NADM Opener 2/23 n Bakersfield, Ca. Who's going?

Just heard the radio say 50% chance for tuesday night. Oh yea that dark patch to the right of the track in that picture is a giant compost heap. Yummy!
Yep, that's what it still looks like. You must be really bored :hehe:
Pangela said:
Ohhh gosh... I hope y'all bring lots of alcohol, if this was taken within the last 3 years... we sure gonna need all the alcohol we can get! LOL

Official Bakersfield Weather Station


Today, as it at a 70% chance for rain on saturday..... PLEASE GOD NO!
My plane ticket is non-refundable...rain or shine we're doing SOMETHING in Bakersfield next weekend.

What time do the strip clubs open?
If I get my new tunes this week and they have a mud drag, I will do it. I will be there rain or shine.
Pangela said:
Today, as it at a 70% chance for rain on saturday..... PLEASE GOD NO! shows partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
BIGRPOWR said: shows partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.

You are right. Apparently, my prayer worked. lol These weathermen can't make up their minds. Either way, I know we'll all be there, alcohol and good friends in attendance!
As if any of us reallllllly believe that people can "predict" the weather.


I predict weathermen are 80% full of crap and it'll be fun rain or shine.

As if 50 or so rednecks can't come up with something to entertain themselves near a compost heap...Psh.
DirtyBlonde said:
As if any of us reallllllly believe that people can "predict" the weather.


I predict weathermen are 80% full of crap and it'll be fun rain or shine.

As if 50 or so rednecks can't come up with something to entertain themselves near a compost heap...Psh.

lol 50 rednecks alone could out DO the stench of a compost heap! :rockwoot:
DirtyBlonde said:
As if any of us reallllllly believe that people can "predict" the weather.


I predict weathermen are 80% full of crap and it'll be fun rain or shine.

As if 50 or so rednecks can't come up with something to entertain themselves near a compost heap...Psh.

That reminds me of back in school when the fields all around us were dairy grazing fields. When the wind would shift, WOW! The teachers hated when we would sneak througth the fences and have cow chip fights and then go back into class. :evil Oh to see their faces from the smell after one of those fights was priceless. :hehe:

OOOOHHHHH, the good ol' days.......

BTW, I wil be there no matter what, as if I realy needed to say that..

I can have fun in a pile is $h!t, hell I drive one and I have fun every day.
strokin_early99 said:
That reminds me of back in school when the fields all around us were dairy grazing fields. When the wind would shift, WOW! The teachers hated when we would sneak througth the fences and have cow chip fights and then go back into class. :evil Oh to see their faces from the smell after one of those fights was priceless. :hehe:

OOOOHHHHH, the good ol' days.......

BTW, I wil be there no matter what, as if I realy needed to say that..

I can have fun in a pile is $h!t, hell I drive one and I have fun every day.

Someone please remind me not to shake his hand at the race.....:hehe: :Cheer:
I know for a fact they aint gonna let us "carry" it on the plane (that goes for any liquid really).......and we dont have time to jack with checkin luggage.:poke:

UPS. They will never know whats inside.:evil

It is my understanding that this problem has been resolved. :hehe: :clap: :Cheer:

Coon ass swamp drink is now in California. lmao.
It is my understanding that this problem has been resolved. :hehe: :clap: :Cheer:

Coon ass swamp drink is now in California. lmao.

This thread is like a weird version of "Smokey and the Bandit".

I like it.

Just hung up with the track. Said they have seen two different local forcast for the track, and at this point it looks like the system will move through prior to Saturday. One report says earlier than the other.

But, it will be a great time regardless. :tree:

Friday for those coming in as competitors, we will have the gates open from 10:00 AM until 5:00 pm. Other than that, it will be time for the hotel festivities. :rockwoot:

Saturday the gates will open at 8:00 AM. We will start time trials at 9:00. Sorry for there being so many different times being talked about, but those are the ones I just confirmed with the track.

The track says they have had a ton of calls, and there are even some of their regular racers planning on coming out to take your money. :hehe:

I leave in the AM (early :bang ) so, see ya there... :rockwoot: