Gap in classes???

I too, feel there is a gap and will always be.

Just FYI, our S.S. truck has windshield wipers, roll up windows, working lights and blinkers, working radio, 2 seats, blower motor, etc. was tagged and insured. Even driven a bit on the street. The DOT rules will not stop from having 9 sec, trucks in Super Street.

If the class needs to be limited, then I'd look else where. I'll most likely strip it down now to be competitive in pro street and help a bit against the east coast power houses.
Man I go round and round on this, I hate the thought of adding weight to keep our SS truck legal to run that class, and I'm not too excited about trying to totally gut it to run Prostreet either and push the engine beyond it's limits to try and overcome the 500-1000 lbs we would be spotting some of the other prostreet trucks. I've seen some pretty exciting diesel index racing, but I'm afraid it will become similar to the delay box racing the gassers do and I hate seeing a 8 sec car blast off the line, hit the throttle stop then haul ass the last 300 feet to run a 10.0 or whatever.

We have to have a bracket class for the slower trucks, we need an intermediate class for the hot street trucks, (daily drivers and trailer queens), and a class for the true race trucks, however that shakes out. I think Greg may have the best suggestion, fast enough for the trucks that run in the high 10's and still within reach for the trucks that will run 11.50+ to avoid installing a roll bar. It would definitely level the playing field and the outcome more determined by the driver's ability and less on the truck.

I love our Max'd Out truck, and if nothing changes I believe we will have it running in the mid 9's on street tires at it's current weight. Prostreet trucks will be in the 8's this coming year, and our truck is just too heavy to do that. I guess if we have to we can strip as much weight off it as we can, run it in Prostreet and rely on Rob's and Nathan's driving ability and it's reliability to be competitive.
Maybe it needs to be just a fast bracket class say 11.99 to 10.00 just foot brake no electronics to launch, that way you could get the fast daily drivers in with out having to put in a roll bar and the odds would be even. I don't think people will sign up for a class where they are going to be running up against a truck that runs a second or so faster right from the get go, say a 10.90 index class. How may trucks would run it? I know I wouldn't unless I knew I could run at least a consistent 10.85 . There would be allot more in an 11.8 index class. People have to think that the have a chance of winning or they wont sign up.
Mt point is that there is a big difference in skills and investment required to run a 12 sec truck and to run 10 sec trucks. that is a big jump I feel we need something in-between.
Maybe it needs to be just a fast bracket class say 11.99 to 10.00 just foot brake no electronics to launch, that way you could get the fast daily drivers in with out having to put in a roll bar and the odds would be even. I don't think people will sign up for a class where they are going to be running up against a truck that runs a second or so faster right from the get go, say a 10.90 index class. How may trucks would run it? I know I wouldn't unless I knew I could run at least a consistent 10.85 . There would be allot more in an 11.8 index class. People have to think that the have a chance of winning or they wont sign up.

Bruce, I can only speak for myself, but I ran SuperStreet this year running 11.3-11.5 against guys running 10.5-11.0. I knew it beforehand but showed up anyway because I just wanted to race!! Even though I was out gunned, I still was able to collect contingency money at every race.

Personally, I don't understand the "If I can't win, I won't show up" attitude some people have. Either people want to race, or they don't!!
Bruce, I can only speak for myself, but I ran SuperStreet this year running 11.3-11.5 against guys running 10.5-11.0. I knew it beforehand but showed up anyway because I just wanted to race!! Even though I was out gunned, I still was able to collect contingency money at every race.

Personally, I don't understand the "If I can't win, I won't show up" attitude some people have. Either people want to race, or they don't!!

I love to race too. I am just suggesting a class that will attract the most trucks where people feel they can compete with their daily driver. Like I said for most of our 12.00 index classes we were only getting 12-16 trucks if you lower that number to 10.90 how many trucks will be there, 3 or 4? I realize it is kind of a no mans land out there right now. Maybe an 11.90 index and a 10.5 index would work.
I love to race too.

I know you do Bruce and my comment was not directed towards you personally at all!!:rockwoot:

I am just suggesting a class that will attract the most trucks where people feel they can compete with their daily driver. Like I said for most of our 12.00 index classes we were only getting 12-16 trucks if you lower that number to 10.90 how many trucks will be there, 3 or 4? I realize it is kind of a no mans land out there right now. Maybe an 11.90 index and a 10.5 index would work.

It's a definite quandry!! Trucks have gotten substaintialy faster over the past several years. 3 years ago, ET Bracket, 12.0 QD, and 10.5 PS worked good and split the spectrum of trucks up nicely. Problem is now Prostreet trucks can run close to 8 sec and most former 12.0 trucks could run 11 flat if they wanted.

If participation would increase like the speed has, the races could support an additional class between a 12.0 and PS. But it has not.

Personally, I like the heads up racing of classes like SuperStreet or an Index and don't really care to bracket race. But I am one of the "gap" guys that would prefer to and can go faster than 12.0 but don't have a truck that will ever go 9's

I will still go to races regardless. If NHRDA keeps the classes the same, I will still run SuperStreet and probably be out gunned at every race. At NADM I will probably run both 12.0 and ProStreet (1/8 mi.).

Most importantly..................I will have fun!!!:rockwoot:
Greg and Bruce you are both right, having fun is the key. Meeting racers you only know on the forums and get to meet in person at the track is the best part. I have not met one diesel drag racer that I wouldn't invite to my home to have dinner.
I know you do Bruce and my comment was not directed towards you personally at all!!:rockwoot:

It's a definite quandry!! Trucks have gotten substaintialy faster over the past several years. 3 years ago, ET Bracket, 12.0 QD, and 10.5 PS worked good and split the spectrum of trucks up nicely. Problem is now Prostreet trucks can run close to 8 sec and most former 12.0 trucks could run 11 flat if they wanted.

If participation would increase like the speed has, the races could support an additional class between a 12.0 and PS. But it has not.

Personally, I like the heads up racing of classes like SuperStreet or an Index and don't really care to bracket race. But I am one of the "gap" guys that would prefer to and can go faster than 12.0 but don't have a truck that will ever go 9's

I will still go to races regardless. If NHRDA keeps the classes the same, I will still run SuperStreet and probably be out gunned at every race. At NADM I will probably run both 12.0 and ProStreet (1/8 mi.).

Most importantly..................I will have fun!!!:rockwoot:

This is the best analysis so far! Well Said:rockwoot::rockwoot:

Having fun is what it SHOULD be about. I just got a stock motor to put in my truck. I'm going back to quick diesel with it for now until I can get a new project done. I don't agree with the way things are going in these classes so instead of complaining I will build something else. Sorry guys I just don't agree with some things like soild blocks and other things that are not streetable in a street class. I will have a light weight rig that won't need serviced like a top fuel car. These trucks are crazy in the fact that they never seem to finish a event. Most of the time half the field breaks or has trouble. Mine was real reliable most of the season, I turned it up to try to run with the front of the pack and BAM! Just like the others it breaks all the time. I said when the fun goes away so will I. Everyone enjoy Jeff
Having fun is what it SHOULD be about. I just got a stock motor to put in my truck. I'm going back to quick diesel with it for now until I can get a new project done. I don't agree with the way things are going in these classes so instead of complaining I will build something else. Sorry guys I just don't agree with some things like soild blocks and other things that are not streetable in a street class. I will have a light weight rig that won't need serviced like a top fuel car. These trucks are crazy in the fact that they never seem to finish a event. Most of the time half the field breaks or has trouble. Mine was real reliable most of the season, I turned it up to try to run with the front of the pack and BAM! Just like the others it breaks all the time. I said when the fun goes away so will I. Everyone enjoy Jeff

^2 This is exactly why I prefer to run a heads-up index that puts the driver back into the race rather than just the pocketbook. With the expense of traveling to the events, routinely breaking parts will kill the budget. Jim :Cheer:
I know you do Bruce and my comment was not directed towards you personally at all!!:rockwoot:

It's a definite quandry!! Trucks have gotten substaintialy faster over the past several years. 3 years ago, ET Bracket, 12.0 QD, and 10.5 PS worked good and split the spectrum of trucks up nicely. Problem is now Prostreet trucks can run close to 8 sec and most former 12.0 trucks could run 11 flat if they wanted.

If participation would increase like the speed has, the races could support an additional class between a 12.0 and PS. But it has not.

Personally, I like the heads up racing of classes like SuperStreet or an Index and don't really care to bracket race. But I am one of the "gap" guys that would prefer to and can go faster than 12.0 but don't have a truck that will ever go 9's

I will still go to races regardless. If NHRDA keeps the classes the same, I will still run SuperStreet and probably be out gunned at every race. At NADM I will probably run both 12.0 and ProStreet (1/8 mi.).

Most importantly..................I will have fun!!!:rockwoot:

No problem, that is why we are all here to have fun! I am just trying to find a place where my truck fits. I don't want to build it into a dedicated racer and I don't want to run in the brackets with the 15 sec trucks and sit on the line and melt my trans down every round. I am sure these guys will decide on something soon so we can all figure out where we will be and we can build the trucks accordingly.
Having fun is what it SHOULD be about. I just got a stock motor to put in my truck. I'm going back to quick diesel with it for now until I can get a new project done. I don't agree with the way things are going in these classes so instead of complaining I will build something else. Sorry guys I just don't agree with some things like soild blocks and other things that are not streetable in a street class. I will have a light weight rig that won't need serviced like a top fuel car. These trucks are crazy in the fact that they never seem to finish a event. Most of the time half the field breaks or has trouble. Mine was real reliable most of the season, I turned it up to try to run with the front of the pack and BAM! Just like the others it breaks all the time. I said when the fun goes away so will I. Everyone enjoy Jeff

Jeff I totally understand where you are coming from. We are trying to decide what to do and I think we are leaning on moving up to being a totally prostreet truck. Take as much weight off as possible and see how we fare. I agree it seems like way too many of the trucks break before the finish and the last truck running usually wins. We'll get out of Superstreet as far as Max'd Out is concerned and see how it goes.
How about a poll?

10.50 index
10.90 index
11.90 index
Keep it the same
10.00 to 12.00 bracket
quick 8 bracket, <11.50 to qualify
All NHRDA current members were sent an email regarding Super Street, if you did not get your email, either I don't have an email address for you or the one I have is no good. If you did not get one please PM me your email address and I will send it to you. We would like to have all the input by the 3rd of December.

How about a poll?

10.50 index
10.90 index
11.90 index
Keep it the same
10.00 to 12.00 bracket
quick 8 bracket, <11.50 to qualify

My vote would be for the 11.90 index because I love the heads up index racing.
I'm not sure why some people say they don't like bracket racing, but like heads up racing instead. Maybe some definitions are in order....

Heads up - both lane's trees come down at the same time.
Bracket - stagered start, racers specify there "dial-in" or elapsed time, breakouts not allowed.
Index - pre-defined "dial-in". Break outs can be allowed, depending on rules. Does not have to be a heads up start.

Index classes are probably the most confusing to spectators, depending on the rules. I current race is an NHRA class that is on a 10.90 index, heads up start, and no breakouts. By no break outs I mean that if you go faster then the index, then you are disqualified. If both racers go faster then the index then whomever breaks out the most loses.

I used to race in an NHRA index class, that the person who went under the index the most was the winner. During qualifying the one that ran under the index the most was the number one qualifier. The start was stagered as well. It depended on the index of the class that the other car was running in.

Anyway... I take it, that it's the staggered start that people don't like? Just out of curiosity, why?

My vote is to put a 11.50 index on SS , that makes it a true street class were no roll bars are needed and is pretty easy to build trucks to hit those times and the times are faster than the current cap on brackets . then merge the fast SS trucks into pro street , My truck is coming out next year as a pro-street truck anyway so I don’t care much just thinking about a good option for all the racers .
Anyway... I take it, that it's the staggered start that people don't like? Just out of curiosity, why?


My biggest problem with a staggerd start where there is a large differential in time, and the person who is waiting is cooking their TC longer than neccessary. Probably not an issue in the SS class due to everyone being pretty close together. I kind of like the idea of a ladder built with who can hit the index the closest in qualifying. Best v/s worst etc. Any breakout would be considered worse than running under, worst breakout would run the best qualifier etc. I think 11.50 would be OK those who are faster can deal with it. I think the adding of a roll bar is what's hurts this class the most, many don't want to spend the money nor do they want to deal with it in their hot daily driver.