Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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Since your going to be at the bash in Louisiana how about i bring it there if i still have it and you can buy it for $200??
What on earth makes you think I'm gonna be there? I've never said that.

$25, Paypal. That's my offer.

Once again, $25, Paypal. They say third time's a charm...
Dont think ive ripped anyone off and its there word against mine. Should i start bashin peoples thread and low balling everything so i can fit in? Now i could do the same thing to the guy that i bought a used ii cp3 from that i didnt put on for a couple weeks and say it did not work and i wanted part of my money back but im not that type of person. Now answer this ? If you have never been interested in my double din and would never buy it cause according to some of you its a POS why take the time to bash it and tell me what you think its worth and you just know so much about it?? If someone buys it for $200 they will be very happy with it i guarantee. If all you want to do is talk about my personal life and post pictures of me and make jokes and post my familys address and phone number whats the point of calling this COMPETITION DIESEL? Is that what its all about? I dont think thats right for someone to go and post how much money my dad makes or there phone number and assume everything about me when they dont know diddly squat about me. You can call me fatty and a douchebag and say i have man ******* and make fun of all my pictures that you pull up and post of me and my gf but thats me havin fun and i love the way i am and what i do. You guys remind me of a bunch of jealous high school kids that liked to talk behind my back and scratch my truck when i wasnt around cause i was the kid with the nice truck.
This is the "OFF TOPIC FORUMS"

Lot of smack talking here, if you don't like it, tough. We all get along just fine. Maybe because we aren't douchebag idiots?
This is the "OFF TOPIC FORUMS"

Lot of smack talking here, if you don't like it, tough. We all get along just fine. Maybe because we aren't douchebag idiots?

Yeah no sh!t. The little cry baby punk is all over CF crying about how we talk crap about the members there but some of us still use that site. In fact he is taking quotes from members here and posted them there trying to make friends.

T-shirts would be awesome!
he was doing all that work to make friends on CF. but the sad part is he only got one out of it, and that guy is about as big of a D bag as he is.

I read on CF that you took the head unit out of your truck. Can you please take the time to read the sticker on the back and post the brand and model number. My stepdaughter has a POS 2000 Maxima that I think your head unit may compliment well.
Do you want a real model number? Or just some random numbers?

It's a Visteon, what more do you need to know? That is like the hottest brand out there!
Really?? Am i getting threatend by you? What have i done? Ive been called names and stuff that shouldent be posted on compdiesel and had stuff posted about my family that should never be on here so shouldent i be the one looking for those people?? Now if you want to start fights on the computer and threaten me and say "your going to come find me" then do so. If i drive 10 hrs away and pay good money and support the pulls and the some guy off the internet say he's going to come find me when im there for nothing is that right? Maybe if you were in my shoes and you was selling something and someone offered you 95% of what you have in it wouldent you be a little pissed off to? Now if you do what to threaten me on the internet and get others involved and gang up on me when im at a pull for nothing then DO SO. Otherwise grow up

i vote we make wanted posters and find him at TS
Really?? Am i getting threatend by you? What have i done? Ive been called names and stuff that shouldent be posted on compdiesel and had stuff posted about my family that should never be on here so shouldent i be the one looking for those people??
Really? Stuff that shouldn't be on Comp? Have you looked around? This is the shark tank, you wanna swim with the sharks and the big boys you better have your flack jacket on.

Everything they posted was public records. That's the way this society works. You don't like it? Try moving.

Now if you want to start fights on the computer and threaten me and say "your going to come find me" then do so. If i drive 10 hrs away and pay good money and support the pulls and the some guy off the internet say he's going to come find me when im there for nothing is that right? Maybe if you were in my shoes and you was selling something and someone offered you 95% of what you have in it wouldent you be a little pissed off to? Now if you do what to threaten me on the internet and get others involved and gang up on me when im at a pull for nothing then DO SO. Otherwise grow up

You've levied plenty of threats, you certainly have no moral high ground to stand on when griping about people saying something threating towards you. You've threatened Chris, Jason, and Tim (at least, maybe more I've forgotten) and we like them. Why not stand together? Don't you back up your friends? (you do have some nice gunsLOL) This place is different, you threaten our own, yeah, we roll deep. Deal with it, and stop threatening us.

No one here is stupid enough to offer you 95% of what you claim to have in your POS stereo.

My offer still stands... $25, I'll even pay shipping, but I'm not paying you any more than the local pawn shop would give you.
Maybe if you were in my shoes and you was selling something and someone offered you 95% of what you have in it wouldent you be a little pissed off to?

95% of $750 is.........drum roll.........$712.5

$200 is 26% of your original price.

WOW.. You kids are a bunch of newbies. everyone of you.

Visteon is a very good brand radio.

Holmesfarm. look for a PM from me. I had one one of these in my old BMW a while back and loved it.
What threats have i said?? I was told by chris snyder that he would come here and beat my retarded ass. And evidently im going to get jumped by some people if i go to a pull and theres going to be a lookout for me. So explain to me who i have threatend? Cause i said go ahead and drive here and do it makes me threating someone? This is compdiesel a place to sell stuff and get advice and help. Now posting stuff about my family and there phone number and address and then making sexual comments about my GIRLFRIEND is not something that should be on here even if its public or not and i should be the one thats pissed and looking for the guys that did that. So if im going to get offered $50 and $25 for a a double din with navigation and have people assume they know everything about it and what they THINK its worth then ya im going to get pissed just like you would if you was trying to sell something and people did this. And for the last time the people that were interested in it and wanted to buy it PRIVATE MESSAGED me and i gave them the info on it. And its sold so give it up. I know all of you that have left comments and told me what you think of me and the double din never wanted it so why should i give you the info on it??? If you really wanted it you would PM'd me.
And if you dont like my price or me then go on and leave your comments to yourself

This is the "OFF TOPIC FORUMS"

Lot of smack talking here, if you don't like it, tough. We all get along just fine. Maybe because we aren't douchebag idiots?
And another thing. Some of you keep talking about people ruining diesel events with burnouts and stuff but then your sittin on the computer saying your going to come look for me to beat me up if i go to TS??? That doesnt make since
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