Hamilton 12V head

Haha wow. I am working very hard on this project. There are only two employees of Hamilton Cams, that means we are spread pretty thin. As of now to make the project more simple and to keep people from getting singled out in certain classes we have decided to keep the outside of the head pretty much the same with a few small changes on the exhaust side to make them a little more durable for competition and then remove some of the pipe plug ports on the intake and give the aftermarket enough meat to design an intake around. And then there is the ports, those will not resemble stock at all. We raised the intake so high on the intake under the valve cover you will be able to see a few modifications.

I wish I could make it happen tomorrow, but there are a lot of steps in this process. I will make it happen soon.

I'll pretty much take one when they are available...I'm ready for some serious airflow.

Id rather see this as an all out competition head myself but. It has to be better that stock so Im game on it.

Hurry up.
I feel that since some rules say OEM heads only, that it should be distinctly different enough that someone can tell if it is OEM or not by looking at it for a few seconds while it is on the truck.
You'd be surprised how much a 12 valve head will flow when all the water passages are filled with concrete!
That is what I think we are going to have to do, so that people aren't singled out in different classes. We are going to have to make a few pieces of the head a bit stronger and thicker, but it will pretty much be the same head externally.

I hope it goes that way cause id def. like something thats usable. Are you going to make like custom fabbed intake to offer with it as well or is it your on your own?
I think you should cast it with an intake plenum that will accept the factory plenum cover... make it thicker around the perimeter so it will be easier to drill/stud it for a bolt-on manifold if the plenum is cut off

or hell, if it's WAY easier to cast it as just the head, it won't be too difficult to build an intake plenum for it :)
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We have the manufacturer working on the casting molds. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
It makes it kind of tight in this economy, but we are doing our best to bring it to market in a timely manner. We are meeting with the manufacturer again at SEMA in a few weeks.

sounds way cool!! 3 or 4 grand for a head is going to be some serious dough!! :poke:

so is this head going to be compatible with the new engines? or just 12 valve, i figure since theres alot of mix matching already it should work.

i would like to use my John Deere tractor injectors on my truck for a change :evil

so if your going to change the angle or position of the injector are we going to have to buy custom injector lines?? part of the game right? :nail: