new from Texas (5+ years ago)

HAHAHAHA my friend sent this to me today; made me think of y'all LOL

I would wear it.

All bs aside, I was riding my bike earlier and almost broke a sweat, so I decided the couch was better.
Not a problem.

The Chocolate Chip Cookies are delicious. I ate a bunch today while putting our parts room back together. :thankyou2:

My cookies were delicious as well. I need some more. LOL
I would wear it.

All bs aside, I was riding my bike earlier and almost broke a sweat, so I decided the couch was better.

It's Saturday. Couch time is relevant. :Cheer:
Sunday is double couch relevance day.

I hope it rains. I'll eat some cookies and nap.
....and butter the bread too. Please. :)

For you, of course :)

I would wear it.

All bs aside, I was riding my bike earlier and almost broke a sweat, so I decided the couch was better.

Yeah, I know you would lol ALMOST broke a sweat? What a hard life you lead...

My cookies were delicious as well. I need some more. LOL

Fatass :poke: did y'all really eat them ALL already??

It's Saturday. Couch time is relevant. :Cheer:
Sunday is double couch relevance day.

I hope it rains. I'll eat some cookies and nap.

Send the rain this way!!! Zapus, Belle and I would enjoy a day of doing nothing on the couch :) Ace would enjoy a good roll in the mud too lol
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I get fresh cookies tomorrow not any of those stale shipped cookies woot woot!
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