Project DeRanged truck progress

Could it be a Christmas miracle? Could this actually be the yoke that doesn't exist? Could the final piece actually be here?


Oh yeah, and in celebration, I bought myself a present.


Will the suit have B-ITCH written on it? ....I mean, it is 'you know who'.
Haha..nice Tim...when you said Christmas miracle I thought maybe you got a Red Rider BB gun...LOL...but what you did get is just as cool...and you won't shoot an eye out...I think...
The yoke fits perfectly, and it will be all finished tomorrow. I still have to find a way to mount the Alt, but other than that, I am finished at that point.
The yoke fits perfectly, and it will be all finished tomorrow. I still have to find a way to mount the Alt, but other than that, I am finished at that point.

**makes road trip to Tim's house**

Take him with you. On second thought forget the truck this week and spend time with the Kid!
family is more important tim enjoy your time with him and when he is old enough you can teach him to share playtime with you.
dang, my 2 year old is more prone to actually helping me "fix" stuff than my 4 year old,, he just uses it as an excuse to scatter my tools all over the driveway...
defintely have got to put the family first... thus the srcipt here.. vvvvvv