Helix 2 vs MaxSpool? Opinions

hpprose said:
Now that's tuff. I wish Richard's Power Stroke did that and didn't strand him.
I have started my truck 3 times since it windowed the block...just to show people it will do it.
It sounds baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad though. LOL
greg, tried to call you back but guess you got busy. did you find the info? if you get a chance give me a ring tomorrow! Ben M
sorry Ben , my phone has been messed up , it keeps telling everyone I'm on the other line. Ill get back with you in the morning . Been on the dyno with a Comp motor . I forgot how little torque these motors make
lmills said:
that's just it. You see how the reactions have went on this thread especially. If he posted "who" the cam was ground by, there would be people jumping down his throat telling him it was BS and couldn't have happened. But it was in fact a big issue that was swept under the carpet a couple years ago. The company kept it quiet by conatcting eveyrone that bought them and replacing them with a new one. The fact that it was kept hush hush so well proves that the ones that had it happen will not speak about it because of loyalty.

Now, if you had PM'd Kretzer he would probably have told you, but he is not going to put it out in the open. It was not one of Don's or Greg's cams. You also asked what his hads to do with this thread??? It has plenty to do. It was posted as an informative post after people mentioned they had never heard of cam failures after regrinding. It was posted to let people know that you have to be selective on your purchase. It was not meant as a slam, just to educate people that regrinds can be done wrong and they can fail.

It is not just regrinds. Like I said before, I have several new grinds here that failed. Either can fail, new grind, or regrind. I think it has been established that both companies have a good product, use what suits you. I personally like the bigger stuff, and that usually means a regrind since a billiet is out of my price range.
so smokin would you be scared to run a regrind on the road??? long distances and lots of miles??? would it hold up to me???? that's the question....... lmao
so you're saying that the lobes won't hold up??? or the cam itself??? :) and i don't think i'm that hard on stuff. just ask around. ask mike C or john I or the local law. even the guys at the sherriff's office they can tell you.

anywho back to the thread, i think i'm going to step out on a limb from what i read in the dieselpower link, i'm going to try a regrind. if it craps out i will tell all of my misfortune and kick my own hind end for being a douche bag and buying the wrong product.
jkretzer said:
Ridemywideglide-go back and reread my initial postings and how i stated i was mearly posting as informative then go back and reread your response to me and tell me how you deserve to put in your .02! your reaction is uncalled for and trying to start an attack on a company that i hold in the highest respects bc of what they did for me and what they are still currently doing. the way you responded and the respect i have for the company is the entire reason i wont post the specifics on where my cam came from. i know where it cam from and obviously lmills does and neither of us will speak of the company out of respect, that is why lmills is one of my best friends bc of the guy he is and the lengths he will go to help a friend out. there is nothing secret about my cam ( you would be shocked where it came from) it may not have helped, or it may be the cherrry i dont know. all i can compare is this cam vs the regrind, the regrind spooled a TON faster but egts didnt change nor did mileage, nor SOP power. now dyno power it may be different again i dont know bc it was on a brand new motor that i was witout for 4 months. if anyone can park their truck, then get in and drive it 4 months later after a complete rebuild and honestly say "wow that cam really helped" they are better than i. i came into this thread on an INFORMATIVE side ONLY and that is how i will stay, i am not about bashing anyone or any company. like i said i have NEVER dealt with either greg or don, but i know where my business will be with my next motor, and it wont be a regrind.

I dont need to re-read anything, I know what I said. I'd like to know what was so uncalled for??? I deserve to post my .02 because I'm at least actually running 1 of the two companies products that this thread was started over.. You seem to have no grasp of the purpose of forums such as these. I'm here to get informed by others who have spent the money, broke parts, rebuilt engines, and found out what works and who sells it.. As well as what DOESN'T work and who sells it..
I didn't try to attack you or the company that your reluctant to reveal.. And nowhere in my post was there a leading hint of that.. If you had a failure at 2k miles, that's the ****t's, but if the company did what you said why would they not want you to tell others about it? I would be much more inclined to buy from a company who stands behind the product like that. I would think they would generate a few sales from your experience alone.. Obviously Greg has and he's received his share of bashing in this thread to boot..If what you say is true, how could it hurt..??? I could care less who it is now, my money is already spent, and hopefully I won't ever need to do it again.:bow:

My point was in the information exchange. If your exchanging any, why be here? No offense but that's the purpose of this place..
I spent 7K and 3 months rebuilding my motor myself from what I learned here and elsewhere. Tidbits of information (like you could provide) guided me more in part decisions than all the crap slung back and forth in any of the threads...

Does either of the 2 salesmen mentioned desire to put up a cam each on a dyno test on a single engine results from engine test to be posted ?
RacinDuallie said:
Does either of the 2 salesmen mentioned desire to put up a cam each on a dyno test on a single engine results from engine test to be posted ?

Im game, will do the installs and dyno on a 248h
I'd be glad to provide the truck for the test. I'm running a stock cam now, so it would be a good comparison from stock. However, I'm in the midwest.

I'll even buy the cam that comes out on top...:thankyou2:
COMP461 said:
Cams are not reheat treated after being ground for a UGL, not mine , and not Don’s and cams are not case harden. This is a common misconception the heat treat is some where thicker then 200 on a Cummins cast nodular steel core. This core is induction hardened. Don’s cams on the other hand are Chilled cast iron, not a problem if the quality control is maintained. I am in possession of a third failed Helix cam; the verdict is more then likely the same. The surface finish and the depth of hardness is in question on this cam, but it appears to me to be similar to the other two. So Don I have seen three of your cams fail, and have heard about 2 more. So far I have had no failures, not that it will not ever happen, but none to date. And I have taken orders for 17 cams since this thread started.

Don and friends have asserted that the lobe needs to be a certain width to accomplish lifter rotation, the truth is this is false, the offset in the lobe vs. the centerline of the lifter are the way this is accomplished, if this was true then the cam lobe would have to be different width for a 12 valve, 24 valve and a CR
Don and friends have asserted that the valve train geometry is compromised by these cams , the proof is ultimately in the performance

It is obvious that Don is only repeating, words and phrases he has been told by his cam people and He has a problem in that he doesn’t understand these words and word vomits this on to these pages to do nothing but attack anyone he feels a threat from. He can not state any positive attributes or any benefits of his product. The on a culvert effort a whole crop of new members pop up with one or two post credit to their name and mysteriously post complimentary information in regards to his product.

I on the other hand have been straight forward and given freely the pertinent information as people asked. There is no problem with a reground cam other then Don’s ridicules marketing attempts

To date no reground cam I have done as failed, the one in Wades truck that just went 11.06 was in Brady’s truck before he built a new motor with a billet. This same cam was in the Predator/ NitroFlash truck before that. This cam has been around, and each time it comes out it still looks new.

Don go find a corner and quite making your self look any stupider.

Don brings out the best in everyone!!!!! This is probably the most factual post COMP has ever made.LOL LOL
Superbeast said:
............................ I choose the F1 because.............................

It does make boost with my SPS 66 in neutral, I have a 6 speed...........................

Somebody throw me a bone here- how does a cam make boost?
I don't see why Don or Comp should have to put up a free cam, or anything for free for that matter. It's not their obligation to do that. They didn't even start this thread. LOL
Sledpuller said:
:homo: Somebody throw me a bone here-:doh:
LOL LOL Uhhhhh no thanks......:rules: :kick:

While this thread has gone on for quite sometime now. Some quality information has been posted. Both salesmen have a good respective product. Both are competitive people also. There has also been some misinformation posted. The back and forth ragging on each other is doing NOTHING but providing some schoolyard humor, and is doing nothing to credit each of you.

Here is the end result- both of you put up a cam, to be independantly tested on the same engine, results and sheets should be posted as well as comparasions of certain readouts to show benifits OR losses. This will end the childish debate as to who has a better camshaft. No crazy race cams need apply. Both must be street cams. . . .

Are either of you game for this??? :evil
RacinDuallie said:
Does either of the 2 salesmen mentioned desire to put up a cam each on a dyno test on a single engine results from engine test to be posted ?

The tests would need to take place on an engine dyno with predetermined data to be gathered..... What are we actually testing for, max HP, Max TQ, HP/TQ band vs. rpm, egts, trailer towing, MPG, etc. No chassis dyno will provide the data required. Besides no cam is going to give the most of ALL worlds, thats why major cam builders offer different grinds. Now on the CTD there is only so much that will help, but the cam needs to be suited for the application at hand.

Jetpilot said:
The tests would need to take place on an engine dyno with predetermined data to be gathered..... What are we actually testing for, max HP, Max TQ, HP/TQ band vs. rpm, egts, trailer towing, MPG, etc. No chassis dyno will provide the data required. Besides no cam is going to give the most of ALL worlds, thats why major cam builders offer different grinds. Now on the CTD there is only so much that will help, but the cam needs to be suited for the application at hand.


That's what I am suggesting- on an engine dyno in a dyno cell where air temp/psi ect can be equaled. For all testing everything can be exactly the same for both tests. Repeated pulls to dispell any fluke readings.

Both have an option of 'donating' said cams or providing cam and to be returned after testing is complete.

Put up or shut up- cam duel.....