August 9th Gainesville Raceway

Anybody know what time the race gets over with. I know some ricers that need to get killed Saturday night.
Is this night strictly diesels or will there be other cars & trucks there racing too?

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geez....dont you know whats going on? :umno: im just excited cause i actually know the town just a bit :rockwoot: time to party friday..saturday...and puke it off sunday!!!!!:doh:
Ya - Adam I'm going to try... I will know for sure next week and can let you know then. I might try to make it over to DJ's Friday night if we can get out of here early enough... my buddy Jim (Ebahamajohn from FTW) said he was planning to head over there.

I will defiantly be making it up there, Would be nice to meet some local diesel people.
The More the Merrier :cheer: :cheer:

I'm keeping count of everyone who has asked for the address but that isn't necessarily right. Please let me know if you will be attending on Friday night and if so, how many. This is just to give us a general idea.

We're also unsure about the food. DJ wants to bbq and I want to order pizza. Let us know what you prefer. I'm also making my special Looney cupcakes. I made cupcakes for my kids school parties for years and am officially a cupcake expert :hehe:

As far as the time, any time after 6 PM is good.

I doubt I'll be able to come Viv, gotta work Fri I think. Gotta make money to go play Saturday.
I'm sorry to hear it but I'll make sure and save you a cupcake.

Thanks Viv, you're the best! I'm not sure what kind of goodies I'm gonna be bringing to the track.