ARP Installation

Your completely right Cornelius so anyone have a shop that they can recommend me too?
I asked for a shop in the first place but 800 is a bit step thats double than the studs are worth

It would cost more than that at our shop, but we won't do studs without pulling the head. Just sayin'.
Back in line people. Too many new concepts being introduced at once.
Sunday is my only day off. I don't have a bottom tap with me or a torque wrench. If you're leaving the head on we'll need some kind of adapter for the bottom tap. Normally, I'd just make one, but I didn't bring many tools with me. That being said, I'll always work for beer.
Awesome hydro you need an adapter for the tap??? I can try this weekend. If your talking about a t wrench i have one ill bring a few 6 packs lol
The tap is not long enough to reach the bottom of the tapped holes, need an adapter/ extender to make it work when leaving the head installed.

An no, you can't soak the tap in some sort of blue pill/miracle solution to make it long enough to reach the bottom of the hole.
Runninlean Not to be a dick either but 800 bucks is alot of money for anybody that works 9-5 if someone guides me I can give it a shot. I dont have a sponsor or do I make a loads of cash an hour. I am trying to learn truly I am that why I asked for a shop in the first place but 800 is a bit step thats double than the studs are worth

Well if you are having a hard time figuring out how to use a bottom tap. Consider striping the threads on your block or bending a valve if your money is that tight then you might be in a real pickle. Suddenly $800 would look cheap.

I admire your desire to learn and by all means hope you do. I would suggest having someone experienced help you and not trying it on your own. By the way $800 is a good price for that job in your typical market areas.
Thanks Runninlean and Big blue I will get something to extend the tap/chaser it is a learning process but if I have done the rest of the work so far and it hasn't blown up I am very relieved
I typically tape the tap to a 12 point 1/4" drive socket and use a locking extension to get it long enough. They do make some 6" and 9" bottom taps that I have and have used also, but either one will work for what you need.
Hey guys I finally found someone who can mill down the pedestals for me now my question is can I run the regular head bolts once the pedestals are done so i can drive the truck home and do it on my own time
If this is your only vehicle, you should pick up a cheap vehicle for DDing while it's down. You'll start projects just to find three more things you want to/need to address.

I've got a few vehicles, but the last one I bought was a 95 Jeep XJ for $1000 and it gets 20mpg like clockwork. I love it. And it's a pretty fun vehicle because I don't care much about it. Get something like that.
I dont live in the middle of the country or in the suburbs i live in miami parking is limited . I am bringing him the pedestals so he can mill them its just once they are done can i take the truck home using the stock headbolts since ill replace them when i get the truck home
Will he Let you do the job right at his Shop? Shouldn't take all but 2 hours tops