ODRA/NADM Texas Diesel Roundup October 9th Crandall, TX

I somewhat agree with what you're saying, John.. But, in reality, it's apples to oranges. No disrespect for the NADM/ODRA, but... It's a one trick show compared to the kind of money you're talking about. They're no NHRA sized association.. I do remember seeing your car at the race in Ennis, but wasn't there this weekend.. That being said, sounds like you and your sponsors know what's what, and who's who in the diesel world, and that this event is small fries compared to what you guys are working on.

Personally, I was disappointed that the drag strip took a back burner to the sled pulls. Yes, I understand you guys' reasons about the tracks moisture, and other unknowns; as far as equipment, dirt, pulling track preparations, staffing issues, etc, but... I know quite a few of us were just there to watch the strip, and the sled pulls were just an added bonus. In the end, I'm glad I got to watch some of the carnage on the pulling track, and not miss any action on the strip, but... Hopefully you guys can make a schedule in upcoming events and stick to it. When the drivers meeting is scheduled at 10:30 and time trials are supposed to start right after that..... To the guys that aren't there... Tough *****. Let's get it started.

I guess I was probably b!tchy about it all cause I had to walk from one side of the track to the other... and I'm far too lazy for all that. :hehe:
Personally, I was disappointed that the drag strip took a back burner to the sled pulls.

Understood, I think a lot of the sour grapes from racers think that very thing. However, it takes a dual event to survive, so there will be some give and take.
And you dont want me to start on the history of Diesel sled pulling paying the bills on Diesel racing!!!
I am not useing this as a spring board for my politics or my business ... Just trying to keep you from using that card...."we just want to do whats(good for diesel Motorsports" that was the nadm slogan when you guys were starting out and converting from the DHRA ...... Now that you have a foothold I don't see it? I see a used car salesman & a tractor mechanic exploiting the market for personal gain..... Sure you pay back some..others pay a lot more & provide more...buzzards on a powerline eating from the carcass...
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Such negativity on this event......Texans, if you dont want this event back, let us know, chime in, we'll schedule one In Missouri.

I'm sure they will love it just as much as we did if the same things happen. Me and my friends were watching the sledpull and all of a sudden, (the announcer was basically impossible to hear which I assume is the tracks fault) the drag races are starting again and the pulls have suddenly stopped. So we waited ~10 minutes and finally made our way over to the drag stip. (We weren't the only ones confused btw; everyone around us also was curious to what in the hell was going on) So by the time we make it over to the drag strip and sit down and watch only 1 race..once again, without any notice, the races just stop and the sledpulls are up and going again! After driving back over to the sledpulls we watched and decided it was best to just leave after that. We didn't have clue if anything was (or did) happen afterwards. Just my honest $.02
John, that was not even close to the slogan, (it was "Unifying Diesel Motorpsorts" (but some insist on not being Unified)Rons not a car salesman, I'm not a tractor mechanic, we are not even close to exploiting the Diesel market for personal gain.

In fact we should apply for "non-profit" status!!!

You dont have any facts right!!!

How much money have you exploited from the Diesel market?

I think your main problem is, we didnt pay you for an appearance and nobody even noticed you weren't there.
Sorry about that.
So by the time we make it over to the drag strip and sit down and watch only 1 race..once again, without any notice, the races just stop and the sledpulls are up and going again!

Why didnt you park between the two tracks, so all you had to do was turn your head?

We stopped puling the first time to get a few racing rounds in,, (and water the sled track)but something was haywire in the tower, I think that was explained a few pages back, then we went ahead and finished the pulling.
ideally, the pulling is supposed to take up time while the racers are cooling down, however, the Texans seem to want to run them hot and keep going.
I promise you, next Texas event the pulls will start and and go til finished and the racers can do whatever they want.
You complain, we listen,
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I don't know the beef behind this or the people it involves any more than a screen name and in some cases a face. But what I do know is this Crandall event is the only sanctioned diesel racing/sled pulling event we have in the big ass state of Texas! We should appreciate these guys coming out and take the punches when it comes down to it. With this negativity we might end up bracket racing with the gassers here in Texas. If they have to change tracks to make things right so be it. It would make sense to provide useful feedback on improving the events instead of bashing them.
It would make sense to provide useful feedback on improving the events instead of bashing them.

Thanks, we do take notes from negative feedback,(I made a list) but there is a difference between constructive criticism from people who were actually AT THE EVENT, and just NADM bashing from the haters. I hope most people can see that.
I don't know the beef behind this or the people it involves any more than a screen name and in some cases a face. But what I do know is this Crandall event is the only sanctioned diesel racing/sled pulling event we have in the big ass state of Texas! We should appreciate these guys coming out and take the punches when it comes down to it. With this negativity we might end up bracket racing with the gassers here in Texas. If they have to change tracks to make things right so be it. It would make sense to provide useful feedback on improving the events instead of bashing them.

:clap: AGREE i guess no one else seems to under stand this......
I promise you, next Texas event the pulls will start and and go til finished and the racers can do whatever they want.
You complain, we listen,

Hmm. I see potential here. Get your first round of sled pulls in a specific time, and leave somebody on the tree for an hours worth of heads up, grudge match racing?? :tree:

Hope you fellas aren't under the impression I'm bashing them, or even blaming them for any of the troubles throughout the day. Lots of them were out of their hands, and caused by the track's personnel. By the way VMAX, Lil red looks sooo much better since the last time I saw 'er... Which was about 10 hours after the freeze plug issue. Runs pretty good too :clap:
Why didnt you park between the two tracks, so all you had to do was turn your head?

I was with phantom, it didn't cross our mind that something like that would be necessary at an event this big. Not that we could hear the announcer when we were over by the drag stip anyways...$.02
You know what, we have been plagued with bad sound systems this year. Someone owns a PA business should follow us around and make a killing fixing the dern things.
Also does anyone know who was taking the pics at the line on the strip??? do they have a number or website they can be reached at to order a pic from them....
also when eveyone was getting dialed in there was a sh!ty radio station playing that had the worst static..... Don't do that anymore. not sure if that was yall (you guys) or the track people but it was pissing me off big time...
Registration opened when it was suppose to, however when the racing should have started and the drivers meeting there were 12 trucks registered who wants to come to a show and watch 12 trucks (you may have been there but you were not registered), so then you all would have complained that no one was there and it sucked.
How would you like to payout all the costs to put on a race and have it for 12 racers not worth it.
Does anyone have a clue how much money it takes. Rent track 7-11 thousand depends on where. Paying your staff, flights and rental cars because there all from OH, MO, PA, MI lets say another 3-5 thousand, you pay for advertising, food costs for all your help, now registration this time was cut in half with a free hook, ( no one appreciated that) now sit back and do the math none of the staff is in this for the money it's for the fun and love of the sport, who wants to get paid $100 bucks to fly down to Texas and get yelled at and called a prick or worthless hell i am sure we can stay home for that. We all have other jobs and I am quite sure they are not Tractor mechanics and used car salesmen, and guess what families too that we have to pack up and leave for a weekend fly in a 10pm wake up race all day and wake up at 7am to fly back home, But yeah your welcome for the racers/pullers who appreciated it.
As for Clay Kann saying the NADM official was a prick for telling him to hurry up! You show up to a race 3 hours late then say oh I need to change my tires really wtf that don't happen your lucky you raced.