HE351VE on a 12 valve

Trapper can you tell us about your setup and how you like it?
Looks like a wastegate with a regulator, what is it running off of? boost or drive?

Just running it of boost right now. Still playing with adjustment. Just using a regular air regulator for now. And I have 2 options to use the exhast brake. Stock location. Need a good t3 gasket mine was junk but I reused it just a small leak.
I am new here and this thread is great

Any more news on this thread?

I have a 62-65-12 and it has never worked right on my truck and am thinking this just might be the ticket. Has anyone put one of these on a VP truck? I am also concerned about the pressure line clogging.

I have an idea that a vacuum line could be used with a solenoid for the EB function with a TPS switch. This could be automatic when I put the truck in tow haul mode with the Ally.

Do you think that these turbos are going to have an overspeed issue without the computer to control them?
Nada as of late. I have been slammed with work...

I built a support bracket to go between the manifold and the turbo to help take the load off of the adaptor.
I have one on a VP44 truck
as far as i know the ONLY one.... but its basicly the same as on a 12v...
So I have a stupid question, What's the difference between drive pressure and boost? Is drive pressue the exaust before the turbo? I'm wanting to put a HE351VGT on my 12 valve but I seem to have more questions than answers.
So I have a stupid question, What's the difference between drive pressure and boost? Is drive pressue the exaust before the turbo? I'm wanting to put a HE351VGT on my 12 valve but I seem to have more questions than answers.

Yes the drive pressure is the exhast before the turbo. I'm just experimenting with what will move my VGT around better.
^^ yep. think of "drive pressure" as the pressure driving the turbo. boost obviously how much air pressure is feeding the engine.
Ok thanks, I know trial and error is probably the best way to make one of these work, but since I'm on a very limited college budget I'd like to set one up as cheap and with as few trys as possible LOL. So for now I'm gonna keep reading and learining from you guys.
i probably spent about $250-300 for everything, but i also did A LOT of fabricating/welding

How is yours controled? Do you think you could post some pics?
just talked to someone who is building a stand alone computer for these turbo's and hopes to have it out before the end of the year.

I just bought two of these turbo's with electrics for 20.00 each!!!!! Just waiting for the cost of shipping?
I have about $300 in mine since I had the fittings laying around bought 2 4 inch v clamps witch were the wrong ones. Finnally went to dodge and bought the right one.
just talked to someone who is building a stand alone computer for these turbo's and hopes to have it out before the end of the year.

I just bought two of these turbo's with electrics for 20.00 each!!!!! Just waiting for the cost of shipping?

You got a great deal there. Let us know how his controler comes along.
Who is making this controller, I have heard of at least 20 guys that do this stuff for a living talk about how they are making controllers and supposedly wll have the them ready very soon but I have yet to see anything.
Isn't (one of) the very reason(s) we're all doing this to GET AWAY FROM ELECTRONICS??? They fail all the time on these turbos, that's why we can buy them so cheap.

P.S. Bump on the necessity of the drive pressure gauge. Is it just good to have for tuning, or is it necessary?
If you can filter the drivepressure good enough I wouldn't see why not use it but for joeblow daily driver. Not really needed.

I think I'm going to switch to drivepressure today. Boost dosent seem to move my little wastegate actuator well.

How is yours controled? Do you think you could post some pics?

[/IMG] still not 100% finished, keep that in mind..

i don't know why you guys would want to run the turbo off drive pressure and deal with the issues of possibly clogging the line. after some tuning i have no issues and a turbo that spools as fast as my right foot can push on the throttle.

and yes, it's ADJUSTABLE. adjustable stops on both side of the arm to limit how far it can open or close. i can also adjust the rod length. stock wastegate actuator off an he341 (03-04 stock turbo)
03/04 CR waste gate controller

Sooter, could you fill us in on how your using the boost to control the CR wastegate controller, as far as is it just straight boost, regulated or what.
Also at what psi is your set up made to begin to open and at what pressure is it limited to.
Ive got a line on a bunch of freebie 351ve's so im very interested in swapping a few as simply as possible.
Thanks much
no, there's no regulator on there, it's the stock wastegate actuator from an he351 which should be damn close to an hx35 actuator (maybe a tad more pressure since the stock turbo opens up at 25psi on a CR).

now that i have some time today maybe i can finish up some of the unfinished things on it

i've been told that the hole is a cleaning port? it's suppose to be threaded? if so, what threads? (maybe i can cut some new ones)

the Collar Arm opens around 20psi give or a take a few psi depending on how much load is on the engine and at what rpm. the transition is i'd say 98% seamless. you can tell when it transitions between the two by sound, but not by feel after tuning it. i have it turned up to 38psi with the fuel from smarty TNT #3.

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