Diesel Television airs their first show on April 26th on Fox Sports Net

hardy har har.

Don't let these old farts get to you. You are sweet as pecan pie to talk to and have a good understanding of diesels and drag racing. Best of luck to you with this endeavor and I look forward to seeing you and Matt later this year.
Don't let these old farts get to you. You are sweet as pecan pie to talk to and have a good understanding of diesels and drag racing. Best of luck to you with this endeavor and I look forward to seeing you and Matt later this year.

Aw thank you.
Although the truck count has been great at the AZ and Texas races, sure would help TV editing to have more of the fast trucks competing. Then there is a lot more to play with for excitement. I hate breaking, but with the parts available and the HP people are pushing this will be a fact of life until we can design better products.

Dockboy, when a person puts down someone else because of their person choice which doesn't affect anyone else, that is prejudice in my book. I don't have tats or piercings and I'm a bit long in the tooth myself, but hopefully I never come across sounding like you in this thread. Funny thing is when you posted that stuff about metal, I didn't even know what you were talking about, see I've known her for years and don't even notice the piercings because she is a good person and that is what I see.
Dockboy, when a person puts down someone else because of their person choice which doesn't affect anyone else, that is prejudice in my book. I don't have tats or piercings and I'm a bit long in the tooth myself, but hopefully I never come across sounding like you in this thread. Funny thing is when you posted that stuff about metal, I didn't even know what you were talking about, see I've known her for years and don't even notice the piercings because she is a good person and that is what I see.


I wasn't putting anyone or her down. I know of, and have friends that do the same things (tattoo/piercings) and I don't think anything less of them even though I don't agree or understand it. She asked for opinions and I gave mine. Personally, I (and many others that I talked to) feel it would come off much more professional if she removed the piercings for the interviews. The ONLY professionally produced TV shows I can ever remember seeing with interviewers having things hanging out of their face is Professional Wrestling. I don't know about you, but that is not the future of diesel drag racing I in vision, or would want to have any parts of.

Like I said previously, I thought see did a good job for the first time. Just loose the piercings for the show.
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Speak for yourself!!! Honestly, that perception is a large problem that prohibits growth in this sport!!

I don't consider myself "dumb", nor could a "dumb" person even drive or tune my race truck!! I am taken very seriously at the race track for my knowledge and racing ability by spectators and competitors alike and that is the way it should be and should be promoted. If you want to promote stupid, toothless drunken hillbillies...pick another sport!!


So here i am reading these posts from you and I had to scroll back up to make sure it wasn't Greg HOUGE. Whats next old wise one, no drinking after events?
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I wasn't putting anyone or her down. I know of, and have friends that do the same things (tattoo/piercings) and I don't think anything less of them even though I don't agree or understand it. She asked for opinions and I gave mine. Personally, I (and many others that I talked to) feel it would come off much more professional if she removed the piercings for the interviews. The ONLY professionally produced TV shows I can ever remember seeing with interviewers having things hanging out of their face is Professional Wrestling. I don't know about you, but that is not the future of diesel drag racing I in vision, or would want to have any parts of.

You were putting me down, and your comment, got to me before any other criticism about how I interviewed. You criticized ME, not my ability, which is why I think that these guys have decided to say something. I had my lip pierced before I was even asked to do the show. It's not something I went and did because I thought it would be cool on National TV. Diesel owners are unique, and I for one am damn proud of that fact. I am nothing like most of my girlfriends, and it is because of that fact, I got this job. If you want to be grouped into a category with all the other motorsports (NHRA, Nascar, ect ect.) than I get where you are coming from, but personally I think we are a little different then them. We definitely don't have it as easy, but we still are passionate and we still spend the money that we do, to race and promote our sport. If it is that big of a deal, I will put a plug in, because I think you will be unhappy with the plain hole as well, but I honestly, don't see a SINGLE person, sitting in front of their television, and saying, "Oh my goodness, that girl has a facial piercing, I just can not watch this show anymore". How about my nose stud? That need to go to?

And before you say it, don't apologize, because that would just demean both of us.
You were putting me down, and your comment, got to me before any other criticism about how I interviewed. You criticized ME, not my ability, which is why I think that these guys have decided to say something. I had my lip pierced before I was even asked to do the show. It's not something I went and did because I thought it would be cool on National TV. Diesel owners are unique, and I for one am damn proud of that fact. I am nothing like most of my girlfriends, and it is because of that fact, I got this job. If you want to be grouped into a category with all the other motorsports (NHRA, Nascar, ect ect.) than I get where you are coming from, but personally I think we are a little different then them. We definitely don't have it as easy, but we still are passionate and we still spend the money that we do, to race and promote our sport. If it is that big of a deal, I will put a plug in, because I think you will be unhappy with the plain hole as well, but I honestly, don't see a SINGLE person, sitting in front of their television, and saying, "Oh my goodness, that girl has a facial piercing, I just can not watch this show anymore". How about my nose stud? That need to go to?

And before you say it, don't apologize, because that would just demean both of us.

Feisty LOL

Saved on dvr and haven't seen for myself to confirm, but from the few friends I talked to about it there were NO complaints about the cute girl giving the interviews :Cheer:
does dockgirl even go to any nhrda events or just crap on them
That doesn't matter. It is his opinion and he has his right to have it.

Feisty LOL

Saved on dvr and haven't seen for myself to confirm, but from the few friends I talked to about it there were NO complaints about the cute girl giving the interviews :Cheer:
Thanks. Yeah, I'm a pistol. LOL full of piss and vinegar. I hang out with a bunch of diesel drag racers, haha I better be feisty
I watched the show and enjoyed it. I felt the breakage of the two Pro Stock trucks and then seeing them back at the starting line later was pretty exciting to see if they would hold together or not. Most of the stuff I noticed has already been mentioned, but one thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned is a microphone issue. In particular, during the MBRP tech tip segment, the MBRP representative turned around to grab a muffler and the mic "lost" him for a second. I think it might be a good idea to get a clip on mic on the guys during the pre-staged interviews like this. Obviously you can't do that for after the race competitor interviews, but I didn't really notice any problems with those.
I watched the show and enjoyed it. I felt the breakage of the two Pro Stock trucks and then seeing them back at the starting line later was pretty exciting to see if they would hold together or not. Most of the stuff I noticed has already been mentioned, but one thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned is a microphone issue. In particular, during the MBRP tech tip segment, the MBRP representative turned around to grab a muffler and the mic "lost" him for a second. I think it might be a good idea to get a clip on mic on the guys during the pre-staged interviews like this. Obviously you can't do that for after the race competitor interviews, but I didn't really notice any problems with those.

Way to pick up on that! I noticed it as well. I would like to know if the clip-on's would work better. Randy did the tech tips for Texas, so I'm not sure how they turned out. Thanks for the input, and I'm glad you liked it!
but I honestly, don't see a SINGLE person, sitting in front of their television, and saying, "Oh my goodness, that girl has a facial piercing, I just can not watch this show anymore". How about my nose stud? That need to go to?

And before you say it, don't apologize, because that would just demean both of us.

My Wife and a friend of her's that was here when the show was on said that EXACTLY!!! And my Wife does go to the track with me and has been to several NHRDA races with me.

I'm not going to apologize because you took my comment as personal attack. You asked what could have been better about the show and I told you.
My Wife and a friend of her's that was here when the show was on said that EXACTLY!!! And my Wife does go to the track with me and has been to several NHRDA races with me.

I'm not going to apologize because you took my comment as personal attack. You asked what could have been better about the show and I told you.

So because I have a lip ring, your wife decided that she so greatly affected by the maybe 7 minutes that I appear on screen, that she didn't want to watch the whole hour. Well to me, that is so absolutely close-minded, that I don't even know what else to say, so once again, I am sorry that it offended you and yours.
this is getting way off track-
gregs thought was about looking more professional in the interviews and how it could be changed alittle---- look at nascar or any other big sports- clean cut personalities- no extras showing-

i was in az at the races- from nh

it wasnt a slame to you.... or your knowledge for the sport......
i agree with greg.... i dont want to be known as "the diesel redneck blacking out the drag strip or intersections"
im 34 before everyone starts thinking im old and out of touch
We race diesel pick-ups. I think its a lot harder to take some of these racers serious then me. I mean, after all, no one would argue that yes its, fun, but we are a pretty dumb crowd. Like I said in my last post, I am sorry if I offend you, but Aaron's right, it isn't a generational thing. My grandparents are very traditional, southern baptists and when they saw it, they thought it was adorable. It is a taste and some people hate it and some people love it, but I love it and I did it for me, no one else. :Cheer:

dumb/not a good statement.... i know plenty who would strongly disagree about being dumb
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dumb/not a good statement.... i know plenty who would strongly disagree about being dumb

I didn't mean uneducated.

You're right, this is getting off topic. Once again, I am sorry to all who were offended by my personal choice. I can't make everyone happy, so I'm sure as heck not going to try. Which means, I am making myself happy and my boyfriend comes in a close second.