
long stry short...go with seth since i have to wait for monica to make up my mind
downloading a vider editor to post up the test runs (data logging) I did with the gopro today. Think I may have hurt the 351 when I had the gates closed because now Im getting some white haze out the exhaust and a nice oil burning smell. It didn't have any excessive play though. So Ill pull it apart once it cools off and see if there is any oil in the hot pipe/turbine housing.
Sounds cool. On a side note, I'm glad I don't have to test drive where you do.
vid looks great Cliff.

I might want to use your excellent video making/taking skills later on
Oh rery? Ill have to take it from my rear view LOL we can hook the gopro up and go have some fun.
Cliff, you are crazy!!!!

I can't believe you'd tool around with traffic or on a road that narrow with big power line poles and such!!!

Looks like fun but definitely nuts to tool around on those roads!!!!