BD Twins vrs rip's twins

Dockboy said:

But back to the topic................

I spent quite a bit of time talking with Rip on the phone about twins. We talked some theroy and about some plumbing ideas. Seemed like a great guy and spent all the time knowing I probably was not going to buy anything because i have to custom build my twins myself.

exactly Rip's style .
BgBlDodge said:
I guarantee that I've spent far to much for how slow my truck is. LOL

I'll buy that:D I see no end in sight for me either...I keep finding stuff wrong with this thing now that I'm trying to put it together:(

Looks like a year ago ole' Camo was Rip's best buddy:doh:

I guess then when he doesn't get something for free from sucking up, those "best buddy's" turn into thieves!:bang :rolleyes:
Dockboy said:
Looks like a year ago ole' Camo was Rip's best buddy:doh:

I guess then when he doesn't get something for free from sucking up, those "best buddy's" turn into thieves!:bang :rolleyes:
Said it before and I'll say it again. I am not sure who he thinks is listening. After a while, you learn to just ignore them. LOL They think they are killing business, but all they are doing is making themselves out to be a fool. LOL
I am thinking this whole mess was a miscommunication between them.

Rip sells the 3rd gen twins for 5100. Camo called about a price for his 3rd gen and got a quote for 5600. 500 over retail cost. What? No way that was on purpose. Camo was probably getting pissed because he was asked to pay more than anyone else had quoted him.

Either Rip said 5600 or Camo heard 5600 when Rip said 4600. I know Rip "meant" or said 4600.

So, in Camos defense he heard a number ( or thought he heard ) higher than everyone else. If I was Camo - in his place, I would be bent too.

Now Rip is getting defensive cause he quoted Camo a good deal and Camo was saying "thats a crappy deal" because he either heard 5600 or was, by mistake told 5600. So, now they are both bent at each other over a misunderstanding.

In Rips defense he probably felt the price he quoted at 4600 was more than fair and could not figure out why Camo was trying to drive it lower. That woud piss me off too. Camo would not do anyone like that on purpose, Im certain.

I bet my lefty this was a numbers mistake, misquote, or misunderstanding.

Neither of these guys are cheaters. As I said before, Rip shoots straight and runs a good business. Camo has been great to me as well. He runs a nice website, and has a sweet truck he has spent a bunch of cash and hard work on. He gets very little for free or even reduced cost on that truck. He bares the fuel cost to drive to events like the Diesel Power Challenge and I have never given his ass anything for free.
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Camotanker said:
Rip. you are NOT a honest business person. You quoted me $5600 plus shipping. Period. You told me you couldn't come down in price any because you "had too much time" into them. "any cheaper and you would be paying me!" you also said maybe you should work your guys harder because maybe they weren't building them in an effecient manner. further more, when I asked why such the high price you became defensive and a smart ass. this is even after i was giving you a second chance for burning me on that head and the work i told you i already had done to it.

Burton quoted me $4800 and thats what I paid.
Further more you told me it would be more for shipping.

one of the cool things about american is that i can pass the word that you are a dirty businessman. i'm even entitled to my opinion even if you think i'm not being fair or honest. ever since greed has taken you over you have not been the same person. i hear it from countless people. eventually your tactics will catch up with you. you used to be widely loved however your stock has slipped. i have also the right to have the opinion that i believe Burtons kits are of better quality than yours. its life.


if I was a business owner and you called me and acted like you did on this board, I'd quote you above retail in hopes that you'd never call again
here are some good pictures of mine when I first put them in.
Forrest Nearing said:
if I was a business owner and you called me and acted like you did on this board, I'd quote you above retail in hopes that you'd never call again
:hehe: now that is funny!
one magazine cover and he expects a break on parts freakin spare me...600hp CR was bad ass in 04 maybe.
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Thank you.
I have had great luck when dealing with Rip. Whether is is chewing the fat, grabbing a beer, borrowing a scan tool, or returning a part I dont want anymore, the dude is great to work with.

While I do not run a BD or a Source Automotive set of twins, both are a good choice. BD's set is great up to 550 HP, and Rips are good for upwards of 650.
my twin kit looks exactly like rodram2002 except mine is done in silver vein powdercoat
bonesmx2000 said:
my twin kit looks exactly like rodram2002 except mine is done in silver vein powdercoat

How about a picture?

If you want cosumer service, Rip is your man. A while back, I was having some issues with my TST that I got. To help me do some trouble shooting, Rip let me borrow another TST, which did solve my problem. While mt TST was getting fixed which took about 2-3 months. Rip let me keep his TST and I never hear one complaint from him. I didn't even pay shipping. Any time I have some trouble with my truck, Rip is willing to take the time to bs with me and see what we can come up with to fix it.

You are ok in my book Rip.:rockwoot:
If you would consider any other brands, I've had good luck with mine from Joe Hellmann, a vendor on this site. It's an old school setup of an HX40 over a BHT3B. It's priced well, and I made 751/1,512 with them on my 06 wastegated at 50 pounds on diesel only.
Source Automotive Customer Service

It seems that when I've gone to Rip and needed info on products purchased then he as always been outstanding in getting me a response. Often he has to access those who are inaccesible and some how he gets it done and in a timely fashion. I can't see why anyone would have a problem with his customer service.
Rip Rook said:
BD twins versus Rips twins. If your 2nd gen truck IS an automatic & you don't want to relocate/replace your heat exchanger, don't buy ours. They won't work.With our placement of the S400, removal of the heat exchanger is mandatory.While I can't speak for other than our own products, we've got a handful of vp44 trucks, # 2 only, in the 600-660 hp range that run "acceptable" egt's, at least imo.Most of these guys run dual purpose trucks, much like you've described.All of them off the top of my head run 62/300's on top to retain streetability.I know I haven't seen "every" twin kit available, but with my rather biased opinion I've yet to see one I liked better than our own.One of the things I really like is the flexibilty in regards to changing top turbos, dependent upon intended useage. Within the last 6 months we did have the "priviledge" of removing 2 sets of competitors twins, then replacing them with our own.In both cases, both customers saw reductions in EGT's & ET's at the track.One guy shaved OVER 1 second off his ET, just by switching twin set ups.No other changes that I am aware of.

Here Lostnwalmart, I'd like to apologize upfront for a high jack. At this point I feel I must stand up for Source Automotive in regards to false statements made in this thread about me & our company.Our company is built upon honesty, integrity, hardwork & above all, customer satisfaction.We strive for customer satisfaction.It's the blood that makes the Source Automotive heart pump. It's what got us off the ground & has gotten us to where we are today.Without it, we wouldn't exist, nor will we be allowed to move forward. Our 3rd gen. twin kit retails for 5100$. Always has & will continue to be so, until we can further reduce production costs.We have two fantastic fabricators on our payroll & neither is willing, nor able to work for 10$ an hour.Are we making money ? Yes. Absolutely so.We could not continue on if we didn't.

camo I quoted you 4600 for a 3rd gen kit.Why I offered you a "deal" I now haven't a clue.You wanted me to match someone else's price of 3800$. I told you I couldn't do that & would be paying you to take it if I did.You asked me the difference between the two kits. I honestly told you I didn't know the difference as I hadn't seen the kit you were referring to.Yes, I indeed said if you laid them both on the ground maybe you could see a difference. If you paid 4800$ on a 3800$ quote, something clearly appears amiss. Either that or you blatantly lied to me hoping for a "deal". Looking back it seems as though you've had a problem with me since I wouldn't allow you to choose your own pricing.That's one of the cool things about America.If you don't like us, our product, or our prices, you have the option to take your business elsewhere.I'm damn glad you did.

While we strive for customer satisfaction, we're clearly not batting 1000%. We can keep most of the people happy, most of the time. Some of the people, happy all of the time. But we can't keep all the people happy, all the time. Rip
Rip, I've haven't bought anything from ya'll yet but its nice to see a performance shop up there in Oregon. I'll be transfering up that direction next year and I'm sure I'll have broken a few parts by then. About a year ago I got a quote for a HT charger from you and it was right on par with other shops out there.

Well I already have a couple of turbos and I am hoping that rip can help me with some brackets and piping to get it all together.