Diesel Television airs their first show on April 26th on Fox Sports Net

Mikaela, I'm not going to speak for anybody. My take on Dboy's post not as an attack on you and your choice, just a suggestion. As jsf350 stated, look at other motor sports events on TV. I've never noticed anyone with tats or piercings in front of the camera that were working for the show. I have seen people being interviewed with them, just nobody with the mic. I have nothing against your choice or anyone elses for that matter. Some of the best friends I have have them. All he's saying is that you won't see them on other shows.

Just my take on what Dboy said.

Good show. I have my DVR set to record them all. The polishing will come with time and experience. You've already said you and others on the show have noticed things that you'll do different. That's how it gets better. Keep it up.

I personally would like to see more celebration dances during the trophy presentations.......
I watched the show last night.

Honestly, I was kind of annoyed by "Big Don", I skipped most of the "in room" commentary. I didn't get the jetcars, I skipped past that part too.

Mikaela, I wouldn't have noticed the piercing had it not been brought up here. I have no problem with it. I thought you did a good job with the interviews.

All in all, considering it's a new show, I thought it was a good start.
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You all did a good job on the 1st show. The NHRDA TV crew, like us, saw the miscues and learned from them. DIESEL-TV is up and running.

I did like to see the racing team being interviewed at there home shops. That was good and unexpected.

I do have one comment. It is an hour show, lets see more racing. I would like to see more of the qualifying rounds, I think that there were more than 19 trucks shown, entered in the event. There were a lot of the top trucks on the show, but what about the little guys that made the trip, I think they feel snuffed and may not make the effort next time. You are trying to grow, what a better way.

Mikaela you did a fine job for your first show. Keep it up.

LOL I don't know if you guys realize or not but not that many rounds happened at that event. There was a LOT of break downs. I watched it live online and not many people survived Friday nights test and tune. As for more sportsman races lets get real they are fun to race not so fun to watch in our sport. If we had real bracket racers it would be a bit more exciting IMO that is why I love the Super diesel 11.90 index class. Im not sure how much racing you can make up with only 1 Top fuel, 2 Pro Stock, and what 4 Pro Street entrees.
LOL I don't know if you guys realize or not but not that many rounds happened at that event. There was a LOT of break downs. I watched it live online and not many people survived Friday nights test and tune. As for more sportsman races lets get real they are fun to race not so fun to watch in our sport. If we had real bracket racers it would be a bit more exciting IMO that is why I love the Super diesel 11.90 index class. Im not sure how much racing you can make up with only 1 Top fuel, 2 Pro Stock, and what 4 Pro Street entrees.

There was a bunch of close racing in the 11.90 class that never made the cut. I believe the original field was about 20 trucks, all I know is I should have won that semi-final round against Verlon S., I just made the mistake of lifting around 900-1000' out when I was a truck length ahead and he came charging back really strong and I wasn't watching my mirror close enough and he blew right by me. I was worried he had enough power to run 11.90 flat so I was trying to pace him by a fender or so and lifted instead of using my brakes..... driver error on my part.
I'm sure in time we'll see more of the qualifing rounds. Need to remember this is a learning curve for Randy and everyone. They'll figure out a good program...and stick to it!! Can't wait to see more...
There was a bunch of close racing in the 11.90 class that never made the cut. I believe the original field was about 20 trucks, all I know is I should have won that semi-final round against Verlon S., I just made the mistake of lifting around 900-1000' out when I was a truck length ahead and he came charging back really strong and I wasn't watching my mirror close enough and he blew right by me. I was worried he had enough power to run 11.90 flat so I was trying to pace him by a fender or so and lifted instead of using my brakes..... driver error on my part.

I did the same thing, key is to not get off the throttle and just get on the break. Best bet is to just tree him and run the number.:D
Verlon can cut a heck of a tree!
I lost by 2 hundredths of a second to him in the finals here in texas, he drove right by me though, my car needs just a touch more power... So I can put down the number every time...
If we had real bracket racers it would be a bit more exciting IMO

Not quite sure what you mean by that, but if you think all 40+ trucks that were out there running sportsman were first timers who didn't care about competing and just wanted to run down the track, you're mistaken.
LMAO. I had to read it a few times to realized WTF was going on.
Nice spelling dumb ass. One too many G&T's.:D

Ah! Now I know who owes this shop in my city!! LOL

Not quite sure what you mean by that, but if you think all 40+ trucks that were out there running sportsman were first timers who didn't care about competing and just wanted to run down the track, you're mistaken.

Oh lord no need to get all overly sensitive. Im just saying we do get a lot of first timers (this is a good thing) and fairly inexperienced drivers. It's not that there is anything wrong with that by any means everyone has to start some where. The point I was trying to make is go to a large bracket race event with drivers and vehicles that run brackets regularly and the racing difference is night and day. I would say 70% of the sportsman racers we get rarely are consistent or very good at dialing in. (this makes for lass than spectacular races in the early rounds) Versus 80-90% of racers who do it regularly who cut down tree's and run consistently tight dial in's even knowing what the car is going to do hot lapping or temp changes.

Im not knocking bracket racing or the people who run them. I love running brackets in my daily driver and think it is a real challenge.
Out west here we have some of the best bracket racers running NHRDA sportsman. These guys regularly do very well/win with their diesels in the NHRA events. Michael Pliska, Paul Breedlove, Verlon Southwick, Jim Calhoun would give a run to any gas sportsman racer out there.

I do agree there is a lot of the field that is new and getting started though.
Out west here we have some of the best bracket racers running NHRDA sportsman. These guys regularly do very well/win with their diesels in the NHRA events. Michael Pliska, Paul Breedlove, Verlon Southwick, Jim Calhoun would give a run to any gas sportsman racer out there.

I do agree there is a lot of the field that is new and getting started though.

I totally agree Rob and in those events how often are those guys in the qrt finals or higher? Usually if they get knocked out early it was miss que on the tree or break down.

My point was I don't think the sportsman class makes great TV until you get those racers narrowed down. Its no discredit to them or the rest of the competitors its just not tight racing when one person misses his dial by .5 or more.
I totally agree Rob and in those events how often are those guys in the qrt finals or higher? Usually if they get knocked out early it was miss que on the tree or break down.

My point was I don't think the sportsman class makes great TV until you get those racers narrowed down. Its no discredit to them or the rest of the competitors its just not tight racing when one person misses his dial by .5 or more.

See and I disagree. I think that the guy sitting at home watching the stock truck with a chip will sit there and go, Hey I have exact set-up, why can't I do that. Yes, I will give credit where credit is due, Rob and Graydon and all those big guys are awesome to watch and make for great TV, but personally I'd like to see some of the smaller guys, not all, but more then there was, and definitely more interviews from them. I mean heck, they are the ones that make the races possible.