Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

From what I've been told the production boxes have been fixed and it was just a problem with the beta's. Time will tell I guess.
i have a production box that has frozen up once...but that was a WHILE ago and hasnt happened since??????????
May have been. I dont know much about what was fixed or when it was fixed. I was just told that they are aware of it and that the production models have had the problem take care of.
Anyone else have a stinky box?LOL Whenever i take mine out of the truck to update it it smells funny, kinda like clutch...
Anyone else have a stinky box?LOL Whenever i take mine out of the truck to update it it smells funny, kinda like clutch...

Have you opened it up and looked at teh board? One of my early beta units overheated and melted the large white resistor. Have you had to do any long cranking lately?
Have you opened it up and looked at teh board? One of my early beta units overheated and melted the large white resistor. Have you had to do any long cranking lately?

I was gonna open it the first time i smelled it but was afraid of warranty issues.... I ran out of fuel about 3 weeks ago... and also did an injector swap lastweek. Im going outside to take a look....Thanks
Yup, that long white resistor is cracked in half the long way and the board is chared around it, the inside of the box is melted also.... Back to Quad it goes.... its been working fine though.
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Yup. That's the one that burns. Justin over at quad said they are aware of it and it's only on beta boxes and that the production boxes have it taken care of.
I think they were leaning towards a long cranking condition that causes this. I had just swapped tubes, so it took me a while to crank over.
The boxes I know of that have done this haven't had any cranking problems. Fire on the first key turn. Mine's overheated twice running 70mph down the freeway and my buddy's overheated when he pulled away from a light.
My second one (not beta) fried itself going down the road running 60 mph. Truck has never failed to start on the first or second time it turns over(Knock on wood).
Alright i refuse to have something on my truck that catches on fire or burns or what ever. But today i went out and start the truck up drove 2 blocks and my truck dies. I get out and pop the hood and there is a **** load of smoke comming out of the ADR box. Now i cant get quad to return my phone number or nothing. I thought my truck was on fire.

This is totally unacceptable and looks to me like they are laying their entire company on the line. What if my box would have gotten a chance to get some air in the box and totaly flamed up and burnt my truck down. I would not be happy and they would be talking to a lawyer.

What is going on in the box itself that is burning????? It smells like really bad smoke burn or something.

Not Happy At All
Thats the same thing mine did. I had to get an old shirt out of the truck to get it unhooked. I first grabbed it and earned myself a blister it was extremely hot. it was still warm to the touch 30 min later.

Went camping for the last 3 days and noticed the Surge is still there even with the RowJ Tune Quad sent me. I also believe that there is a slight surge even with the Pulse set to 0. It only does this at certain throttle positions. I believe the box is just makeing it worse. Im going to adjust the APPS and see if that helps.
how do you know how new of adr you have? mine has the adrenaline sticker on it i dont rembember arins having that.