Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

Got new buttons put in my Pulse and now it works perfectly. I have also loaded the RowJ-AGG tune and 90% of my surge has gone.
Anyone have the ADR1000 & ADR2000 tunes dated 5/14/2008 or 5/04/2008? I'm looking for them because my brothers truck runs best with them & he lost the file.
I had to send them twice before I remebered how to do it. I think it worked the second time though.

Thanks, got em'. I can't figure his truck out. The box came with ADR1000 tune dated 5/14/2008 & it ran like a bear. He downloaded the new comp tune & it defuels at 900*, not to mention surges like crazy. The Pulse isn't set to defuel, but it still does it. He has tried all the beta tunes on the website & still defuels at 900*. All defuel features are turned off & still does it, seems to just stop fueling at 2800rpm no matter what tune. His truck has Fass, RV275 injectors.
Justin from Quad sent me 3 files to try due to my surge issues with all the other tunes. This one works great. :clap:
This tune worked great for me and alot of others, but I believe that is the tune that Quad forgot to add the top-end fueling to it.
Meaning.........after that tune had been out for awhile, Quad told everyone that the tune was missing @ 25% of the top-end fueling (he did not have the tune "programmed" right).
If my memory serves me correctly, that was the case with that tune. Other than that, it was a nice smooth tune.
It actually worked pretty good on my stock truck since it didn't fuel so hard on top end.
Guess thats why they sent me 20 of them
That's funny right there. I don't care who ya are LOL.
Well, glad to see that Quad atleast got ya takin care of (for now). Those 20 buttons should last ya awhile.
For those that tried a Smarty stacked on the Adrenaline........ Still running it?
Anyone dynoed, or run at the track, with AND without the Smarty?

if you would send me that tune as well i just oredered my adr and with my custom ecm with the smarty comp stack my truck is picky......trying to save some time testing and tuning lol

thanks josh
For those that tried a Smarty stacked on the Adrenaline........ Still running it?
Anyone dynoed, or run at the track, with AND without the Smarty?


I like the stack alot, although I have taken Smarty out because I'm running the new comp tune & the pedal was way too jumpy. It works well with ADR2000, but anything with more aggressive fueling is crazy jumpy.
Well my ADR locked up on me today. Had to pull over and unplug it and plugged it back in. Worked just fine but the box was hot as hell.