Adrenaline's new 4000RPM box!

has any one ever tried to put a 7300 ( p pump ) on a 24v is there any thing i need to know?
thanks thats a p7100 in thinking hard on a p7300 little bigger pump some say it will work but havent seen any in action.
First of all I'm with you all there has to be a way to pull a vp on the weekend ( finish in the top 5 ) and drive it to work monday, I have an adr I'm just wondering is there a fix for the poppen and cutting out or should i save the time and money ( considering a vp has a repputaion for not lasting under stress) and p pump it or is there hope?

A VP set up right will compete very well unless you are running a 2.8 class with several very strong trucks.
The Adrenaline definately outpowers the Redline box, especially above 3500rpm. If Quad gets the launching issues resolved & I believe he is.....the Adrenaline will be the box to have.
yeah the adr makes more power over 3500rpms but i havent seen a vp truck hold much over 33-3400rpms pulling down the track no matter if they run a adr or redline
The Adrenaline definately outpowers the Redline box, especially above 3500rpm. If Quad gets the launching issues resolved & I believe he is.....the Adrenaline will be the box to have.

My friend you have the patience of a saint. We have been hearing that the adrenaline is the box to have for well over a year. I would have bashed my head into a wall by now.
My friend you have the patience of a saint. We have been hearing that the adrenaline is the box to have for well over a year. I would have bashed my head into a wall by now.

I know, but I also know how electronics are. Fixing one thing has a reverse effect until you find a happy medium.:hehe: I have no other choice TJ, can't P-pump it, Redline box isn't streetable, Smarty is not gonna get me down the track, I refuse to go back to Edge after all those issues. Noone else is even trying to do anything for us vp guys. Quad has gone out of his way to make things happen. What else can I ask for?
dont know i have a puck on the truck right now but its Gilmores. Might just run redline for awhile since i heard that the dragon fire doesnt like added timing

Is there any boxes to run that don't add timing and stack with a redline? How did the dragon fire run at ts?
Double J. if you want bring your truck down to dayton, i will put it on the dyno and if you have a comp or any other box to try we can switch them around. that should give some hard facts and numbers to gauge what works and has the best results????

pm me if your interested.

Thanks for the offer. I did it back to back testing last year with my old box and the ADR laid down about 10 more peak hp. I'll do some back to back testing again with the 4k box as soon as I have some free time.
Well hold on a sec! It does work but it sounds sorta like a 50cal sub-machine gun, here ill try to do my best descripion

pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow-pow-pow-pow-pa-pow-pa-wa-wa-wa-ta-ta-pow! then somewhere in between the next pa-pow it just losses all power and goes to 3200RPM? Ant questions?
A VP set up right will compete very well unless you are running a 2.8 class with several very strong trucks.

Tell that to Darren Smith (Smokin Blue), He was very competitive with his Monster pump. I think he was 2.8 maybe someone can correct me? His vids are on youtube.
Tell that to Darren Smith (Smokin Blue), He was very competitive with his Monster pump. I think he was 2.8 maybe someone can correct me? His vids are on youtube.

I think you misunderstood me. A Strong VP in a 2.8 class will place towards the top and often even first. The problem comes when you get several strong P-pumps and several strong Duramaxs and one or two lonely VP trucks. They are just outnumbered and the lack of RPM starts to hold them back in the 2.8 class. They are still very competitive in the 2.8 class when set up right.