Any more news of Super Revo?

I have an 03 with the 48RE and I have the same issue, can not build boost with it on. The down side is throttle is very touchy, and it shifts way to hard to DD with it off.
if you need the tnt just ask. The ssr for the 67 will be perefected here in the states.
think you guys are waiting for a dead horse. If there was such a thing something would have slipped out by now as this has been going on for awhile. Good luck thou!!!!

Funny to go back and read the post of the Nay Sayers!!!

Well, I can say that this "Dead Horse" is hauling Arse!!!!
Im out testing a new setting. Let me first say this in the name of safety, If it starts raining and the roads are wet and you have a setting that has fairly big jumps from LL to the HL, BE CAREFUL!!!!

This new new setting has a noticible hit when mashing the skinny one past about half way +/-. In the lower gears it even breaks the tires loose on dry pavement on a roll on. Not even WOT, so when u accidently do it in the rain, WHOA!!!!

Just be careful!!!

As for the new setting im trying, it is really waking up. I feel like its at least 700 or more. Even in this 90+ degree heat!! I added a bit more duration and timing to HL. And just a touch duration on LL. My LL timing is still less than stock to try to help spool in this heat. So I think that big jump in timing is the hit that im feeeling!!

Here are the settings:

RPM off
TQ Stock
Sft. Lmt. Off
LL tm 5
HL tm 20
LL rp stock
HL rp 30
LL dr 17
HL dr23
even though i really dont plan on getting ssr for a while, very cool of you to show your someone just getting there hands on it will have something to go with..nice job, go hit the dyno for a day now..:Cheer:
even though i really dont plan on getting ssr for a while, very cool of you to show your someone just getting there hands on it will have something to go with..nice job, go hit the dyno for a day now..:Cheer:

No problem man...I have nothing to hide and I'm certainly trying to do my part to help Bob /Marco get the feed back they want and need to even make it better if possible...

I really wish I could get on Dunbars dyno for a day...I'm not sure when I'll be able to arrange it though...

I'll keep sharing when I do more testing.

The only negative thing I have to share (and its not that big of a deal) is the fact that with my last two settings (posted in this thread), I'm getting a little bit of what feels like "surging" on the hwy. at steady RPM's....

RP seems normal at cruising speeds (70-80 mph) and at around 1900-2200 rpms, but I'm getting a bit of a rough surging....Not a big deal but simply just feels a little jerky and not the smoothest of rides...

Now I'm not saying it has anything to do with the SSR, but then again it may......I just figured I'd share to see if anyone else seems to have the same affect...
RP seems normal at cruising speeds (70-80 mph) and at around 1900-2200 rpms, but I'm getting a bit of a rough surging....Not a big deal but simply just feels a little jerky and not the smoothest of rides...

Now we're getting somewhere! That's the kind of feedback I need to correct eventual problems!

Q: has the roughness been there with all the setting's you tried?

What I want to come to. Is the roughness related to ??? whatever map that may cause it or is the roughness due to the combination you're testing actually?


Now we're getting somewhere! That's the kind of feedback I need to correct eventual problems!

Q: has the roughness been there with all the setting's you tried?

What I want to come to. Is the roughness related to ??? whatever map that may cause it or is the roughness due to the combination you're testing actually?



Well I think I've only tried 3 combinations so far. The first time I loaded it, I used your post for "close to stock" settings... I did mostly city driving. Then I loaded the first setting I posted and Yes , the roughness was present at hwy speeds / cruising. Then I loaded this recent setting and the roughness seems the same as it was. No worse but no better.

For the record, when I first drove my truck home from Garmons, It was on stock programing. I don't think this surging / roughnesss was there.

I could unloaed it and test again today if you like???
Or change a setting and try again.

If you have an idea about it, post it and I will try it today. I will be on duty Fri-Sun and won't be able to test again till Monday.

Any way to add a 'middle' setting so it does not hit as hard when the LL is cranked down to control smoke?
I feel the surging happens when the load a slight hill when you are on cruise around 2100 to 2200 is like no mans land between ll and hl. Worse with a huge trailer in tow...

I think I tuned it out though by raising my lldur closer to hl dur.

I am running this on the street...and loving it. Around 750 or so (70 psi)...

Rpms high
TM stock
Llrp 20
Hlrp 20
Lltim 20
Hltim 25
Lldur 20
Hldur 10

Hldur of 15 or more with my sticks is track or dyno
I feel the surging happens when the load a slight hill when you are on cruise around 2100 to 2200 is like no mans land between ll and hl. Worse with a huge trailer in tow...

I think I tuned it out though by raising my lldur closer to hl dur.

I am running this on the street...and loving it. Around 750 or so (70 psi)...

Rpms high
TM stock
Llrp 20
Hlrp 20
Lltim 20
Hltim 25
Lldur 20
Hldur 10

Hldur of 15 or more with my sticks is track or dyno

Nice!! Thanks for sharing!
Your probably right about closing up the duration gap to help with the roughness..

I'll try a few more settings soon.

I could unloaed it and test again today if you like???

Trying the bare stock settings to find out if the roughness is (modified) software related or not would already be a step into the right direction.

It would be wonderful If you could do that test for me!



bbbxcursion's idea for a middle ground set of settings isn't a bad idea. I'm sure you investigated it at some point. Is there an easy answer you could provide as to why there's 2 vs 3 or 4 levels?
I can't test that till the weekend...but everything seems better with not a huge gap.

Sticks are flux 5.x