Project DeRanged truck progress

The man can fly a passanger airliner, but if his drag truck pops a wheely, he's gonna soil him self...LOL that's funny right there....Tim make sure you mount an in cab camera so we can see your face...LOL

that's funny
The first run is gonna be a freakin ball.......or scary as hell seeing that the suspension won't be tuned yet. LOL
God I hope so. That will be cool as hell, but may cause the driver soiling himself the first time. :hehe:

Tim I can make sure everything works fine for you when you get it going. That way if you soil yourself its just because your :eek:
Thanks. My wife just told me I am FOS anyway, so that might be part of the problem. LOL
Thanks. My wife just told me I am FOS anyway, so that might be part of the problem. LOL

Well I guess that could be debated!:hehe: So for the trucks sake why don't you plan on finding someone to drive that thing for you until you get a doctors opinion on this one. :poke:
I might know a guy that already has a jacket and helmet that could let it all hang out and see what that truck is capable of.:drive: Oh and he's building his own race car right now and has pretty good access to Kennendale for testing pretty much anytime.:Cheer:
That would be a good guy to know. I'll have to see about getting in touch with him. LOL
I think he even know's how to let the smoke out of wire too! You know to add to the smoke coming out of the exhaust stacks!:hehe:
I always heard that once the smoke leaks out of wire its no good anymore. I have let the smoke out of many a wire, and electronic products. Usually I file that in the rectangular blue file cabinet in the garage after.
I think anyone that has done any wiring has done that at some point in time. Let me know when your going to come up here to get the Ranger. Maybe we can meet up for a little bit and get a bite or something.
Will do, but there was a small change of plans. The ranger won't be making it up there right now. The guy that was going to "Help" me out was actually trying to "help" mo out of my wallet. Long story.
That sucks! Let me know what the scoop is. If I can help out at all I'd be happy to help out.
Will do, but there was a small change of plans. The ranger won't be making it up there right now. The guy that was going to "Help" me out was actually trying to "help" mo out of my wallet. Long story.

Wow, im glad you found out soon enough before it was too late!
Suweet. See you guys Friday. Be safe on the road Gene.

Won't be making it this year , overloaded at work

Project going to Hawaii , last of the parts show Thursday 4 pm assemble , test run take it apart and put it in a shipping container Friday at 4 pm.

See you guys next year :bang :bang :bang :bang
Will you hurry up already...I'm ready for some seat time in that thing. :poke: