Diesel Television airs their first show on April 26th on Fox Sports Net

Certainly didn't mean anything bad by it.
Wasn't meant directly at you either.
Just seemed like it was a bit "scripted" or something.
At one point it looked like you might have been reading off a card as to what to ask...I could be wrong. Just seemed like your eyes went off screen a few times and then back on for the question.

The guys (host) at times where looking off to the side (wrong camera) that the tv was showing at that moment... Most shows like that, they strive to keep the eyes on camera angle... Maybe they did it on purpose...Just something I noticed.

I was also talking about "Flow" when the competitors were concerned as well. Not saying I could do any better LOL
Just seemed like a few of the interviews kinda caught the competitor off guard or something..

Mainly I was just agreeing with the others that meant It'll get better as the Host, you, AND the Competitors get more comfortable in front of the camera...

I Dug it!! It was fun to see our sport actually on TV...

You did a Good job and I know you'll get better and better with each show.. Just like with anything... Take time to get comfortable with anything new..

I really hope I didn't offend ya with my comment.. Wasn't meant that way.... Mean It!! lol


No not offended in the least. I really meant it when I asked for feedback. That is the only way we will get better! Nothing is scripted, I think the time you are referring to, someone yelled at me and I got distracted ahahah blonde moment. Honestly, the questions were the same, because I didn't know what else to ask. Texas will be a lot better because we know what we want to see, and Indy will be even better because we know what you guys want to see.

Complement yes. I am a fan of seeing folks in person!
I thought I looked better in Phoenix, then Texas, but apparently I'm blind because Matt got told that I was really hot like 20 times in Texas. Even by Harold from BD, who I see EVERY SINGLE RACE. hahaha He thought I was a different person. It was the tank top. That thing holds magical powers or something. It could also be Texas. I always though Texas was magic...

The metal hanging out of your face! I could do without that!

Over all good job for a first show. It should get better with more experience.

Well I could do with out everyone thinking I got this job because of my "twins" but I doubt that will ever happen so... I was hired because I know diesels, I love diesels, and some people think I look ok standing up there. I am an individual and I can't please everyone so I make myself happy. I'm sorry if it wasn't your style, but at the end of the day, I am me. I am very happy that you were pleased with the show, and once again sorry that my choice in what I do to my body, offended you. :shake:
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The show was very good! I'd like to see maybe one more round of racing, otherwise it was great. Keep it up guys (and gals)
I'm thinking of taking applications for a new driver, once John gets ahold of Graydon.:hehe:

LOL may not be a bad idea... It was pretty funny though...

Its not on until midnight here. Really looking forward to watching it and watching it a couple more times on the dvr. I hope my interview didn't make it into the show,I felt like will Ferrell on talladega nights.:bang

"I...I don't know what to do with my hands...."

Looking forward to big things to come with this. I know Randy has talked about this for years now, and I'm happy to see it starting to become a reality for him, the competitors and the sport! I hope that this first episode brings more and more spectators,a nd competitors to these events now! Congradulations again to Randy and the entire NHRDA and Diesel TV crew...
I was just really disappointed that us Canadians couldn't watch.....I hope they have it available to us Canadians before the Edmonton race.
Mikaela....you did fine. I doubt any of us would have done any better. I did get a kick out of when you were interviewing Tyler and every time you took a step closer he took a step back....LOL.

All kidding aside. Keep up the good work and we'll see you in Indy.
Not sure how i looked in the interviews but im pretty sure I didnt do us Canadians justice. LOL
Wish I could have seen it. Hopefully the link goes on here soon
The metal hanging out of your face! I could do without that!

Over all good job for a first show. It should get better with more experience.

well we can't put you on TV, your bald head would create such a glare no one watching would see anything:doh:
I'm sorry if it wasn't your style, but at the end of the day, I am me. I am very happy that you were pleased with the show, and once again sorry that my choice in what I do to my body, offended you. :shake:

I know its a generational thing, but IMO you would come off with much more class and respectability if you lost the facial piercings for the shows interviews on camera. It would appeal to a much broader audience.

Wear that stuff all you want the rest of the time, but from my generations point of view, its hard to take you serious with things hanging from your face.:doh:
I know its a generational thing, but IMO you would come off with much more class and respectability if you lost the facial piercings for the shows interviews on camera. It would appeal to a much broader audience.

Wear that stuff all you want the rest of the time, but from my generations point of view, its hard to take you serious with things hanging from your face.:doh:

Its an acepted thing in society nowadays there are lots of people that like a girl with a pirecing like that. Its not generational, my parents like it on girsl and so does my grandma, so pretty sure its just you that thinks it makes it hard to take a girl serious
The film editing needs some work. How many times did they show a truck doing a burnout and then cut strait to the end of the race.

The commentators need to be filmed from the waist or chest up in a tighter shot not the whole room.

The times announced sometimes did not match up with the times displayed next to the drivers name on the screen.

I know its all about getting the sonsors name out there but I think one good tech tip per show would be better.. It could be more technical than how a diesel muffler works.

Good first show.
I know its a generational thing, but IMO you would come off with much more class and respectability if you lost the facial piercings for the shows interviews on camera. It would appeal to a much broader audience.

Wear that stuff all you want the rest of the time, but from my generations point of view, its hard to take you serious with things hanging from your face.:doh:

We race diesel pick-ups. I think its a lot harder to take some of these racers serious then me. I mean, after all, no one would argue that yes its, fun, but we are a pretty dumb crowd. Like I said in my last post, I am sorry if I offend you, but Aaron's right, it isn't a generational thing. My grandparents are very traditional, southern baptists and when they saw it, they thought it was adorable. It is a taste and some people hate it and some people love it, but I love it and I did it for me, no one else. :Cheer:
Its an acepted thing in society nowadays there are lots of people that like a girl with a pirecing like that. Its not generational, my parents like it on girsl and so does my grandma, so pretty sure its just you that thinks it makes it hard to take a girl serious

It has NOTHING to do with being a girl!!!

She was looking for comments...And I gave mine.

Personally, I don't understand the whole tattoo/piercing thing and neither does a large portion of people my age. I guess it depends on the demographic you are looking to attract.
It has NOTHING to do with being a girl!!!

She was looking for comments...And I gave mine.

Personally, I don't understand the whole tattoo/piercing thing and neither does a large portion of people my age. I guess it depends on the demographic you are looking to attract.

I appreciate your feedback. Thank you.
We race diesel pick-ups. I think its a lot harder to take some of these racers serious then me. I mean, after all, no one would argue that yes its, fun, but we are a pretty dumb crowd.

Speak for yourself!!! Honestly, that perception is a large problem that prohibits growth in this sport!!

I don't consider myself "dumb", nor could a "dumb" person even drive or tune my race truck!! I am taken very seriously at the race track for my knowledge and racing ability by spectators and competitors alike and that is the way it should be and should be promoted. If you want to promote stupid, toothless drunken hillbillies...pick another sport!!

Like I said in my last post, I am sorry if I offend you, but Aaron's right, it isn't a generational thing. My grandparents are very traditional, southern baptists and when they saw it, they thought it was adorable. It is a taste and some people hate it and some people love it, but I love it and I did it for me, no one else. :Cheer:

They thought it was adorable because you are THEIR GRAND-DAUGHTER!!!

I think you did a great job for the first time...you wanted to know what people thought...I told you what I thought.
Just when I think Greg can't say anything else to surprise me on here he goes and proves me wrong.
Personally, I don't understand the whole tattoo/piercing thing and neither does a large portion of people my age. I guess it depends on the demographic you are looking to attract.

The demographic we are looking to attract? Look at every sport out there, Motocross, NHRA drag racing, any extreme sport. Look at the people it attracts. Thats the majority of the people out there nowadays that are into sports like this. Doesn't make them a diffrent person. Kind of judging by looks now aren't you.

I for one have piercings and tattos and will have more by the end of the season. Does it make me any dumber no. I can build and tune a truck with the best of them and I have lots of people that will talk to me for advice and they have nothing against the way I look.

Yes I wear a straight brim hat, have piercings and tattoos. Still the same person I always have been and will be looks dont mean anything.