to call it.$.02
When I tried to download the 2000a tune, it went through it's deal and said "update complete", BUT, when I went to the X2info deal to check the download, it came up with nothing, I then loaded the 3000 tune and it worked fine.
My suspicions were, that when the 2000a tune didn't show up that sumthin might be wrong, so I didn't press the issue. It sounds like all of the people that are havin trouble tried to download the 1000a and 2000a tunes from what I'm seein. Could be a bug in the software?? It's happened before!!
Has anyone actually called/e-mailed Quad and informed him about it?? Or just posted on the internet hoping that he would see it?? If you beta testers remember awhile back, Quad told us to CALL or E-MAIL him cause he does not have time to check all of the Adrenaline threads anymore.
I've been thinking about e-mailing him just to see what's up with the Custom Tuning portion of the beta testing, maybe I'll just do that and see what's up.
I personally talked to Ross about my issues and he told me not to use any tune other than ADR1000 for daily drivin. I left a message for Justin to give me a call and see what he seems to think. Guess next step would be to talk to the Man himself. Like I said before my truck is undriveable on the ADR2000A Tune. It has bad surge no matter which setting it is on from 1 to 10. Set it to 0 and the truck runs fine. Im going to try the ADR3000 tune tomorrow and see what it does.
I personally talked to Ross about my issues and he told me not to use any tune other than ADR1000 for daily drivin.
I see his point, but many people have been drivin around on the older 1000, 2000 tunes (4/15 tunes) with no problems since they came out. Most of the time (probably close to 6 months now) I've been runnin the Aggressive tunes on my Adrenaline, and on a stock truck, without to many problems.
I know alot of guys think these problems are only related to "big injectors", but I don't think that's the case, I think all trucks have the studder/shudder problem, it's just amplified with the "big injectors". I still think that some of these problems are just gonna be the "nature of the beast" so to speak, but some trucks have other problems to start with and then they are just amplified by the Adrenaline.

IMO, Ross only said that just to help people avoid any problems. It doesn't fix the problem, just side steps it.

Just my $.02

BTW, I sent Quad an e-mail. I'll let you guys know if he replies back.
Ya I understand his point but my truck has stock injectors and I cant even drive it on the ADR2000A tune. Ive ran this truck with a Smarty and had Zero issues.
Ya I understand his point but my truck has stock injectors and I cant even drive it on the ADR2000A tune.
Yeah, I get that part.
It sounds like all of the people that are havin trouble tried to download the 1000a and 2000a tunes from what I'm seein. Could be a bug in the software?? It's happened before!!
Meaning, since the newest tunes.
I don't know if that's the case, but just a guess based on what's happened since we started beta testing.

Again, just my .02
I don't know I hardly ever notice the surging on my 6-speed, I daily drive the Sled tune on PL7 usually...

well quad got somethin figured out with the new comp tune that is compatible with the pulse 6-6-08 at least on my truck it no longer sputters in a free rev
That is good to know. I might just try the comp out.

ya i also finally installed the pulse too but i dont think that has anything to do with it as right now it is basically just a monitor till they get the unlock codes or whatever out.... i will try to test some of the other tunes also later in the week
I loaded the comp1 one in the truck and done some free reves and no sputter till 3500 not bad I'm sure it will go away with the smarty