Dumb things I see at truck pulls...

Dave that was hilarious, does he not know the axles wrap the direction he chained them? Although he didn't break and I did haha. Might be on to something :hehe:

it may have worked ... if he pulled form behind the tailgate insted of under the door :doh:

watching trucks take 1.5 cans of ether to get started on a 75° afternoon, then they have to start them periodically thru the evening to keep some heat in them, and when we finally pull at 10p.m. it hazes and lopes like a mod truck from 2004, and they cant come within 30-40 feet of the top 10

i always get a good laugh out of the bad ass wearing the EXTRA MEDIUM tapout shirt walking around with his nasty girlfriend in a rebel flag bikini and daisy dukes

You know, I only about 1/10 of the girls that should actually be wearing stuff like that either....most of the time they are either skinny as a rail or very proud of their beer gut.:badidea:

I think it's funny that "that guy" you described reminds me of Clint, the badass stoner from Dazed and Confused!LOL
The guy that has to hang his head out the window to make sure his front tires are spinning.
I like the guys with a manual that take off in too low a gear. Then try to shift. :rockwoot:

Or they take off in too high a gear, slip the clutch for 100 feet, back up for a second go and try the SAME GEAR.*bdh**bdh*
A guy coaching his girl, "don't lift until the tires burn off it, the local tv is here."
She did fine til about the 350 foot mark when it downshifted, BOOM! The only thing that lived was the engine. Made the local news though.
The guy that has to hang his head out the window to make sure his front tires are spinning.

If you guys ever Wondered why some clubs have window up rules, its because Jethro got poked in the eye with a rock at about 75 MPH.LOL
1. Your pull is over. Revving your engine to the moon after you get through pulling will not in any way increase your distance pulled.

Not sure exactly what your trying to say there, but at the end of the pull, there is a reason alot of guys rev there truck up a couple times, before they back up and unhook, which I have not seen really any posts about it on the forums, but it is needed to be done, see if anyone can guess why. Its mainly for mod trucks though.
a guy that pulls on the track and drives about the 200ft mark before he backs up to hook up to the sled.
Not sure exactly what your trying to say there, but at the end of the pull, there is a reason alot of guys rev there truck up a couple times, before they back up and unhook, which I have not seen really any posts about it on the forums, but it is needed to be done, see if anyone can guess why. Its mainly for mod trucks though.
get the clutch to disengage and engage?
get the clutch to disengage and engage?

since no one else really tried to guess, Ill just tell you, it is only for trucks with water injection, at the end of the pull its still dumping in alot of water and just letting of the throttle wont clear it all out, so they rev up the engine a few times to help clear the water out, also, alot of times the truck will die if you just let off the throttle, so this helps keep it running also, so it doesnt die with water in the cylinders, intake, etc.
Hes testing the track!! Its a secret!

I always drive out far just to see how the track looks.

I like it when the guys in the open class pull a sled that weighs several thousend pounds less than the classes before them but get all excited about making the furthest pull of the night.
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I like the guys that forget to take the slack up in the chain

My favorite. Makes me laugh every time.

I like the guys with a manual that take off in too low a gear. Then try to shift. :rockwoot:

That's a close second.

Another one I love to see is the pulls that ask the sled driver to slow the box when they get to the last class or two, in order to put on a better show for the crowd.

So you'll see a truck that entered in a lower class put 20 feet on his first pull.

But nobody ever wonders why.