ODRA/NADM Texas Diesel Roundup October 9th Crandall, TX

The fact of the matter is, doing burnouts and acting like a jackass is just wrong, period. Just because you heard a rumor that the track is shutting down doesn't make it right. You think the owner doesn't have connections with people at other tracks? When the NADM guys are looking for a new track, I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem telling any other track owner/manager what went on if/when they call him asking him how the event went when it was at his facility.

I dont think its gonna make that big of a impact :hehe:
I dont think its gonna make that big of a impact :hehe:
You think people want a group at their facility that is going to vandalize their property and create an unsafe atmosphere? That is a lot of liability for anyone to accept. If you don't think they will be hesitant when they hear about it, you're as much of a dumbass as your buddy who was doing the burnouts.
I dont believe the new owner is gonna care about some tire marks.

That is SO far from the point everyone is trying to make. Whether the event happens again or not, dumb sh!ts doing burnouts and speeding through the pits ALWAYS makes our sport look bad. Period.
I dont think its gonna make that big of a impact :hehe:

Keep talking Clay. You're making yourself look sooo much smarter.

My favorite part of the day was the Resurrected truck catching on fire and watching the dude run around screaming "WHERE'S YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHER??" ... Then upon finding it, yelling "HOW DO YOU MAKE THIS THING WORK???"... :hehe::hehe::hehe: Sucks about the truck, definitely... But that was hilarious.
Your comment "Glad I didn't bother coming" wasn't exactly complimentary.

No it was not, nor was it derogatory. For me to attend would have required a sick call, or a dropped trip at a major loss in pay, not seeing my family for the weekend, (I'm gone 17+ days a month now), close to 1000.00 to attend, (had nothing broken) and a 6 hour round trip drive, so my statement based upon the post right above it, and Gene's reported problems at the event, I will say it again, I am glad I did not bother to come up as it sounds like it was not the event that we had all hoped it would be. Period.

Clay Kann, your a fukkin retard. Let me know if you need a weapon to take up BigR's offer. I'm thinking of permanently banning your dumbass so you can tell your friend he got you banned for being an idiot. However, I can't figure out if it would be better just to let the members eat you alive. I think I will give you your very own thread in smack talk.
This thread is about the Race in Crandall. Leave it that Way. Clay has his own thread now in the staging lanes.
No, completely false on all accounts. Sorry to disappoint Dalpilot and Unbroken, who seem to find glee when things go wrong at an NADM event.

Pulling track sucked.

My fault, the details of why are unimportant, but I think I lost the rest of my hair and aged 20 years in a 24 hour period, trying to come up with a solution. I found out later after the show it was circumstances beyond our control, but that doesnt make it any better.

The bottom line is we got the pull in, which is 100% improvement over last year, paid out good purses, and fans I talked to as they were leaving, said it was a great event, and want it back. NADM will be back in Texas, the Texans deserve a show like this.

As far as scheduling pulling/racing- I was losing the moisture on the pulling track every minute so we tried to get it finished before we had a dust cloud on the race track.

Guys, I cannot stress enough, please, PLEASE be on time to these events!!! Racing should have been half over when the pulling started but the registration line was still full as people were coming in to race HOURS after they should have been off the trailer and doing time trials.

Noticed the hotel parking lot party cleaned up their garbage every night, thanks, it makes us all look better!!

Did anyone get a picture of the make shift water truck entertainment in front of the Monster truck trailer?

Special thanks to Brian, Dan, Micah and about 100 other people who helped out here and there, and especially zstroken for spelling me off on flagging!!

And yes, we always look for event sponsors right up to the last minute, thats nothing new, Bus.
I agree people were rolling in late as hell I was second in the gates

Starts at the beginning my friend. Gates were open at 7:50, registration was open shortly after, racers were just coming in HOURS after they should have been on the track. You lose a couple hours at the start, its hard to make up throughout the day, especially when you are trying to run a pull also, with some guys doing both.

I would like to compliment the pullers on being
ready to go and in order when we started, its nice not to have to look for them!

Very impressed with the field of pullers, even Alex showed he wasn't afraid of the go pedal.

really? Who? Who is "someone"? List their name. And why no common sense and set them straight? But no, Id rather post some non informative hear say that I know nothing about.

Really? You HAD TO WAIT? Trucks were teched at 8:10 AM. Trucks were sent down the track by 8:45 AM. Drivers meeting was at 10:30 AM. TRUCKS WERE BEING TECHED UNTIL JUST AFTER 1PM because they were still coming in two or three at a time! ALSO, suppose 9 ( nine) track employees just flat out didnt show up yesterday. Now NADM has to cover those positions and duties. ORRRRR was it you had to wait on the sled pulling? We "paused" the racing and alternated between sledpulling and racing. Did you not get a check in sled pulling ( that you had to wait on ) ? For those that are complaining about this or that...did you personally approach an official and see what you could do to help out or point out what ever it was that made you so upset in order to better the situation? No? Its just much easier to hide on the forum and complain even though you got $. NICE!

There were a couple of guys that had concern about their ET times being messed up. That def sucked. I understand its not always easy to see your times at the end of the track, but they are up in the staging area as well. Also, AS SOON as I found an issue with the ET times (were not on the board at the end of the traps correctly) I went to the staging lanes and REMINDED EVERY DRIVER as stated in the 2010 NADM RULE BOOK..." If you stage, you have agreed to the times put on the board" and that IF IT WAS NOT CORRECT DO NOT STAGE!

Jesus guys, more hard work and time, money, and effort, and stress goes into these events than most can even IMAGINE. If you were HONEST you would be posting that most everyone had a good time and had lots of good competition. 95% of the people I talked to were VERY happy with the event and even had DOZENS wanting an event in San Antonio, Innis, and a place outside of Houston. IF you insist on being so good at running your mouth why not try and see if Ron will make you an announcer? :poke:

Gates didn't open till 8 am as stated they would but was not 7:50. Registration didn't open till 8:15 I stood there first in line for 10minutes and this was after changing the pill out on my truck. tech didn't start till around 8:30 I made the first pass on the track. The track crew was piss poor to say the least I tried explaining the water box to them before the first pass was made and the idiot asked why we couldn't just do 4wd burnouts... In the driver meeting they told us of a delay in starting because no one showed up who knew how to enter the data in the computer. Then to expect the guys to just jump up and run after being shut down for an hour or better with out getting up to temp is asking for issues with watered down track. I know of several racers who just left before eliminations started.

IMO I seen a couple things NADM slipped up on but nothing more than slip ups and its going to happen no matter who is putting it on. I don't think they did a bad job with what they had to work with.

That being said the dyno not showing, poor pulling track conditions, and the utter incompitance of the track crew would have me looking for other options for next year. The biggest shame of it is that the track its self was very nice.

you're a fukking tard. go wash your mouth out with a revolver.

We really need a like or thanks button on this forum!
First off I want to thank our crew for helping put on a great event on a beautiful day (much better than last year), Gene, Chuck, Tracy, Greg, and the boys. Local help that was much appreciated goes to Micah, Ryan, Bobby, Anna, and the guy with the water truck that fell out in the pits (lol)!

Yes, we didn't know till we hit town the track had financial issues, guess that's why no one wanted to bring equipment to the track, don't know, don't care. I do know they tried their best with their limited crew to give us a good event at their facility. The owner was in the concession with her daughters cooking all day and slapping hamburgers, the track manager was in the tower trying the best he could with a limited crew. I pulled some our guys to help him including myself in order to make it work. In a case like this you can complain about it or pitch in and make it work the best you can.

At all of our events we learn to roll with the circumstances, what happened was much better than the guy putting up yellow tape at the front gate and telling us to go home!

I respected what they were trying to pull off for our event, I didn't think it was respectful that guys were burning out and acting up because they personally didn't like what the track was doing. Guys, you got a complete track rented out for a diesel only event and only paid $10 to get in, $35 to race or pull and you want to be mad at the conditions?

Doesn't look good for our sport! Now for the 100 plus competitors who participated, more than the whiners came up to us and thanked us for a great event, most of the top competitors thanked us and the winners went home with checks! The 5 or 6 whiners on here is a very small number compared to the ones who thanked us.

Great turnout, great competition, and yes we will be back next year in Texas! Don't know which track but we were offered two others while we were there!

As always we are always looking for more local sponsors and vendors, we had a nice vendor row. This event is not one of biggest since we don't call it a National event but it's getting there with your help!

We have been doing events with ODRA for three years now and NADM enjoys what you Texans have to offer, you do like your trucks!

To the moderators who want to bash on us and myself including the guy in VA, YES NADM will be here next year and the same core of sponsors who have supported us for three years will be back along with new ones next year.

WE WILL BE HERE NEXT YEAR, like it or not the masses generally like we we offer for the sport.

All we can do is learn from each event and make it better for the next year. Looking forward to coming back and we wish everyone a successful winter! Had a great time ending the season with a bunch of great people and their diesel trucks!:woohoo:
wow :doh: why do people have to biotch so much instead of showing their appreciation.
I for one am thankful you guys put the event on! We could be stuck having to travel out of state just to make an event that will likely be less than perfect aswell. I can not recall a single event that some did not have complaints about can't make every one happy all the time.

On a selfish note Houston Raceway Park is an option to consider next year. LOL
Before I say anything, I most definitely appreciate you guys bringing an event to our neck of the woods. Texas doesn't get near the events that I think we need.

Now here is what I didn't appreciate...

I went to the NADM booth (on time) to sign up for test and tune. I was then rudely told that I should have been there last night to run test and tune, and that there wouldn't be near enough time for people to run who weren't in a class. I was a little put off by that, but figured I could still dyno and my trip not be a waste. Well, 30 minutes later it comes out that the dyno would not be making the event because it was stuck in Tennessee (turns out thats debatable now...). I just parked the truck and went to sit in the stands. After watching for maybe 20 minutes, there was already a 30 minute break. Then there seemed to be a break almost every 30 minutes. Now why couldn't test and tune guys run during these breaks (like every other event) to keep the action on the track going. That just didnt make sense to me since I was told there wouldn't be time. Once the races were "over" the sled pulling started. I went and watched a few pulls and left. Little did I know that racing was only half over?! So now, I've driven 7hrs round trip and not only have I not been able to run or dyno, but I missed half of the damn event!!

I'm sorry NADM, but you left a bit of a sh!tty taste in my mouth.
First off I want to thank our crew for helping put on a great event on a beautiful day (much better than last year), Gene, Chuck, Tracy, Greg, and the boys. Local help that was much appreciated goes to Micah, Ryan, Bobby, Anna, and the guy with the water truck that fell out in the pits (lol)!

Yes, we didn't know till we hit town the track had financial issues, guess that's why no one wanted to bring equipment to the track, don't know, don't care. I do know they tried their best with their limited crew to give us a good event at their facility. The owner was in the concession with her daughters cooking all day and slapping hamburgers, the track manager was in the tower trying the best he could with a limited crew. I pulled some our guys to help him including myself in order to make it work. In a case like this you can complain about it or pitch in and make it work the best you can.

At all of our events we learn to roll with the circumstances, what happened was much better than the guy putting up yellow tape at the front gate and telling us to go home!

I respected what they were trying to pull off for our event, I didn't think it was respectful that guys were burning out and acting up because they personally didn't like what the track was doing. Guys, you got a complete track rented out for a diesel only event and only paid $10 to get in, $35 to race or pull and you want to be mad at the conditions?

Doesn't look good for our sport! Now for the 100 plus competitors who participated, more than the whiners came up to us and thanked us for a great event, most of the top competitors thanked us and the winners went home with checks! The 5 or 6 whiners on here is a very small number compared to the ones who thanked us.

Great turnout, great competition, and yes we will be back next year in Texas! Don't know which track but we were offered two others while we were there!

As always we are always looking for more local sponsors and vendors, we had a nice vendor row. This event is not one of biggest since we don't call it a National event but it's getting there with your help!

We have been doing events with ODRA for three years now and NADM enjoys what you Texans have to offer, you do like your trucks!

To the moderators who want to bash on us and myself including the guy in VA, YES NADM will be here next year and the same core of sponsors who have supported us for three years will be back along with new ones next year.

WE WILL BE HERE NEXT YEAR, like it or not the masses generally like we we offer for the sport.

All we can do is learn from each event and make it better for the next year. Looking forward to coming back and we wish everyone a successful winter! Had a great time ending the season with a bunch of great people and their diesel trucks!:woohoo:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well i for one had a great time, i did some test and tunning friday night and broke my shifter or i would have ran saturday, so i was gonna just dyno and watch the racing. Dyno not showing up didn't make me happy but what ever that has been my luck the past few weeks. i'm on my third shifter, my third set of injectors. but anyway it was very nice meeting up with a few great guys, Max your truck is KICK ASS you and your wife were very nice let me and my wife look at what ever we wanted on you truck and didn't get pissy or quick with me when i was asking questions.... Thanks, that was awesome. Jake we had a great time running around with you and your wife, i kinda wish our ol ladies wouldn't have met cause now she has another horse person to talk to but it will be good at the event we can leave them together and go off doing what ever we want to.... as for Dan.... what can i say funny as hell he was busting Clay's balls all night saturday when we met up at the saloon... and busted my balls when i bought him a four horsemen shot cause he thought it was a gay drink, now i know what not to buy him next time.... The rest of the Valair guys were cool as sh!t and thanks for the Shirts.... Pure Diesel guys were awesome as well. we will make the next NADM even in Texas.....
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i didn't get very many pics but i got a ton of video... the video kinda sucks cause i couldn't zoom in enough to get the times. i have one more that will be up in a few mins.....












Thanks for the videos, cant see the times cause of the sun but cool to watch anyway