Diesel power challenge 2013

It's just expensive period.

My only concern about having it shipped would be someone not giving a phuck because it's not there truck they are hauling.
Shipping it, with current fuel prices, would be atleast double what it'd cost you to haul it.
You could ship it for about $.80 a mile. Which is much less than you drive out there in and back plus all the wear and tear on your tow rig.
The auto moving industry is weird in its way of pricing. You can ship a car from Kansas City to New york city and it will cost you $900. Ship that same car to Los Angeles and it still will only cost you $900. It seems the price gradually climbs with distance up to about a 1000 mile haul and then it levels off and in some cases drops slightly.
Now this may be a stupid question, but does anybody have there truck shipped there. Of course im speaking about people from very far away. But I was just curious because I know it would be one he'll of a drive, and expensive for me truck trailer and truck on back. Just curious if some people from a good distance would be ahead to do so?

I know my buddy Joel hauled his rig out for DPC 11 all the way from New Hampshire...one heck of a drive!
That's why we bought the place. (You thought it was for the beautiful view, didn't ya.)
yeah but he has to live there !!

i went to TS and the Comp-d race in alabama , from L.A. !!

I love Colorado, minus the influx in Californians and the hippies. I want to put up welcome to Ohio signs at all of the borders to keep them out!

That's why we bought the place. (You thought it was for the beautiful view, didn't ya.)

Nah... You're the one guy I know who takes as many if not more random trips than I do. Which is impressive when I try to leave nearly once a month.
I am #12 with the orange dodge, mod list is up to date in the magazine but,I have a few parts on the way to help me out if I get voted in, like a 2 new chargers and bigger injectors :ft::ft: