Changing superstreet to a 10.5-10.9 index class

I think the .1 gap between sportsman and super diesel is ridiculous. I agree that there is way too big of a gap to encourage people to step up. I dont feel the problem lies in super street or pro street for that matter. I think that the Super Diesel index needs to be moved closer to 11.0. 11.6 would keep people from needing a cage but I feel that a 11.0-11.1 index would be better from a spectator perspective
They are two completely different styles of racing, bracket racing and index racing cant be compared imo.
I think the .1 gap between sportsman and super diesel is ridiculous. I agree that there is way too big of a gap to encourage people to step up. I dont feel the problem lies in super street or pro street for that matter. I think that the Super Diesel index needs to be moved closer to 11.0. 11.6 would keep people from needing a cage but I feel that a 11.0-11.1 index would be better from a spectator perspective

What? :doh: There is not gap in SD and ET!!! You just have to dial 12.0 or slower has anyone saying this is a gap even run a ET class? You can run both class's like V. Southwick .1 second is not a gap in diesel racing we aint running throttle stops and delay box's for pete's sake.

This whole discussion is about 10.5 to 11.50 trucks. If you have a 11 second truck you can compete in a 10.5 index.

:doh: I swear the reason we don't get more competitors is the majority of people have no idea what Index and ET racing really is. We just got a bunch of Rocky Bobby's running around saying "I wana go fast".... :nail: This wouldn't be a bad thing if they had any clue what it took build a consistent 10 second or faster truck.
Love the idea. Have a Pro street class for balls out, big pocket, fast trucks and a mid ten index. I would sign up for the index in a heart beat.
:doh: I swear the reason we don't get more competitors is the majority of people have no idea what Index and ET racing really is. We just got a bunch of Rocky Bobby's running around saying "I wana go fast".... :nail: This wouldn't be a bad thing if they had any clue what it took build a consistent 10 second or faster truck.

I agree.
I think every point has been brought to the table. My opinion is leave SS alone and add a 10.9 index.

Sent from Holderdown Performance iPhone Command Center
What? :doh: There is not gap in SD and ET!!! You just have to dial 12.0 or slower has anyone saying this is a gap even run a ET class? You can run both class's like V. Southwick .1 second is not a gap in diesel racing we aint running throttle stops and delay box's for pete's sake.

This whole discussion is about 10.5 to 11.50 trucks. If you have a 11 second truck you can compete in a 10.5 index.

:doh: I swear the reason we don't get more competitors is the majority of people have no idea what Index and ET racing really is. We just got a bunch of Rocky Bobby's running around saying "I wana go fast".... :nail: This wouldn't be a bad thing if they had any clue what it took build a consistent 10 second or faster truck.

Just sayin'

Index Racing ... Fact vs. Fiction - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

I just came from a national race that had the following car counts in the following classes:

11.50 Index - 50 cars
10.00 Index - 65 cars
8.50 Index - 55 cars

But hell, what do they know? :confused:

I also race in this same monthly race with the same classes and the avg. count in each class is 20+

Index classes set up at the safety breaks is the only way "Diesel only" drag racing is going to grow. It is still "heads up" racing and EVERYONE can race and be competitive. You can run as fast as your installed safety equipment will allow.

For some asinine reason, you people think that because we are talking about trucks it is "special" or "different" than any other type of drag racing. :doh: As long as this attitude remains, the sport will never grow.:bang

But what the hell do I know :shrug: I only go out and race everywhere. I was the only diesel truck out of 400+ racers this weekend.
If 10.9 happened you'd basically have 9, 10, 11, 12 and slow classes...if you can't fit your truck any of those then you have a problem.

Sent from Holderdown Performance iPhone Command Center
I would eventually get my dakota to run 10.90's if that index was available. The only class i could race in with my dakota would be pro street or super diesel. A 10.90 class would be perfect.
I would eventually get my dakota to run 10.90's if that index was available. The only class i could race in with my dakota would be pro street or super diesel. A 10.90 class would be perfect.

your dakota needs to run first:hehe:LOL:kick::kick::welcome::Cheer:
If 10.9 happened you'd basically have 9, 10, 11, 12 and slow classes...if you can't fit your truck any of those then you have a problem.

Sent from Holderdown Performance iPhone Command Center

Eh not really true. I am guessing your referring to the 10second class as SS and 9 to PS. The problem with that is the rules set's that are in place for SS. My 2wd back half truck won't meet the SS rules.

Greg I love the Index as well as the Bracket class's. I run several bracket and Index class races.
I fully understand the difference between index and bracket. The point I was trying to make is that there is not enough of an incentive to jump from Super Diesel to Super Street with the gab being so huge. I also think running two classes with ET being so close... IE SD and Sportsman, is retarded.

If the Super Diesel index was In the mid to low 11's It would give people the incentive to make the jump out of sportsman into Super Diesel, and from Super Diesel to Super street.

This will help the sport to grow and give a better range of times for competitors to build a truck for.
What? :doh: There is not gap in SD and ET!!! You just have to dial 12.0 or slower has anyone saying this is a gap even run a ET class? You can run both class's like V. Southwick .1 second is not a gap in diesel racing we aint running throttle stops and delay box's for pete's sake.

This whole discussion is about 10.5 to 11.50 trucks. If you have a 11 second truck you can compete in a 10.5 index.

:doh: I swear the reason we don't get more competitors is the majority of people have no idea what Index and ET racing really is. We just got a bunch of Rocky Bobby's running around saying "I wana go fast".... :nail: This wouldn't be a bad thing if they had any clue what it took build a consistent 10 second or faster truck.

And for the record, we have a 10 second truck that is running in Super Diesel. Im thinking you re-read what I wrote you would understand my line of thinking a little better. I did try to explain it better in the post above
What about having a street truck class? Heads up, daily driver, register, no fuel cell, batteries stock location, intercooler stock location.