Mis-Matched? No longer.

Getting chased by a minivan made the trip worth it ;)
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hardly any lip on that thing!

Well, we all know Banks stuff isn't designed for high power applications. I'll clean it up, get a can of Aquanet line stuff up and if it happens again i'll be shopping for a new intake.

Try to avoid that, the secondary really takes it in the a$$ when that happens.

Am I correct in assuming the secondary is over spun?
I magine pushing your truck up the driveway and all of a sudden there is no truck.
Spray some hair spray on it before you reassemble it. That'll help it hold.

AquaNet, Extra Hold! LOL

Seen 60+psi on stock 300K boots. If it doesn't tear apart, it will hold! Hairspray rocks!
You could try this too (Google Clamp Tite)....clamp made out of stainless steel wire. Supposed to be 10x stronger than a regular clamp, and I believe it. Tool is like $40 to make the clamp. They had mis-matched objects clamped with wire--a ballpoint pen clamped to a fuel line, clamped to a garden hose, and they dared anyone to pull em apart. Nobody could. So it should work pretty good on boots.....

Hairspray and mikalor clamps. Even good boots come apart before that will. I still like to strap my two pieces of pipe together though, so the boot doesn't have to take the axial force as well.
Well, i'm off to the drug store on the way home to get some hairspray. :)

Should I hit all the boots or just the trouble ones? What kinda pain is it to get these boots off?
Am I correct in assuming the secondary is over spun?

Yes. If you pull the tube off the secondary compressor housing, you will see oil in it. It's not a bad idea to clean that up.

Try not to do it two many times. Even if it looks cool with the vapor coming out from under the hood... :)

Once you seal one, the next weakest will go next. If that same one keeps popping then you need to adjust the alignment like you stated. I'd just do the one that popped. I mean if the others hold, why mess with them?

To get them off after applying the hair spray? Not a problem at all, if you take your purse off.
Yes. If you pull the tube off the secondary compressor housing, you will see oil in it. It's not a bad idea to clean that up.

Try not to do it two many times. Even if it looks cool with the vapor coming out from under the hood... :)


Didn't even think of that. I'll pull that one off when I get home and have a look see

Once you seal one, the next weakest will go next. If that same one keeps popping then you need to adjust the alignment like you stated. I'd just do the one that popped. I mean if the others hold, why mess with them?

To get them off after applying the hair spray? Not a problem at all, if you take your purse off.

Well, this was the last boot in the system. As far as getting them off, sure, brute force, but I was looking for a trick or two. :)
Hairspray and mikalor clamps. Even good boots come apart before that will. I still like to strap my two pieces of pipe together though, so the boot doesn't have to take the axial force as well.

I like you more and more, Mikalor clamps FTW