Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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I ****in' KNEW I recognized this ass-apple's name! This ****wad did buy-it-now on my 04 and then dropped off the face of the earth. I had to call his ****in daddy about it, and the next day I get an email like "sorry, I can't buy it" etc.

I should bought that thing.....
see this is what is wrong with compd! i come across entertaining threads like this and i dont get chit done cause i read through it and i cant stop haha i blame all of you for me not getting any paperwork done...oh and btw i work for my dad ha:poke:
Epic! God this is cheap entertainment at it's finest... :hehe:

Mental note to self don't piss off Chris... Dude has wicked intenet skills :eek:wned:
holy crap, i took off one night of compd reading to paint my 07 headlights and i miss 8 pages! priceless.

For those interested in the back story, page 5, post 95:

And just read this one:
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i take it this is a record for a classified thread.

i have 3 nominations in this thread.

1:chris snyder- "The Classifieds Badass"

as being the guy to absolutely fukking slaughter the OP. well done sir.

2: Jason Czerak- "The Supreme Punker"

as pummeling this guy so smoothly via literary annhiliation. well executed my friend.

3:Holmes Farms Douche- "Possibly the Biggest Dumbass to Grace the Pages of Comp-D"

man, you made the home life so much worse on yourself. its a small world dude, and you just $hit where you sleep. I wouldnt want to be you at the next local pull.
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