new from Texas (5+ years ago)

19,203 lonely souls have visited this thread.. 87 pages of pure bull**** and god only knows how many desperate guys posting fake ass bullshi* telling this girl how hot and perfect she is come on get *uckin real. Any smart man with half a set of cajones knows that if it flies f*cks or floats you rent it don't buy it!
19,203 lonely souls have visited this thread.. 87 pages of pure bull**** and god only knows how many desperate guys posting fake ass bullshi* telling this girl how hot and perfect she is come on get *uckin real. Any smart man with half a set of cajones knows that if it flies f*cks or floats you rent it don't buy it!

So we cant have a bs thread?

The org had one and was shut down not too long after :soap:

And to be precise %75 of the guys are giving pinky a hard time not trying to get in her pants

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh lawd y'all crack me up! Heyyy new kid, I'm neither hot nor looking for a guy; insults don't work here :) thanks Cliffy, I think you and Brandon and Matt give me the most hell :stab: this thread is effing hilarious LOL
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Actually this thread is suspected to be the root cause of the drop in US productivity that led to the latest stock market crash. Analysts are hoping that the recent run on cookie ingredients, C-strings and banana hammocks will offset the negative effects...
I tried. She said no.


Well I guess you ain't all that then are you? LOL

You're damn right I said no; pink dollar or no pink dollar LOL and thanks for clarifying Boo!


My thoughts exactly, bestie :doh:

Actually this thread is suspected to be the root cause of the drop in US productivity that led to the latest stock market crash. Analysts are hoping that the recent run on cookie ingredients, C-strings and banana hammocks will offset the negative effects...

HAHAHAHA but NO C-STRINGS LOL and for the love of... no banana hammocks :doh: lol