Project DeRanged truck progress

Wanted to say thanks to the Folks from Optima Batteries for stepping on board, and sponsoring the batteries for Deranged. Was planning on running dual Optima's anyway, and looking forward to having them onboard. Thank again.
Cage goes in tomorrow. Today I made the outriggers/frame extenders to mount the cage directly to the frame:


I am happy to report my welding is getting better, (Yes these are my better welds LOL):
Thanks Chad, you make me feel all giddy inside, there is hoe for my welding yet. LOL
I did too till i just started welding more and more!! I welded a cage up the other day and it turned out like it was tig and i miged it!!!
Speed down, just a touch, that or turn the heat up and go a bit faster :D

Bring your bead down just a touch Tim, you are not getting all the goody from the corner radius that you could. Otherwise it looks good :D
Got the bed back from Line-x today, it looks sharp. Also started on the cage.






Also cut out the old seat mounts, to get the new Kirkey racing seats in.
That looks awesome! I love the clean look of the stacks. The bed looks amazing, and this is a really impressive truck Tim. You and Gene and the rest of the gang that has helped have done an incredible job thus far.
Thanks, but Gene and the sponsors deserves most of the credit thus far. I'm having a lot of fun with it now though. I am happy to report the pistons are actually in the block as well.
This little dumpling is top freakin' notch.... Even with Tim's superb welding LOL

Looks awesome buddy!!!! :woohoo:
So, are you welding the cage in the truck Tim?

if so, there are a couple tricks to getting access to the top of the joints. We used to cut holes in the floor. Then tack weld the pieces together and slide the cage down to the ground. This give you room to work above the joint. Then lift the cage up and weld in your outriggers.
So, are you welding the cage in the truck Tim?

if so, there are a couple tricks to getting access to the top of the joints. We used to cut holes in the floor. Then tack weld the pieces together and slide the cage down to the ground. This give you room to work above the joint. Then lift the cage up and weld in your outriggers.

That is exactly what I am doing Chad. I am going to tack it, then a friend of mine is going to weld it up. There are some things I just don't think I can handle.