Helix 2 vs MaxSpool? Opinions

that's not a bad price to get one done. and tony for some reason i think you may be right on them not getting along. and a good arguement is always nice till it turns ugly then it's nonsense. and i'm 110% with you one the two of them knowing more than i do. anyone else care to let me in on their miles on either of the cam's they are running??
Ridemywideglide- sorry i will not post whos cam it was, only 2 people know whos it was and what i am currently running. the cam now has very similar specs as the regrind and is readily available in new form.

Pack-I know both of them know more than i do or ever will, i have never dealt with either of them but i am standing behind what happened to my brand new motor and the cause for it and that is why i will stay away from that process, my common sense tells me to.
So then is it 1 of the 2 that everyone here is talking about? If not I can't really see how it pertains to the issue..
There may be several people tossing out junk in the industry, both new and regrind, but that's another thread...

And I can't understand the secrecy about bad parts.. If I get taken on some piece of ****, you better bet I'm gonna tell as many as I can.. Accidents happen, and if they're taken care of properly, then companies save face, and I'd like to know that as well..
If your not willing to say WHO's junk it was, why mention it..???

Ridemywideglide said:
So then is it 1 of the 2 that everyone here is talking about? If not I can't really see how it pertains to the issue..
There may be several people tossing out junk in the industry, both new and regrind, but that's another thread...

And I can't understand the secrecy about bad parts.. If I get taken on some piece of ****, you better bet I'm gonna tell as many as I can.. Accidents happen, and if they're taken care of properly, then companies save face, and I'd like to know that as well..
If your not willing to say WHO's junk it was, why mention it..???

that's just it. You see how the reactions have went on this thread especially. If he posted "who" the cam was ground by, there would be people jumping down his throat telling him it was BS and couldn't have happened. But it was in fact a big issue that was swept under the carpet a couple years ago. The company kept it quiet by conatcting eveyrone that bought them and replacing them with a new one. The fact that it was kept hush hush so well proves that the ones that had it happen will not speak about it because of loyalty.

Now, if you had PM'd Kretzer he would probably have told you, but he is not going to put it out in the open. It was not one of Don's or Greg's cams. You also asked what his hads to do with this thread??? It has plenty to do. It was posted as an informative post after people mentioned they had never heard of cam failures after regrinding. It was posted to let people know that you have to be selective on your purchase. It was not meant as a slam, just to educate people that regrinds can be done wrong and they can fail.
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It's admriable that all parties did what they have done. How many companies would have replaced parts at their expense and the customer majority knew nothing was wrong? Most people would love to "stick-it" in someone.... but these Diesel folks don't. I think it is quite a showing for all parties.

My hats off Gentlemen. :clap:
I agree it's admirable.. And I think issues like that SHOULD be spoken of in public.. I for one would like to find companies that take care of customers that way.. I don't see a downside of it "getting out" who it was.. Regardless of the failure, it was handled great obviously. That leaves no reason badmouth the company.
Either way i guess it's no matter.. Loyalties vary from person to person.. My loyalties are to my wallet, regardless of sells the stuff.. I guess that's were personal standards come into play.

Soup Nazi said:
To date; we have had one cam lobe failure. Gus Farmer's. Thats a single failure out of hundreds of cams. The manufacturer and an independant lab said the part was abused from overheat and lubricant breakdown.

The funniest part is: that same cam was repaired and is in a truck that has logged over 60K in miles this year after the swap. It was done partly for testing purposes to verify what the labs told me. "The lobes were solid, the material was spec on perfect". The cam is holding up great. Hoping to pull it in 100K miles if not sooner and measure everything.

Hey Don I think I might have a cam failure:hehe: ,I havent pulled the motor yet,but I know I picked up rods,pistons,and lifters up off the track.I am sure the cam is broke but if it is still in one piece can it be checked to see if its okay?If not can I have another one I have really enjoyed it up until this past sunday.:rockwoot:
This is my first post here.
After sitting here for the last 2 hours and reading this posting. I can only hope that we all learn how not to handle and conduct our selves. I can personally vouch for the H2 with springs, for I am running them in my truck. I choose the F1 because
1. No regrind.
2. At the time people I spoke to running them had seen great things.
3. F1's reputation.
I am not knocking the maxspool cams. I have never ran one or even been around a truck with one.
I know that my F1 does reduce my EGT's at wide open throttle.
It does make the motor run smoother at higher RPM's.
It does make boost with my SPS 66 in neutral, I have a 6 speed.
It does boost up sooner in the RPM band than stock.
And it also pulls harder through out the entire RPM band than ever before.
Fuel mileage was not my concern so it never came in to consideration in purchasing it. I do however get 24 MPG hand calc. on howdy use. In town is 13-15 mpg, But I also spin 37's with 3.73 gears. And I can’t keep from playing around with it.
I can not ever see me running a different cam at this juncture. I am happy with the reliability and performance of my H2. I will also be sending my stock injectors to F1 to get redone. As I have never been disappointed.
I am sure Comp's products are great. And hey a little competition is always good for the industry and we the consumers are the ones that get better products and engineering.
To people that want cams for there trucks I have one thing to recommend. Find a truck around you that has a cam in it and talk to the owner. See if they will take you for a ride. A cam is a major expense, not one to be made lightly. The internet is what it is a public bashing place where in the end nothing good comes out. Take it worth a grain of salt and formulate your own opinions.
It is not my purpose to step on toes or rant. I am not affiliated with either person. I do however work at a diesel performance shop in San Antonio, TX. I will not name us publicly because that is not my intent but we are more than happy to help anyone out. I will also take people for a spin. But give me a bit because due to all my playing I snapped my main shaft and have to repair my tranny. Life is great when you are having fun. Superbeast.
The strangest part about my motor grenading was after spitting parts all the way down the track,the motor did not die.I drove the truck off the track to the return road and killed it with the key.
RCCX said:
The strangest part about my motor grenading was after spitting parts all the way down the track,the motor did not die.I drove the truck off the track to the return road and killed it with the key.

Now that's tuff. I wish Richard's Power Stroke did that and didn't strand him.
Ridemywideglide-go back and reread my initial postings and how i stated i was mearly posting as informative then go back and reread your response to me and tell me how you deserve to put in your .02! your reaction is uncalled for and trying to start an attack on a company that i hold in the highest respects bc of what they did for me and what they are still currently doing. the way you responded and the respect i have for the company is the entire reason i wont post the specifics on where my cam came from. i know where it cam from and obviously lmills does and neither of us will speak of the company out of respect, that is why lmills is one of my best friends bc of the guy he is and the lengths he will go to help a friend out. there is nothing secret about my cam ( you would be shocked where it came from) it may not have helped, or it may be the cherrry i dont know. all i can compare is this cam vs the regrind, the regrind spooled a TON faster but egts didnt change nor did mileage, nor SOP power. now dyno power it may be different again i dont know bc it was on a brand new motor that i was witout for 4 months. if anyone can park their truck, then get in and drive it 4 months later after a complete rebuild and honestly say "wow that cam really helped" they are better than i. i came into this thread on an INFORMATIVE side ONLY and that is how i will stay, i am not about bashing anyone or any company. like i said i have NEVER dealt with either greg or don, but i know where my business will be with my next motor, and it wont be a regrind.
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RCCX said:
The strangest part about my motor grenading was after spitting parts all the way down the track,the motor did not die.I drove the truck off the track to the return road and killed it with the key.

C Power :rockwoot:
duke1n said:
Christ Greg, you're really going off the deep end. Now both Dave & Diesel Freak are johnny come latelys . Do you even know who you're talking to?

from what I have read, it does not look like it.

the following is for COMP.

Induction Hardening is a form of heat treatment in which a metal part is heated inductively and then quenched. The quenched metal undergoes a martensitic transformation, increasing the hardness and brittleness of the part. Induction hardening is used to selectively harden areas of a part or assembly without affecting the properties of the part as a whole.

A widely used process for the surface hardening of steel. The components are heated by means of an alternating magnetic field to a temperature within or above the transformation range followed by immediate quenching. The core of the component remains unaffected by the treatment and its physical properties are those of the bar from which it was machined, whilst the hardness of the case can be within the range 37/58 Rc. Carbon and alloy steels with a carbon content in the range 0.40/0.45% are most suitable for this process.

Now, if you have seen work after quenching, you would know that it must be finish ground.....after quenching, the surface is just nasty.
Back to quenching...

Oil and Water quenching leave the workpiece in a poor condition.

Air quenching also adds a corrosion layer that needs to be removed.

Inert gas quenching with Nitrogen can help keep the surface clean....but this gets spendy.
Im floored! Im literally laying on the office floor in tears. Partly from laughter and partly from utter disbelief in the postings.

Soup Nazi said:
Im floored! Im literally laying on the office floor in tears. Partly from laughter and partly from utter disbelief in the postings.

The 2.5 flux = what hp?