Helix 2 vs MaxSpool? Opinions

TopFueler said:
Todate we are now running a RayMac Racing engine. This engine was built with a billet cam with a Max Spool grind. The reason we went with billet was the fact that we wanted more spring tension/pressure for more RPM and more Boost Pressure that we were planning to run. This cam has worked out very well and Ray at RayMac Racing did a fantastic job with this engine. Thanks, Brady

I was wondering how fast the "race truck" was with the racing engine in it?

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "it has worked out well"?
It’s has become obvious to me and to anyone that has any knowledge that the Nazi has no grasp of any real subject, be it injectors, or cams, but that he is just a speakers of words and phrases. He really doesn’t have a clue to the meaning and the correlation between them and the products he sells.

There is nothing wrong in having engineers or others with the knowledge base, but when Don gets on the forums and tries to explain the latest Nazi party line nothing but gobbiely gook come out, somewhere between the true knowledge base and his typing it’s mixed up. The reason is he really doesn’t know what the subject matter is.

Brady Williams of Industrial Injection a true expert with 30 + years experience in diesel injectors has said many times said this about you Don after your Venomous attacks ,you will tell a falsehood and then get your posse to pound anyone on these forums that don’t see the king’s cloths.

You will see the Posse post right after this post and their attacks will be carpet bombing of me or any other that disagrees with the party line He has shown that if they don’t they will lose the ability to buy from him. He stated that very clearly to a potential dealer earlier in this very thread you must toe the party line or be cut off.

Don’s cams are the same way, pathetically ordinary at best. His injectors are the same no better or worse then anyone else’s.

The real key to any engineered high performance cutting edge parts is not the trick of the week part itself, but the simple fact that tuners have access to the knowledge base , and the ability to have a constructive dialogue with that same base .

Don your explanation of Camshaft technology has been a lot of laughs by some of the leaders in the camshaft manufacturing industry. These people grind thousands of cams a months and provide the true cutting edge to Professional racers from NHRA ProStock to NASCAR. I do have another one of your failed cams in my possession. The problem with its is surface finish measures in REM’s , This surface was not right to mate with the lifter, the same as the Gus Farmers cam. I don’t usually attack others products, but when you impugn my product, I will respond. I have never had a cam failures to date, doesn’t mean it will not happen some day. But with over 70 cams out there no failures yet.

To answer the accusation that my cams are in some way a copy or your, Ill post the specs if you want, the numbers at .006 .020 .050. .200 and the other attributes of your cam and mine , you might not like the back to back comparison
Soup Nazi said:
I was wondering how fast the "race truck" was with the racing engine in it?

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "it has worked out well"?

I read your reply, oh great SublimeCOMPY, but it did not contain any results of the "race truck"

How about some track times? Dyno numbers?

So, once again I will ask in simple terms; what does the "race truck" run in the 1/4 mile? Heck I will take 1/8th mile. Or what about the dyno? Last I hear, it is sub 800HP uncorrected with nitrous and cant manage a high 11. Is this still the case?

Perhaps I missed a post? Or an official announcement?
Don, Industrial Injection Services parts, namely their Silver 71 turbo, Custom Race Injectors- and Pump are on the Predator (Dr.P) Race truck, how fast?what was it 8.31 or something like that? .......:hehe:

What are you trying to get at?:what:
RacinDuallie said:
Don, Industrial Injection Services parts, namely their Silver 71 turbo, Custom Race Injectors- and Pump are on the Predator (Dr.P) Race truck, how fast?what was it 8.31 or something like that? .......:hehe:

What are you trying to get at?:what:

The question is easily answered. II said they had a "race truck" with the COMPY cam with a "race engine" in it and "it worked out well"

I wanted to know to what tune; "worked out well meant"

In other words; what does the truck they referred to do in the 1/4 mile? Dyno?

I am aware of II accomplishments in the grand scheme of things.

Im trying to define what "worked out well" is meant to convey for their company race truck. Not others they have parts on.
RacinDuallie said:
Don their "race truck" was in Colorado..... did you miss that?:redx:

From my previous post:

Perhaps I missed a post? Or an official announcement?
Uh like I said in MY previous post, II's race truck was in Co, racing..... and did reasonably well....(not talking about the Dr.P truck now Don....) They are also still developing and testing on it as well.....
What were the track times?

edit: I searched through the posts in the "drag racing" forum, but have not found anything yet.
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I have The Greatest job in the world,I get to work with Kenny & the group
from DR PERFORMANCE , work with RAY-MAC, work on & drive THE FASTEST
DIESEL TRUCK in the World. love my job ,and guess what I run a MAX SPOOL
Bout time you stopped lurking around here- and start posting instead-LOL LOL LOL

Welcome Charlie.
Well damn, I better sell my Helix and get me a Maxispooler then Charlie lol. Jesus ladies...

Compy, doesn't playing the victim get old dude?
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Bret Williams of Industrial Injection won quick diesel :clap: :clap: :clap: and Project X Wheeled by a master of NHRA Pro Mod Shane Loftin R/U that race. :clap: :clap:

So that’s a win and a runner up for RayMac racing engines teams and for the MaxSpool set up :clap: :clap: :clap:

Charlie Stewart RU the Pro Diesel race :clap: :clap: set low ET :clap: :clap: , was number one qualifier,:clap: :clap: :clap: and set a new DHRA record.:clap: :clap: :clap: 8.31 @ 166 mph in 11,500 foot density altitude air Don the Nitro Flash Predator truck leaves the line at 4700 RPMs Charlie bumps the shifter at something above 5500 RPMs and on a 166 mph pass crosses the line at 6000 + RPMs this was done with bracket car like consistency for 5 or 6 passes in a row . can you even come close to that , and live to race

The answer is no Don , :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Where were your trucks Don. :umno:

Don the bottom line, people are tired of you mud slinging, and bashing of others product. Then you coadunate with you Posse and bash together. This is at a end

I apologize to the people reading this for losing my cool and getting down on this shysters level but enough is enough , I never bash another’s product until this type of dishonest maneuvering is in play
Greg, I don't care what anyone says, your the sh*t!

Oh btw, did I tell you that your max spool cam works wonders in our dodge!!:thankyou2:
And I thought Don M was the end all, be all, diesel master of injectors and cams, by the way Don, I have your same Sportsman springs, for way less money..... I too, am not impressed by the image you are painting for yourself.
COMP461 said:
Bret Williams of Industrial Injection won quick diesel :clap: :clap: :clap: and Project X Wheeled by a master of NHRA Pro Mod Shane Loftin R/U that race. :clap: :clap:

So that’s a win and a runner up for RayMac racing engines teams and for the MaxSpool set up :clap: :clap: :clap:

Charlie Stewart RU the Pro Diesel race :clap: :clap: set low ET :clap: :clap: , was number one qualifier,:clap: :clap: :clap: and set a new DHRA record.:clap: :clap: :clap: 8.31 @ 166 mph in 11,500 foot density altitude air Don the Nitro Flash Predator truck leaves the line at 4700 RPMs Charlie bumps the shifter at something above 5500 RPMs and on a 166 mph pass crosses the line at 6000 + RPMs this was done with bracket car like consistency for 5 or 6 passes in a row . can you even come close to that , and live to race

The answer is no Don , :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Where were your trucks Don. :umno:

Don the bottom line, people are tired of you mud slinging, and bashing of others product. Then you coadunate with you Posse and bash together. This is at a end

I apologize to the people reading this for losing my cool and getting down on this shysters level but enough is enough , I never bash another’s product until this type of dishonest maneuvering is in play

All that and you still cant get me a track time for the "race truck":bang
Don, I think you best shut your mouth now.

You have already proved your an idiot, as many of us have known for a long time, but now, you are just pissing off people that used to support you.
Greg has more track times than you can shake a stick at. :kick:

Mkoth said:
Don, I think you best shut your mouth now.

I think you should let him keep talking. We wanna hear what he really knows! Which is nothing, but it sure makes Greg DA MAN!
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i think or perhaps i should say feel that this thread contains some good info i have read it several times and each time i read it i get a different impression.i run gregs cams but obviosly the don m stuff is top notch or he wouldnt have the following he does.who know after i just lunched my motor i may try and get some don m stuff in my next one just for a comparisons sake...
I'm LMFAO that people actually get themselves all worked up over such stupid chit. I run Don's injectors & cam and think they are the best out there. I run Shane's turbo and love it. I bought my NX kit from you Greg and appreciate the help setting it up. This being in one camp or the other clique is some stupid ass chit by most of you. You apologize Greg for going low and in the same sentence call Don a shyster. You've told me on the phone his stuff ain't bad so which is it? Let the simpletons choose sides and wear their bumper stickers proud but you Greg should ride on a higher plane. Don didn't get where he's at by being an idiot please. Greg, you didn't become the driver you are by being a bench racer. If you're going to jab at people at least base it on the minimal amount of common sense and fact. The blatant transparency of many posters in this thread is about as obvious as the moon is round.