BD Twins vrs rip's twins

oh wow. look who chimed in. speaking of corrupt vendors. right on time buddy. your right o-pie, I did get what i deserved, a product that was crafted much better, top notch quality service, and all for a much more reasonable price from jason at NWCustoms.

even as rip said to me over the phone... "i don't know why our twins are so much more than the competitors"
Camotanker said:
oh wow. look who chimed in. speaking of corrupt vendors. right on time buddy. your right o-pie, I did get what i deserved, a product that was crafted much better, top notch quality service, and all for a much more reasonable price from jason at NWCustoms.

even as rip said to me over the phone... "i don't know why our twins are so much more than the competitors"

i love the drama:pop:
Camotanker said:
oh wow. look who chimed in. speaking of corrupt vendors. right on time buddy. your right o-pie, I did get what i deserved, a product that was crafted much better, top notch quality service, and all for a much more reasonable price from jason at NWCustoms.

even as rip said to me over the phone... "i don't know why our twins are so much more than the competitors"

What where the prices that you actually paid? And quoted from both vendors?

Didn't I read somewhere that you where unhappy with all the prepwork that was needed now your saying the kit was crafted much better.

How am I currupt MR. "At my level I should get things for free!" There is no reason for you to write things like(aka go phuck yourself). You want to come accross like you know something tell us what you know.
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Opie said:
What where the prices that you actually paid? And quoted from both vendors?

Didn't I read somewhere that you where unhappy with all the prepwork that was needed now your saying the kit was crafter much better.

How am I currupt MR. "At my level I should get things for free!" There is no reason for you to write things like(aka go phuck yourself). You want to come accross like you know something tell us what you know.

oh... your right... people that know things use "kiss my ass". right?

I was happy with the product. the only thing that I wished different that I got the twins sooner. Jason is very busy at the shop. Rip had them on the shelf vs Jason being 5 weeks out. Going with Jason I saved over $700. Jason was asking $4800(including shipping) and rip was asking $5600 (plus shipping).
Camotanker said:
oh... your right... people that know things use "kiss my ass". right?

I was happy with the product. the only thing that I wished different that I got the twins sooner. Jason is very busy at the shop. Rip had them on the shelf vs Jason being 5 weeks out. Going with Jason I saved over $700. Jason was asking $4800(including shipping) and rip was asking $5600 (plus shipping).

So to sum your side of this story up, if a guy calls both vendors for a third gen S300 / S400 twin setup? Jasons quote will be $700 cheaper which is 16 percent less, but it may require a 5 week wait correct? Then theres a 8.6 percent sales tax that has to be added into the cost of the twins too right?
omg guys thanks for the hijack seriously i know every one here hates everyone elese that is fairly obvious so you dont need to go proving your points further, i came back from work expecting some usefeull info and i think i had one post out of 20+ that was actualy helpfull, belive me i understand that this happens all the time here but this is a very expensive and imporant step for me and my truck and let me tell you all my price quotes ahve been under 3k, i ahve yet to call jason at nw however im leaning more towards bd becasue of the known customer service i ahve recived from there and i can get a killer deal on the upgrade kit. now Im not trying to discourage any HELPFUL posts but if you want to rant at each other please do it over pms so not to make youselves look like morons to hundered of other people
*rant off*
and thank you for the helpfull replies
Lostnwalmart said:
omg guys thanks for the hijack seriously i know every one here hates everyone elese that is fairly obvious so you dont need to go proving your points further, i came back from work expecting some usefeull info and i think i had one post out of 20+ that was actualy helpfull, belive me i understand that this happens all the time here but this is a very expensive and imporant step for me and my truck and let me tell you all my price quotes ahve been under 3k, i ahve yet to call jason at nw however im leaning more towards bd becasue of the known customer service i ahve recived from there and i can get a killer deal on the upgrade kit. now Im not trying to discourage any HELPFUL posts but if you want to rant at each other please do it over pms so not to make youselves look like morons to hundered of other people
*rant off*
and thank you for the helpfull replies

What would be helpful input in your opinion?

BD VRS RIPS TWINS, and you seriously didn't think there will be some adamant replys from the two camps? Whether you are VRSing company's building transmissions, injectors or even twins pretty much everyone knows the history of high strung loyalty.

Which turbos do the two kits utilize?
What power/application are you planning to goto?
basicaly this will be for a daily driver that will spend time racing and some minor towing. all out power is not the biggest concern, and i know that some people would disagee with each other everyone has diffent experiences with the same things and takes differnt things from it however i didnt think this would become a battel ground which give us no help. (but is some times interesting to read)
I got two HX-35's and a roll of duct tape. Strap them two S.O.B.'s together and ya got your self a quality set of twins. I'll cut ya a real good deal on 'em... Let me know.

Lostnwalmart said:
basicaly this will be for a daily driver that will spend time racing and some minor towing. all out power is not the biggest concern, and i know that some people would disagee with each other everyone has diffent experiences with the same things and takes differnt things from it however i didnt think this would become a battel ground which give us no help. (but is some times interesting to read)
Sounds like you need to go with BD.
Do you have any welding skills? if so, you can get a twin kit from Rip with all the piping jigged and tack welded. You finish the welds, clean them up and powder coat things as you like. That is the kit I got and I have about $34-3500 into them. I did have a few issues with getting the piping just the way I wanted it, but everything fits good now.
I have a set of Rips Twins on my truck. They support the power I now have with room to grow. I am running a S300 / S400 The kit is well made with no problems when it comes to install and with a different hot pipe you can upgrade later. I found his price to be the lowest of the two you are asking about and his customer service is the best I have found. He sells the kit in different stages of completion if you want to do the finishing yourself and save some more cash. Rips got my business.
Opie said:
MR. "At my level I should get things for free!"
Sorry but that's funny. What level would that be cause I'm sure I'm above it? I'll be expecting rebate checks from several of you vendors and you know who you are lmao.
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Hey lostinwalmart, if your truck is an automatic you will have a transmission oil cooler on the side of the block. It may be a tight fit with a primary s400 down there. I know that the BD twin kit (good for supporting 575 hp) will fit in there without relocating it.

Rip has been great to me. Always! I never hear a complaint from any of his customers either.

He pays his tab on time ( always ) , orders products, and gives me plenty of slack and understanding if I get behind or make a mistake.

I dont have any dealing with Jason @ NW or BD Power, so I could not comment on them in these regards.
duke1n said:
Sorry but that's funny. What level would that be cause I'm sure I'm above it? I'll be expecting rebate checks from several of you vendors and you know who you are lmao.

I don't care who you are... that is funny right there! :hehe:
i have rips twins on my truck and i have a stk clutch in there dont have money for dual disk right now....
i have a 57mm s300 (freebee) and the s400 that he supplied in his 2/3 kit i can put my boost gauge past 60 and i dont know how far it will go because all i have is a 60 lb gauge....

this setup is awesome on the street souper responsive i will eventually upgrade to a 62/13 ss from htt but dont need it for now.
basically to summ it all up i love my twin kit from source automotive every time i call rip with a prob or question he calls me right back or doesnt have any problem staying on the phone with me trying to help me tune or figureout what im doing wrong...

to be honest i dont think his prices are that high
call haisleys or scheids see what they want for a twin kit

basically i would call everyone get your prices, check your warranty if one, ask them all the questions you want, and whoever you feel most comfortable spending your money with that is who i would choose. you are the one who has to be happy with the product and supplier not us.
with that said good luck and hope you find and get what you are looking for
BD twins versus Rips twins. If your 2nd gen truck IS an automatic & you don't want to relocate/replace your heat exchanger, don't buy ours. They won't work.With our placement of the S400, removal of the heat exchanger is mandatory.While I can't speak for other than our own products, we've got a handful of vp44 trucks, # 2 only, in the 600-660 hp range that run "acceptable" egt's, at least imo.Most of these guys run dual purpose trucks, much like you've described.All of them off the top of my head run 62/300's on top to retain streetability.I know I haven't seen "every" twin kit available, but with my rather biased opinion I've yet to see one I liked better than our own.One of the things I really like is the flexibilty in regards to changing top turbos, dependent upon intended useage. Within the last 6 months we did have the "priviledge" of removing 2 sets of competitors twins, then replacing them with our own.In both cases, both customers saw reductions in EGT's & ET's at the track.One guy shaved OVER 1 second off his ET, just by switching twin set ups.No other changes that I am aware of.

Here Lostnwalmart, I'd like to apologize upfront for a high jack. At this point I feel I must stand up for Source Automotive in regards to false statements made in this thread about me & our company.Our company is built upon honesty, integrity, hardwork & above all, customer satisfaction.We strive for customer satisfaction.It's the blood that makes the Source Automotive heart pump. It's what got us off the ground & has gotten us to where we are today.Without it, we wouldn't exist, nor will we be allowed to move forward. Our 3rd gen. twin kit retails for 5100$. Always has & will continue to be so, until we can further reduce production costs.We have two fantastic fabricators on our payroll & neither is willing, nor able to work for 10$ an hour.Are we making money ? Yes. Absolutely so.We could not continue on if we didn't.

camo I quoted you 4600 for a 3rd gen kit.Why I offered you a "deal" I now haven't a clue.You wanted me to match someone else's price of 3800$. I told you I couldn't do that & would be paying you to take it if I did.You asked me the difference between the two kits. I honestly told you I didn't know the difference as I hadn't seen the kit you were referring to.Yes, I indeed said if you laid them both on the ground maybe you could see a difference. If you paid 4800$ on a 3800$ quote, something clearly appears amiss. Either that or you blatantly lied to me hoping for a "deal". Looking back it seems as though you've had a problem with me since I wouldn't allow you to choose your own pricing.That's one of the cool things about America.If you don't like us, our product, or our prices, you have the option to take your business elsewhere.I'm damn glad you did.

While we strive for customer satisfaction, we're clearly not batting 1000%. We can keep most of the people happy, most of the time. Some of the people, happy all of the time. But we can't keep all the people happy, all the time. Rip
I've been around rip's twins and bd twins in two types of trucks. One runs a TST COMP/Smarty/Mach 6's/Meth/BD twins on a dtt tranny. The BD's spool up phenomenally well and keep EGT's very acceptable. So much so that the owner doesn't even pay attention to his EGT gauge anymore when he's running down the track but he's still hitting around 1500*. The other truck is running a TST COMP/Smarty/SO VP on a HO truck/Mach 6.5's/Meth/Rips twins with a 35/14 on top and an S400 on bottom on a 6spd truck and up until he got the beta smarty program he would barely touch 1250* going down the track. While towing he has no issues what so ever with EGT's. Another buddy of mine is running a B1/B2 setup similar to rips with mach 6's/Drag Comp/Smarty on a 6spd and he only sees 1200* withOUT his meth turned on. All 3 sets spool up faster than my 62/12 with the BD's spooling up slightly faster just because they are so small. I honestly feel that the BD's are good to the 500-550hp range while rip's are good to 550-650hp. I personally am going with rip's twins once I get the money built up. I've dealt with him before and he's definitely one of the best in customer service I've ever dealt with and his prices aren't any more outrageous than anyone else's.
Never dealt with Rip on a set of twins...but I'll be calling him shortly for a frined of mine:D

However, every other time I have called Rip at Source Auto, it has been nothing but awesome. I just recently spend a good bit of money with him, and I cannot say a single bad thing about the transactions. Products were top quality, shipped quickly, and the service is excellent. Even called me a few days later and asked how everything looked. You don't get that just anywhere!

In my opinion, you can go wrong with Rip's twins (just knowing the chargers he uses, and looking at pics on his site;)) or the BD's. I had them, and loved them...I had a HX40/B2 setup,and loved them too.

Thanks Rip!