Important Announcement!!!!!! Read!!!

I will still be there!!! Diesel World magazine will be in the house!!! I might change our hotel reservation and travel plans though... We might drive up Friday morning instead of Thursday to save some $$$... Not sure yet, but I will be there for sure with my Canon in hand so make sure your rigs are all shined up and ready to go!!! got some pepperjack cheese, eh?
Is it possible the drag racing could be rescheduled for another date this year? Maybe some time in June? Just thought I might throw that out and see if it sticks.
Anyone else not do anything today I was well into to vacation mode and still havent recovered it might take a few days.
Damn, that's brutal - just saw this.

Dennis, Sheila - damn. Wish you guys the best with the rest of the event - hope nobody lost anything more important that some dragstrip time - that flooding looks nasty.
I know its nobodys fault. But man. I just feel like punching something. Made the trek last year to be let down by those f ers that messed up the drags last year. Now this. POOOOOOOOOP! Just dont think i wanna make the 11 hour drive for sled pulls.
Mike, I must be tired or something 'cause, I'm just not getting the pepperjack cheese reference...

Please enlighten me...


No clue on this but it is nice to see you around again Chris... Maybe I will run into you at the event and shake your hand again...

We are still coming out... I figure the beer will still be cold and the party still happening so might as well make the trip!!!!!
Man how disappointing! Just spoke to Randy this morning and he was sure it was still going to happen. Sorry Dennis, I was hoping it would have still worked out.
No clue on this but it is nice to see you around again Chris... Maybe I will run into you at the event and shake your hand again...

We are still coming out... I figure the beer will still be cold and the party still happening so might as well make the trip!!!!!

Sounds good, I'll be there and so will my son this year...
There is no one more disappointed than Sheila and I.
We feel your pain. I hope the rest of the events are, well, uneventful. Good luck for the rest of the weekend.

Everyone of us are Devastated, Especially after last year.
Yes, two years without drag racing... Great event, but 14 hrs seat time down for the pulls - sorry, not this year... Hope all goes well...
Well this does suck. It is unfortunate to see the weather change the events like this, but nothing you can do about it. I still plan on making the trip for the pulls though prolly..just have to see what happens over the next couple days.
A good alternate activity of any kind to do on Friday would be great. I am not from that part of the country so I do not know what that might be. I am inclinded at this point to still go have fun thurs nite, do something on friday and go the pulls on saturday.

A good alternate activity of any kind to do on Friday would be great. I am not from that part of the country so I do not know what that might be. I am inclinded at this point to still go have fun thurs nite, do something on friday and go the pulls on saturday.


It looks like they are still planning on having the pulls on Friday night also...
Yes pulls on both Friday and Saturday... Man I wish they would start earlier though... It would work better for the magazine coverage I'll be shooting... Shooting pulls at night don't look as good in print...

My 2 cents...
Yes pulls on both Friday and Saturday... Man I wish they would start earlier though... It would work better for the magazine coverage I'll be shooting... Shooting pulls at night don't look as good in print...

My 2 cents...


I posed this question as well, I'm going to be trying a few things....
This truly is bad news, it was gonna be a great trip. Thanks for getting the word out in advance.
DPC will go to a little 1/8 mile track. With a very short shutdown. The Prostreet and faster classes would have a time getting stoped.

Music city Raceway Phil? Call me ASAP, Kinda need to know.
+1 for moving the pulls up earlier in the day. I'll have to leave Saturday afternoon anyway.