I want shop pictures..

you said your bed room is right above that... you could include a matching tower kind of thing and expand the master maybe make a 3rd story crows nest. that might let you make a step up and make the roof higher on the garage addtion and help to mirror the other side of the house for the balanced feel.
So if anyone has any ideas about how I would do the roof to attach a shop to my existing garage I would be extremely grateful
I was thinking if you cam up a foot or so with some sky lights or heavy windows, that may give you enough rise to keep the other end of the wall above 7 1/2 feet or what ever is needed for a door. That way it wouldn't block too much of the view from the doormer window in the house and give you some extra ceiling height. You could continue the house eve on across the front to tie it all in and put flashing where the old roof meets the new parts to run water to the front and back.

From posty note to scanner to screen capture to here. LOL



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I thought about that Jory, but my wife is insistant that it matches the roofline of the house, somehow.... fussy she is. If I can figure out how to move it over here I will show you what Getblown did up for me
Hopefully this works. I think this is on the right direction.


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lol, well that sure is small,, if you click on it it gets bigger
That kind of design crossed my mind for you. Quite of few farms here add on to buildings just like that. Only problem I thought of is the snow load you would have. Could cause issues on those lower roofs.
We dont normally get alot of snow... just cold. Wisconson gets way more snow than we do up here. I would bet a normal winter here we would be lucky to get a foot in total,, but then there are years like this one, which that dosent quite hold true
i personnaly wouldnt build the garage with an edge like that, you are asking for problems in the future with snow, leaves, and water. it creates an area for stuff to lay. i agree with autoferret, extend out your room that your wife wants to keep, that will give you taller ceilings in the garage or even a loft area (manroom) or storage.

on another note, just recieved my first delivery of material for my lift bay yesterday. will take pics when we start construction.
i personnaly wouldnt build the garage with an edge like that, you are asking for problems in the future with snow, leaves, and water. it creates an area for stuff to lay. i agree with autoferret, extend out your room that your wife wants to keep, that will give you taller ceilings in the garage or even a loft area (manroom) or storage.

on another note, just recieved my first delivery of material for my lift bay yesterday. will take pics when we start construction.

Which Edge are talking about, the pic that Jory drew? Or the other one?
yes in the pic jory drew and if i am looking at yours right then they are about the same. Where he drew windows kinda facing the window your wife wants to keep. i think it would looke great, i just see an area that is going ot cause you problems and extra work in the future. then again it may be fine. i would just hate to see snow build up there and freeze and unfreeze constantly pushing on your flashing and siding and there always being a build up of ice and even decaying leaves there. with that short knee wall you are creating a trap.
gotcha,,, I was looking at the drawing that I posted (thanks to getblown5.9) and maybe what might help it is if I put a deck between the bedroom and the roof of the garage?
She liked the idea of a walkout from the bedroom to a deck,, just wasnt sure how I would do it,, lol. Now I just need to get it drawn up so I can show her.. once I get her approval I can go out and start to get prices
started mine yesterday. got all 7 6x6 posts up, and half of the header. did some grading, it was cold, windy and these short days suck! will post pics tomorrow.
a few pics. you can see the old shed roof that i am replacing. it worked great but it wasnt built well at all. it only had 2x4 rafters and a single 2x4 header sitting on log and 4x4 posts. shed roof needed replacing so why not make it a bit bigger.


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