NADM Opener 2/23 n Bakersfield, Ca. Who's going?

We've got some sprinkles tonight and the weather report states 40% chance through Sunday. Soo that pretty much means.....................GAME ON!
what choo doin?......nuttin chillin at da Roadway Inn......

Is everyone staying at the roadway inn? I thought it was the double tree hotel?
It's true. I think it's a toss up between which hotel. If you get bored, head to the other one. I do believe the PSN crew is staying at the Rodeway. I think the hotels are about 2.4 miles apart , so you can wander between the two without too much troubleLOL, IF you have a safe, sane and sober driver lol.
lol hey... I can't argue... it's less than 72 hours til game face, and my truck's in the shop. How sane is that.
SMOKIN93 said:
Is everyone staying at the roadway inn? I thought it was the double tree hotel?

not sure....I do know the Roadway is booked solid pretty much solely from diesel heads.
anybody going to dry camp at Famoso and party out there, might be a good spot for some tug of wars
strokin_early99 said:
Angela, you gonna have the truck with you for the event so you can pull?

lol Howard... c'mon now... you know me. You think I'm going to show up without a truck? :hehe: LOL :hehe: :umno: :badidea: :rules:
Pangela said:
lol Howard... c'mon now... you know me. You think I'm going to show up without a truck? :hehe: LOL :hehe: :umno: :badidea: :rules:

Honestly...Let me fill you in on the "girls"...
We're slated to leave here in, oh, less than 48 hours and both of our trucks are in shops without transmissions currently in them.

Mind you, Miss Angela has left hers in the skillful hands of our good friends at J&H, over 2 hours away from her residence without a day off 'til Friday. Bets she calls in sick tomorrow? Oh, I think so.

You'll find us both in the parking lot of the Roadway Inn on Friday night getting re-acquainted with our trusty rigs. Because heaven forbid we pre-plan any better. Worse case scenario is we cruise our big wheels down south.
DirtyBlonde said:
Honestly...Let me fill you in on the "girls"...
We're slated to leave here in, oh, less than 48 hours and both of our trucks are in shops without transmissions currently in them.

Mind you, Miss Angela has left hers in the skillful hands of our good friends at J&H, over 2 hours away from her residence without a day off 'til Friday. Bets she calls in sick tomorrow? Oh, I think so.

You'll find us both in the parking lot of the Roadway Inn on Friday night getting re-acquainted with our trusty rigs. Because heaven forbid we pre-plan any better. Worse case scenario is we cruise our big wheels down south.

Hmmm, come to think of it, we couldn't do thinks simply... could we. And yet, I've never been more excited and happy in my life. People would think I'd upped my meds lmao!
anybody going to dry camp at Famoso and party out there, might be a good spot for some tug of wars

Please do not have any kind of performance contest at Famoso without first checking with the Famoso staff.

Last thing we need is to get a bad rep there. 99% of people have common sense, but there is always the 1%'ers. There are very few tracks left anymore.
Please do not have any kind of performance contest at Famoso without first checking with the Famoso staff.

Last thing we need is to get a bad rep there. 99% of people have common sense, but there is always the 1%'ers. There are very few tracks left anymore.

Yeah, if your going to do that stuff, it is probably better off down Famoso Rd. bout a mile or 2 east. I am sure there might be some vacant farm land out that way to have some mindless competition.:poke:

Not that it matters cause it will probably change in two hours but is saying only 10% chance of rain on Saturday for Bakersfield, McFarland (the track), and Delano. Let's hope they are right this one time! :doh: