Race Truck build...

Im just gunna stick with a 64/76 over a 98 mm probly...maybe even 62/76.. and run dual gates...I really wanna be able to take this on the street ..and have fun... till I find an exact same truck that I can buy and make my fun street truck...make it look the same..!!

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But wait 2x60 is 120. I don't get it...
And just ex w/g the primaries and your golden. LOL
Just curious what is the difference between the dmax and cummins Cps. i am not to familiar with them.

Also why are you going with such a small charger? A 66 would light just as good as the 64 or 62 and i see it being a better start getting that big turbo lit. Any reason for your decision?
Just curious what is the difference between the dmax and cummins Cps. i am not to familiar with them.

Also why are you going with such a small charger? A 66 would light just as good as the 64 or 62 and i see it being a better start getting that big turbo lit. Any reason for your decision?

Well DMAX cp3's have different plumping and make a little bit more pressure because they have 2 more cylinders to feed..

And the reason for a smaller turbo because I need something that will make 40 psi plus quickly and then the wastegate opens and dumps to the high pressure as the low pressure is also feeding..getting the high pressure turbo into its map.

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And a larger bearing thus why its used as a top cp3 in most kits due to the durability of the bearing under a side load from the pulley.
well guys I took another job and I gave ats my 2 week notice last night.. and the truck is going to a new home today!!! I will be finishing it up alot sooner now.. hefty pay increase..!! I'm pretty excited....
I belive they are supply company... Maverick coil and tubing.. out of ft.morgan..

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Believe? Walking into this one a little blind? Well what are you going to be doing for them? I need to finally get into the oilfield around here. What I'm doing just isn't cutting it.(Hasn't been, but I had a chit ton of vacations planned so I didn't want to walk away quite yet.)
Lots of money to be made. Be prepared for 100+ hr weeks tho. Coil tubing is a service rather than supply, unless your doing something as support for them. Lots of work up here in no dak too. Western slope has a lot of options. Brighten is blowing up now too.
I belive they are supply company... Maverick coil and tubing.. out of ft.morgan..

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Goin in blind!! Not a supply company, rather a service company. Be prepaired for some good money but long hours, frequently traveling and time away from home. I work alot along side Maverick... Good company and nice equipment.

This is a location I came off last month in Douglas Wy. Coiled tubing is what is in the air suspended by the crane along side my flowback equipment.
i thought the worlds supply of oil was supposed to be gone by 2012.....LOL

J/k Hope this works out for you mike.
There's enough oil and gas in the north Dakota formation alone to supply 10 times the worlds daily need for 10,000 years... Actual statistic I got in a work email.
So I don't think we're out of oil
Not to mention organic oil from biomass which is virtually limitless in quantity (assuming we still have life on earth).