Dumb things I see at truck pulls...

The guy in front of me at FASS this year decided to try and find a sh!tter when he was 3 trucks from hooking. He gave up after a couple minutes, came back to his truck, opened up his extended cab door, squatted and let her fly LOL Then to top it off, he drives over his pile of sh!t with his fresh trxus and leaves a sh!tprint about every few feet when he pulls forward....

No freakin way!!
I couldn't believe it til he pulled forward...sure as sh!t...there was a pile of sh!t and a rag chillin on the ground LOL
''''' decided to try and find a sh!tter when he was 3 trucks from hooking. He gave up after a couple minutes, came back to his truck, opened up his extended cab door, squatted and let her fly LOL Then to top it off, he drives over his pile of sh!t with his fresh trxus and leaves a sh!tprint about every few feet when he pulls forward....

THAT will definitely get you DQd and banned for life at an NADM pull.

Truxus **** stains.
A 6.9 idi pos that decides he is going to pull ends up being a one tire fryer and can't even start the sled so he backs up and jerks it and gos about 30 feet. While me and my buddys are laughing thinking he didn't have it in 4 wheel his mom was beside us and tells us that he doesn't have a front driveshaft in it cause he broke a u joint. LOL

I also like when people add up all the hp gains advertisers say parts gain then add some more for all the stickers they have on the back of it and say they have a 600 hp truck and it has a stock turbo and tranny.
I also like when people add up all the hp gains advertisers say parts gain then add some more for all the stickers they have on the back of it and say they have a 600 hp truck and it has a stock turbo and tranny.

A 6.4 can do that. :D

The guy in front of me at FASS this year decided to try and find a sh!tter when he was 3 trucks from hooking. He gave up after a couple minutes, came back to his truck, opened up his extended cab door, squatted and let her fly LOL Then to top it off, he drives over his pile of sh!t with his fresh trxus and leaves a sh!tprint about every few feet when he pulls forward....[/QUOTE]

Now that is funny!LOL Have definitely been to a few pulls where ****ters are few and far between.
Ive seen better, or is that worseer?no matter,, lighting the charger on an SS truck and blowing out of the hole-- in REVERSE.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

I was there to witness that one! I still laugh thinkin about that one...Shawn wasn't laughing though!!!!!!!!!!!
Cummins stickers...every shape, size and color! Not hatin' just sayin'

Yea, but I will say one of the coolest things I ever saw at a nat event host hotel, when somebody ran the Cummins flag up the hotels flag pole.:rockwoot:

trailerpro, that is harsh, lol
Cummins stickers...every shape, size and color! Not hatin' just sayin'

maybe ill get one made the size of ricky bobby's fig newton sticker and put it on your windshield?

the multi-sticker driver always has his mirrors flipped out for safety
the multi-sticker driver always has his mirrors flipped out for safety[/QUOTE]

omg that is so true...:rockwoot: