Project DeRanged truck progress

That thing is coming along great Tim:rockwoot: The stacks and bottle holders look sweet. Make sure you weld that cage up right, I will only drive a safe rig:hehe:
That is exactly what I am doing Chad. I am going to tack it, then a friend of mine is going to weld it up. There are some things I just don't think I can handle.

Yeah, I ruined the first cage I welded up. Really sucks to because for once in my life, all of the joints where right on, very tight and no gaps. O-well,
Tim, it looks like you finally got off your lazy arse and started getting some work done! Looking great man. Give me a shout sometime next week if you get a chance. Things on my end are changing in a rapid manner from the looks of it.
LMAO yeah the other will be gone. LOL


I just tacked it in, I'll let the pro's do the rest
Yea i see that! The more tacks, the harder it is for me to weld smooth. Looking good though. Now i got to get me a cage im thinkin so i wont get kicked off track. LOL
Thats some bob weight:


Had to add almost 130 grams at the point where the slug is. Unfortunately it had to go where that slug is already, soooooo, the timing gear came off, slug went in exactly where the whole in the gear is under that other slug. The front was 130 grams off and the rear 126 from the factory. it is now .2 off in the front and less than .1 in the rear.

Thats some bob weight:


Had to add almost 130 grams at the point where the slug is. Unfortunately it had to go where that slug is already, soooooo, the timing gear came off, slug went in exactly where the whole in the gear is under that other slug. The front was 130 grams off and the rear 126 from the factory. it is now .2 off in the front and less than .1 in the rear.


Whoa Whoa Whoa... So you mean that the factory crank is out of balance? You mean the front and rear are jumping around like an out of balance tire going down the highway? Is it possible when you rev the motor to 4,500rpm this imbalance may put stress on the oil pump? Nah. Tire balance doesn't shorten the life of ball joints or wheel bearings, or steering components. It must be the fluidampr that kills the pumps.