Cooler Racing in Houston?

Glad to see the PCRA is finally being officially recognized - we need to keep this kind of reckless behavior OFF the streets and IN the parking lots where they belong. :rules:

No more run whatchya brung?
Hope the rulebook has a workstock class for the Keystone crowd... :chug:

Does anyone know if power adders are allowed? (We've got an awesome Tequila Injection sytem - you can initiate it at anywhere from 3 to 12 beers!) :tree:

Just in case the PCRA starts getting anal about the ramp speeds:
Hmm, matresses, duct tape, and alcohol; sounds like a typical saturday night. :D
Speaking from experience.... Mattresses need to go ALL THE WAY AROUND the trailer. We almost had one guy fall off the top the trailer. Thanks to Bean he caught him and kept him from splitting his melon.

The bad thing is past participants did not realize there is rock under the grass in the TS parking lot (field) OUCH!!


On edit.. This is Sheila accidently posting under Dennis' log in..... You know he is asleep this could be fun.........
Ok, now I love the whole idea behind this as I missed it at TS and we didn't have it at Indy but who's bringing the trailer?:what: I think we are bringing 3 trailers but which ones maybe of worth depends. The petes hauling a low boy so that's out of the question and I'm bringing a 40 footer and if we get another truck around two mroe trucks will be on another 40 foots but I think before ya'll start going out and buying bandages (though they maybe needed anyways:doh: ) I think a trailer might be handy...:Cheer:
how do i get the oficial rule book for the pcra this sounds like alot of fun
We'll have the aluminum GN, but there's no center divider - so if y'all get crossed up in the lanes... it might leave a mark! :badidea:

IMO, any class over the 1.2% blood limit should require a 5 point harness... :rules: :Cheer:
XLR8R said:
IMO, any class over the 1.2% blood limit should require a 5 point harness... :rules: :Cheer:

Trust me ..You don't want to be straped onto one of these things when you get to the end of the track!
cyclone said:
how do i get the oficial rule book for the pcra this sounds like alot of fun

We haven't published an official rule book yet. Most of the time we make it up as we go along.LOL
This is a classic case of (In my best Danny Elmore voice)

"Hey, Hold my fifth of Jack and watch this!!!!" Moment :bang

Ill have the EMS crew stay late.

I think full race helmets are a good idea for ALL participants, and a few on-lookers also.
wideopen said:
We haven't published an official rule book yet. Most of the time we make it up as we go along.LOL
That's the challenge of it. You never know what kind of hijinx will be added into the fun.
Rule book........ LOL
I make up new and exciting rules as it happens. All potential racers need to sign up with Phil at the COMP D tent Saturday.
Timbeaux38 said:
Rule book........ LOL
I make up new and exciting rules as it happens. All potential racers need to sign up with Phil at the COMP D tent Saturday.

Woaaa hold it.. Potential racers need to sign up with any Mod or lead Mod at the CompD Tent.
Sign your name on 2 ice cold Bud or Coors Lights and give to the Mod of your choice to enter. I'll be accepting entries all day long.......
Sign your name on 2 ice cold Bud or Coors Lights and give to the Mod of your choice to enter. I'll be accepting entries all day long.......

but but but I don't drink light beer!
crewgirl said:
but but but I don't drink light beer!
You don't have to drink them to give them to Unbroken, just grab two loose ones out of the cooler section at the gas station on your way in:hehe: Though, if you get warm ones your name will write on them easier 'cuz the beer won't sweatLOL But warm beer might get you time added to your E.T.:badidea:
There better be some Coors Extra Gold in that county! If not, let me know so I can buy some on the way! I'm tired of this water, 3.2 Oklahoma crap.
NO CHIT...I'm glad I'm outta Oklahoma and back where I can buy real beer.
cyclone said:
how do i get the oficial rule book for the pcra this sounds like alot of fun

As already posted, there are very few rules. However, as with any event of this nature the rules will be made up as it goes. The best rules are always created late in the night as the "racer" advance. There will be simi-sober people on the premises to document the rules and make sure they are implimented earlier in the next events.

As far an power adders, they will be allowed in both pro modified and Top (shelf) alcohol. You can any version up to 90% in the pro modified and up to 100% in pro alcohol. However the PCRA has asked you to use caution as they really don't want to have to stop to clean the track.

Helmets need to be required, maybe we can do a drink your drink, put on the helmet and then make your "run". This will probably add a new dimension to the racing.
silverline1 said:
However the PCRA has asked you to use caution as they really don't want to have to stop to clean the track.
To all racers:
If you "oil down" the track...your drunk ass WILL clean it up...while we all laugh at you.