Project DeRanged truck progress

Nothing like making custom parts to build an engine:


Torque plate, and spacers.
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No problem Doug, I'll ship it to ya.

On another note, :woo hoo: just bought a brand new set of 6.0 heads, so we can move along. They should be here next week. Once the rods get here, this Biatch is going together. Gonna be a great December. I'll get pics when everything starts to happen. The heads were my last obstacle in the path of the engine. Genes gonna have a motor by Christmas to put in this sucker. The injectors will be off to Cass, (he's making some HYbrids for it, BIG ones). Then I just have to settle on Turbo's.
Not yet, one doesn't really exist yet. There are a few modified ones, but I am looking for a lot more than the 6.0 is sued to making.
Sounds like everything is coming right along. If you still want me to drive it just let me know LOL

:hehe: Move over Ashley.... Sheila's Force has a nice ring to it :shake:
A Deranged She Devil.... now that has possibilities...... Imagine the paint job on that truck :evil
I'll let you design it too. You did a damned fine job. Dennis gets to pick the wheels though, I know he loves him some 22"s. LOL LOL
Alright, finally some progress, The pistons, main, and rod Bearings are on their way to Poly Dyn to get coated. I FINALLY found a set of heads that were not cracked, (YET), and they are being torn down, the valves changed out, and ported, and polished today. The ranger is now sitting without a motor and tranny in it, and aparently the front suspension is in pretty bad shape. Its been a slower process than I have imagined it would be, but we have hit some roadblocks that were unexpected. The injectors will be on their way to CASS, who BTW is making them up for the ranger. They are gonna be big, REAL big. I have talked to several folks, and believe the HPOP issue has been solved. Paint is chosen, and its cool, (BTW Andy, you'll be getting a call real soon, LOL). Hoping to have a motor to Gene by the end of December, then who knows. Still need to decide what turbo's to use. I have had some ideas tossed at me, but am leaning hard to a divorced twin setup.

Stay tuned, my checkbook is smokin, so that must be a good sign, RIGHT????? LOL :doh:
Dalpilot said:
Stay tuned, my checkbook is smokin, so that must be a good sign, RIGHT????? LOL :doh:

lol, if watching your bank account decrease is a good sign then by God it's gonna be a great year for the both of us!! :hehe:
Hey, atleast I get to pay for a wedding in Cancun next week at the same time. LOL
Dalpilot said:
Hey, atleast I get to pay for a wedding in Cancun next week at the same time. LOL

Damn Tim, your year keeps getting better and better. Congratulations and have fun. The rest of us are gonna stay up here in Texas and keep the miserable weather to come entertained...:Cheer:
I'll do my best. Looking forward to 10 days in Cancun. Oh yeah, and getting married. LOL
I'm not sure if I have said this or not yet, but Deranged is gonna be sporting a set of Grand rock 5" miter cut stacks, compliments of the good folks at Grand rock. :thankyou2: I have their QP muffler on my 6.0, and love it. The perfect toned down sound for my 38 year old ears. LOL
First of all "hmmmmmm" just cause I have to say that every time the truck is discussed ... AND ... maybe if we have Shelia drive the engine will last longer than just one pass? Just sayin!!! hahahahahaha Kidding Tim !!!
Sheila is the official Driver Post cooler raid. She will take over as long as she is not the one raiding the cooler. LOL