Important Announcement!!!!!! Read!!!

Sorry that Mother Nature has dealt such a a crappy blow this year.....I know a lot of guys on here spent a great deal of time & money over the winter season with high expectations for this well as lots of spectators.

Maybe it will be The Event for 2011 !!!

This truly is bad news, it was gonna be a great trip. Thanks for getting the word out in advance.

Yes, With a nearly 10 hour drive...thanks for letting us know ahead of time. I was looking forward to this event more than any other this year. Dennis and Sheila, best of luck with the pulls. Flooding sucks. :bang
no chance the water will be drained away by friday?

Even if it does... everything electrical is screwed. Timimg/scoring, PA, etc...

One concession stand floated off, and there is no telling how long it will take to clean the mud and critters off of the racing surface. Even if all of that could be done, is it worth getting folks to come out there to work if that means taking them away from homes and families that have been effected by the flood?

Bottom line is, for everyone involved, this is the right play. It is not worth trying to throw together a 2nd rate drag race just for the sake of having one. Dennis wants the race to e first rate, and after 6 months of planning, you cannot gamble on throwing one together in a few days. It is not fair to the sponsors, fans, or participants to do a crummy show.

I applaud Dennis' decision to take the time to do it right. It isn't like there wont be a race....... Dennis and Sheila are just postponing it a bit to make sure they put their best foot forward.
Looking forward to whatever we have, even if it is just a GTG.
We'll be there, even if all we do is drink and hang out, it'll be like any other weekend only 500 miles away! lol. plus I don't have to go to a ton of mothers day stuff
Really hate to see this, we were really looking forward to the weekend. Thanks for the call this morning Dennis, we were just getting ready to load the trailer and leave town today. Wish we could've come out to hangout with you guys again this year. Can't really predict mother nature.

We want to thank TS Performance and all those behind the event for all the time and effort they've put into this show, just wish it could've come together.
Hate to hear all this really, feel bad for the townspeople and locals. But, I am still planning on making the detour over that way for the sled pulls, that was the plan all along anyway. Still terrible thing though. Hope to see some good trucks at the pulls !!!
Does anyone know if the campground at beach bend is under water as well??? I assume it is? Is there a campground at Franklin?
I guess this give's a new meaning to......"Got Fish"! LOL

I am so sorry Dennis and Sheila, I will still be there for hangin out
:bang sucks for sure best wishes go out to all effected by the floods, are there any pics of the pulling track????

Seeing this pic makes my stomach twist. This is many of local racers hometrack, and it is in really bad shape. I hate that the event was cancelled. Sorry to all the people who put all the effort into putting on a top notch event.
Mother Nature jealous that TS'10 tried to steal her thunder on Mother's Day?
Wow amazing pictures, hate to see this. BB is such a nice place.

I can't believe some people are foolish enough to think this race could still be held if the water appears it could be many weeks if not months before BB is able to be used again.