The letter, however, is a fake -
The owner of ATS has said the letter is real, Denny.
Bingo!lawyers work for their client. Without the client dictating what needs to be written and/or petitioned for, how would the lawyer know what he doing it for. Seems like someone was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Letters like that do get circulated without any security measures. I work with a larger organization, and have our lawyers draft stuff up all the time. It will go through proofs and editting via email.
The final letter, however, is always signed, on letterhead, sent certified mail. A PDF copy is usually sent via email, and that is noted on the letter itself.
The letter, however, is a fake - the tense and verbage usuage does not agree, and leaves doubt as to who, what, and when.
As you’re (always spelled out, as YOU ARE. Additionally, the EPA (is always referred to as "THE AGENCY"...I mean, who the *he!!* is *you*?) aware, the main problem with DPF delete kits is this: for every illegal kit sold, research money is not invested into a real “fix” (what is a "FIX"? vague - never used in legal letter, nor would they use quotes) for the consumer’s problem. EPA has made it clear to the diesel manufacturing industry, in no uncertain terms, that DPF removal is illegal. However, at this time, EPA has been unable to enforce its regulations to get these (THESE?) illegal DPF delete kits off the street (off what *street*? too man slang terms used already in this letter). When we (who's WE?) spoke a few weeks ago, you (you who?) mentioned that the EPA can only enforce so many of its regulations right now, and it’s (no apostrophies) becoming increasingly difficult to track offenders (whether they be manufacturers, resellers, or end users).
And on top of that, this has NOTHING to do with the consent decree.
Attached is a copy of one of the receipts PDI invoices on; the part number should easily be used to help track down additional units that PDI or H&S have sold over the last year.
Word on other forums is he is the Subway Spokesman.....and sells Diamonds on the side.
But for now, he looks like the ATS version of Deep Throat.
This part of the letter is worrisome for me. I think this goes beyond the simple explanation of a lawyer drafting a "surprising" letter. It seems there was some attempt made to provide evidence to support a claim.
This part of the letter is worrisome for me. I think this goes beyond the simple explanation of a lawyer drafting a "surprising" letter. It seems there was some attempt made to provide evidence to support a claim.
overseeing the general operation of a forty employee engineering, manufacturing, and sales company.
Clint's reply sounds like someone looking for a way out of a very bad spot. (Lets blame someone else, I'm the victim) He says he has proof of someone accessing is private emails. Unless he names this person or persons, and take legal action against them I won't believe his statement,
This whole thing just happened!!!! Names will not be released as of now. I'm not going to go pointing the finger without proof but there were server logs that show that the email was broken into.......NOT within ATS.
This whole thing just happened!!!! Names will not be released as of now. I'm not going to go pointing the finger without proof but there were server logs that show that the email was broken into.......NOT within ATS.