Project DeRanged truck progress

Actually stayed at one of your neighbors sat night, too much to drink at there xmas party. At least that was the excuse i gave, i just wanted to be next to you......
have you started it yet?? i mean longer than a split second... LoL. why not take it to SA dragstrip? i go over there all the time. i would love to see that thing spank on my bosses vega. he gives me **** all the time b/c i run my truck, b/c his vega is running 11's on load of nitrous, but yet 13's without the spray. im about tired of hearing it from him. haha
He lives in cedar park area. The shop the last pics of the truck where taken, is located near 183 and I-35

dang it!! i work about a mile from 183 and I-35!!! off cameron rd. i wish i woulda known that. i wanna see this truck bad!!!
Well my Anniversary and Vacation is over, so back to the grind.

Got the stack today that is gonna be used temporarily from Grand Rock.

Ah how cute. Install it!! LOL

So in all reality, just how far are you from getting this thing fired under it's own power?
OK, I hated the way the wiring looked before, so I yanked all of the OEM Ranger stuff out, and Bought a Painless wiring kit. Everything works now, and it looks a million times cleaner under the hood. For the first time ever, I have brake lights. Tomorrow, I "SHOULD" get the right yoke for the drive shaft, and honestly, if they finish it early enough, I "COULD" have video tomorrow night. Here is a before and some after shots. I like it much better. I have been accused of being anal before. LOL





wiring looks real sano Tim! awesome work! can't wait to see video man... going to be wicked!