Cheaters in Work Stock classes.

sleddy I get what you are saying but the simple fact is that tech's need more time. I mean if a tech doesn't have the time and can see that there is a giant Dampner( which you need for stroker ) then something is wrong.

People are going to cheat no matter what. It suck's but it's true. I think some harsh universal rules. Like get caught your banned from pulling etc.

Also the biggest thing is the Turbo's. I think there should be like a overall turbo frame limit for 2.6 it should be S300 based etc.

Cause 2.6 originaly started as a pull for the guy's that upgraded their turbo's.

I mean 3.4's bushed to 2.6's is redicoulus props to them for making it and spooling it, but that's just crazy.
i was the one with the silver dodge that pulled right befor the "winner". as you can see i'm running to the exact truck smokes like a train., cause i'm running the stock turbo. the tech was kinda sh*tty. he just glanced in and saw it said holset. lol. nothing more than that. the rule startes stock appearing oem brand spec. the guy that won the month prior was running a fat shaft 62. not stock appearing or oem brand spec. wtf. it seems if you play by the rules you get smoked. lol i believe its about living in the gray area to be competitive. lol. nothing seems black and white. just my 2 cents. i know i'm getting an hx40 or making my 35 a hybrid to help a bit. so if anyone has one for sale let me know please.
If all he care's about is that it say's holset then go with like a 2.8 Hx55 Hx82 CDS makes some mean Holset's.

It's within the rules.
i was the one with the silver dodge that pulled right befor the "winner". as you can see i'm running to the exact truck smokes like a train., cause i'm running the stock turbo. the tech was kinda sh*tty. he just glanced in and saw it said holset. lol. nothing more than that. the rule startes stock appearing oem brand spec. the guy that won the month prior was running a fat shaft 62. not stock appearing or oem brand spec. wtf. it seems if you play by the rules you get smoked. lol i believe its about living in the gray area to be competitive. lol. nothing seems black and white. just my 2 cents. i know i'm getting an hx40 or making my 35 a hybrid to help a bit. so if anyone has one for sale let me know please.

Heck if your doing a 40 might as well get a HX50 (63 wheel) there compressor housings are the same size as 35 or 40 just put your HX35 tag on the cover
my truck is a true dd. i wont be able to spool it on the street. lol. i tried an h2e that was 63/72/17. it was wayyyyyyyy laggy!
I pull a truck that is all stock other then a smarty and a clutch and i have no problem pulling in a 2.6 class. If i get up in the top half of the class then im happy because im doing it for the rush and realize that other trucks in the class should beat me.


You, are a true competitor and a credit to the sport!!
sleddy I get what you are saying but the simple fact is that tech's need more time.

People are going to cheat no matter what. It suck's but it's true. I think some harsh universal rules. Like get caught your banned from pulling etc.


Listen, we dont want you to show up 6 hours early for a pull,so we can disassemble your truck. Our techs do fine, there was 40 guys there perfectly legal, and most of them in the class they belonged.

We didnt have a problem will Miller dropping from Mod to SS, he did it within the rules.
If you limit the compressor wheel to fit into the bore you are going to limit what the compressor can make. Make the exducer as big as you want you will reach a point that it not only does not help it will hurt the performance. Then everyone will just buy that charger and the field is leveled. Look at the power Nascar is making with a limit plate. Just took the guys a few years and they had all the performance they had before so they reduce the limit plate more! It's racing and that's what racers do. If you limit the wheel to fit into the bore it does not matter if you use a bushing or not. They will only flow so much, now limit the bore only as it is now and you will flow much more, just the way it is. I would also like to see a competitive 2.6" truck that's cheap, that horse was let out of the barn long ago!

Steve there is so much wrong with your post I dont know where to start. Id suggest you drop it, since this is a pulling thread not racing, and you are in over your head, as usual,(even on the NASCAR stuff you are wrong)

We SHOULD be limiting the exducer, but it is a PIA to tech on most trucks, and not needed at this point in the game.
Steve there is so much wrong with your post I dont know where to start. Id suggest you drop it, since this is a pulling thread not racing, and you are in over your head, as usual,(even on the NASCAR stuff you are wrong)

We SHOULD be limiting the exducer, but it is a PIA to tech on most trucks, and not needed at this point in the game.

Interstate Truck and Tractor Pullers has an interesting piece in their 7700lb light limited turbo class rules...any competitor can buy another competitors turbo for $1500 at the event, after the class has run, must happen at the event not after, saves a lot of tech and bitshing! This could work in the WS and 2.6 classes, make it a $1000 and I guarantee the cheaters would be very cautious. LOL
this has been a lot to read but interesting. im pretty new to pullin and my brothers and i built a 2.8 truck and know we arent gunna win right away or win a lot since it is a power stroke in 2.8...we are starting at local and fair pulls to get our feet wet. we do it for the fun of it and its something to do on the wknds...some people take this way to seriously and nobody every makes money doin this sport...its impossible. dont get me wrong i want to win and enjoy winning.
Interstate Truck and Tractor Pullers has an interesting piece in their 7700lb light limited turbo class rules...any competitor can buy another competitors turbo for $1500 at the event, after the class has run, must happen at the event not after, saves a lot of tech and bitshing! This could work in the WS and 2.6 classes, make it a $1000 and I guarantee the cheaters would be very cautious. LOL

Seriously - if everyone that wanted the 2.6 class to be streetable work trucks - there is no way they would support a "claimer turbo" class because they need that turbo to go to work the next morning.
Steve there is so much wrong with your post I dont know where to start. Id suggest you drop it, since this is a pulling thread not racing, and you are in over your head, as usual,(even on the NASCAR stuff you are wrong)

We SHOULD be limiting the exducer, but it is a PIA to tech on most trucks, and not needed at this point in the game.

If you knew much of anything about a turbo you would also know that once you limit the inducer the exducer size change also becomes limited. While it's not the end all be all, it's something event a pee brain like yours can handle checking :hehe:
i agree with the teching the money spots it will speed up the process tremendiosly. but there is a simple solution to the big money high horsepower debate.

ws: stock turbo, no weights no bracket no bars and if you cant pull the cover or don't want to for the money spot "grab your cleats and get to stepping" and thats for every class!!

2.6: what ever 2.65 plugged turbo you want to run!! no blocked suspension no bars (hard to put the big money 800+ hp to the ground w/o them) detune or jump to the 2.8. let the street trucks have this class back

2.8: whatever 2.85 plugged turbo. can hang weights and bars but no water!!!! if you need water injection step up to the 3.0

3.0/3.2 compound open drivetrain and water injection.

this would keep most of the money out and make guys either jump up or detune and be able to drive their truck and be smooth on power deliverly or they will break something everytime out in the 2.6.
in the 2.8 the water is a crutch for some that have the fuel and power to step up to the 3.0 class.

i might be way off base but its just my opinion but if it stays the same. just go out and pull and have fun no matter what.

or screw it if you can drive it in or check in a a remote location and then drive to the event have a run what ya brung "drove" class anything goes as long as its driven and teched. (i like this class idea):Cheer::rockwoot:

sounds good to me i like the run what ya brung class will make it nice to experiment with combos and other methods to make power, plus im a little partial to nitrous, as long as its set up safety wise, why not, would make it alittle easier for the lower budget guys to have alittle more fun i would imagine the class would grow like crazy especially with cr trucks, im in it for the fun not for the money!
sleddy you should make a dead line for teching say if your not there half hour before the pull you dont pull or a hour before cause of the time it takes to tech. Cause thats one thing i hate i pull also and am a tech for the class i pull i dont want to be rushing to tech then stuff gets missed thats why i am almost always a hour or 2 ahead of when a guy should be there
rwyb, no tow ins, current regestered proof, dot tires. thats would be an interesting class
Rules suck but work stock sucks worse.

Work stock - get rid of it

2.6 turbos - No bushings, no stepped covers, no clipped wheels. Exhaust must exit behind cab, no water, no duals, every street item must be there and working including both headlights and both front seats, Reece hitch.

2.8 - get rid of it

3.0 - If you can spin it bush it, No tube frames, no fiberglass, 158" wheelbase, Dot Tires and have fun!!!

MOD - Let's enjoy the show.
Would making the work stock class 2.5 help, or do you think it would get WAY out of hand like 2.6 did?
Lube, I hate the NO DUALs crap. I say, if it had duals, let them run.

More like, Duals can be run provided that the fender covers over 80% of the outer most tire.