ODRA/NADM Texas Diesel Roundup Oct 10

It's "SEAGOVILLE" and it's not great but not the "hood" either or too bad. I would still not be happy someone changed my plans for me. Bring a tent and stay at the track!
Crime in Texas???? I thought ya'll shot offenders on the spot??:rockwoot:
Surprised that gov doesn't do it. Didn't he execute an innocent man a few years back? Now keeps canceling hearings or something so the story isn't heard. Something like that.
Nobody will want to steal an obs ford! Lol jk

we will have more than an OBS ford.. LoL. there will be my OBS, a SD 7.3 towing it, a '99 24 valve towing an 02 24 valve sled truck, and i believe a common rail cummins towing a p-pumped 24 valve in our group... so they most likely will NOT wanna steal my truck, but some of the others are nice so they may be game. i'm still not a happy camper. thinkin' of callin' the holiday inn in Terrell and reserving another room if they still have room and break away from my bro and gary. don't want to but we will just have to see.

My truck makes a good tent and so does the SD b/c its a 4 door.. LoL
Seagoville, aka Speedoville, along with SpeederCreek, as in meth labs. Your OBS may be just what they need to haul the trailer lab to a new location.

I just got home from the NTXPSA Rally, good times, and everyone is excited about next weekend. Our weekend ended on a wet note started last night.

The weather forecast is not looking good for the week or weekend.

nice track BY FAR. been there since thurs for our bracket finals and its absolutely amazing(compared to most tracks ive been too). nice bathrooms, with showers, GREAT food, etc. the weather isnt looking too good for this next week and possibly weekend(fingers crossed). just a couple pics to show how "spacious" the pit side parking is.....



looking forward to next weekend :)
The weather people did nothing but bounce around on the forecast for all of this past week. So there is no telling whats going to happen but I will be crossing my fingers.
I dont want anyone backing out because of the weather mans misforcast. Im sure it will be a perfect weekend ....
All in balls out! cough.. cough.. unless it is like 75% chance of rain.
If the weather people are like Austin they can call for 90% and it wont even cloud up lol.
Got mostly everything done. And seagerville or whatever is on the way home so I guess its lock everything real good and hope for the best.
Do we need to bring the mud tires.. haha.. its not the 30% chance of rain, I'm worried about.. its the 13-15inches we've had in the past few weeks.. a little shower.. and there's no place for it to go...

I'm sure everything will be OK at the hotels.. but in Dallas we have had lots of break-in at the hotels.. If they know there are tools, or GPS items.. they are after them.. We had one guy get broken into two nights in a row..

We'll be there rain or shine.. but in the stands.. still....
NADM does not worry about the weather till the day of! It poured in PA this July the day before and by morning it was beautiful for both drag and pulling!

Just talked to Sammy at the track and they are ready for a great number of trucks at their track! Sammy said a little rain early in the week but it is showing sunny and beautiful Saturday and Sunday!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


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