Diesel Television airs their first show on April 26th on Fox Sports Net

They need some work but like you said, they'll get better.

The interviews didn't flow. It'll come with more time in front of the camera.

Glad to see Diesel's on TV though.
Was on multiple channels here 3PM, 4PM, and 6PM.

Cool thing, we walked into a local pub about 15 minutes early for the 4pm show and the wait staff did a double take when we came in. They had been watching the show without knowing who or what they were watching. Still had to buy our own beer, so didn't mean squat!!!
Hell yeah..got to watch the first half hour before I had to take off...but It was pretty cool. Re-watching the recording now...can't wait to see the next episode!!
I found it... on FSN, shows to air Monday @ 3pm.... maybe I missed it today, or Alabama is just behind like always...
saw it down here too

i thought it was a good show.... ill definately watch it again...

PS Rob congrats on your wins... u have a bad dmax....
Found it on a couple stations here too. Watched parts of it, but need to go back and watch it on DVR. I have it scheduled to record all new shows.
DirectTV had it on channel 687 RTNWHD (ROOT Sports) here in the PNW. Rebroadcast will be at 1:00pm Fri. 4/27 on 687 here in the PNW. Found it with a search on the receiver.

By the way, nice dance Rob. LOL

Was on multiple channels here 3PM, 4PM, and 6PM.

Cool thing, we walked into a local pub about 15 minutes early for the 4pm show and the wait staff did a double take when we came in. They had been watching the show without knowing who or what they were watching. Still had to buy our own beer, so didn't mean squat!!!

Went to dinner with my mom since I have seen it, and actually got the staff to turn it on 4 of their 6 tv's. The guy next us recognized me, even though I am haggard, and bought our dinner! hahaha Oh the perks of being a celebrity. :hehe:

They need some work but like you said, they'll get better.

The interviews didn't flow. It'll come with more time in front of the camera.

Glad to see Diesel's on TV though.

Are you referring to my interviews? What didn't you like about them? I'd love some input from the people who are going to be watching this and want to see it succeed. PM if you don't mind taking the time. Thanks in advance!
Mikaela :thankyou2:
I thought it was pretty good for the first showing. Need some more sponsors for commercials. One can only take so much of Ted Nugent and MBRP exhaust in one day. Lots of action crammed into one hour. It will get better and better I'm sure. Looking forward to the next episode.
Mikaela you are way hotter in person!
Interviews will get better, you just have figure out what you want to say ahead of time, that comes with practice!
Mikaela you are way hotter in person!
Interviews will get better, you just have figure out what you want to say ahead of time, that comes with practice!

I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or....
I agree, interviewing will get easier, as it was easier in Texas. I was kind of thrown out and told to go film and I figured you can't go wrong with who are, whats your truck and whatcha got done to it. *bdh*
I'm thinking of taking applications for a new driver, once John gets ahold of Graydon.:hehe:
Are you referring to my interviews? What didn't you like about them? I'd love some input from the people who are going to be watching this and want to see it succeed. PM if you don't mind taking the time. Thanks in advance!
Mikaela :thankyou2:

Certainly didn't mean anything bad by it.
Wasn't meant directly at you either.
Just seemed like it was a bit "scripted" or something.
At one point it looked like you might have been reading off a card as to what to ask...I could be wrong. Just seemed like your eyes went off screen a few times and then back on for the question.

The guys (host) at times where looking off to the side (wrong camera) that the tv was showing at that moment... Most shows like that, they strive to keep the eyes on camera angle... Maybe they did it on purpose...Just something I noticed.

I was also talking about "Flow" when the competitors were concerned as well. Not saying I could do any better LOL
Just seemed like a few of the interviews kinda caught the competitor off guard or something..

Mainly I was just agreeing with the others that meant It'll get better as the Host, you, AND the Competitors get more comfortable in front of the camera...

I Dug it!! It was fun to see our sport actually on TV...

You did a Good job and I know you'll get better and better with each show.. Just like with anything... Take time to get comfortable with anything new..

I really hope I didn't offend ya with my comment.. Wasn't meant that way.... Mean It!! lol

I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or....
I agree, interviewing will get easier, as it was easier in Texas. I was kind of thrown out and told to go film and I figured you can't go wrong with who are, whats your truck and whatcha got done to it. *bdh*
Complement yes. I am a fan of seeing folks in person!

And believe me Big swole lots of the interviews are not scripted. More on the fly andtrying to remember the high points...
You may get to see me next time...
The nervousness goes away and everything will definitely get better.

But yeah the looking at the wrong camera (rob) is odd to see... need the red light on the camera on which one is on...
Its not on until midnight here. Really looking forward to watching it and watching it a couple more times on the dvr. I hope my interview didn't make it into the show,I felt like will Ferrell on talladega nights.:bang