S366 Turbo

If you don't find a major boost leak or a major exhaust leak, another possibility is a fueling problem. Does it smoke heavy like it's getting enough fuel?

And last but not least, if the tranny is slipping or going south, you can also experience low boost because the motor isn't loading hard enough to make full boost. I've had peak boost drop from upper 80 psi to 55 psi range when the tranny lost the forward clutch pack (due to experimental setup on my part).
Tranny is shifting fine with the hx40 i could take it up to 40psi no problems. It smokes like a freight train i am able at full throttle to black out the highway
Well I tried it again Will at a 2nd gear roll on and it went up to 45 psi and had to let off but kept climbing but I had to let off due to traffic but I noticed when the TC locks up it wont go past 35 psi. When I was doing the 2nd gear roll on the smoke started to clear at 30 psi
I usually see much more boost with the converter locked vs. unlocked.

Just a wild guess, but line pressure drops a little when the converter is locked, it's possible that the tranny slips internally with the converter locked and slips less or not at all with the converter unlocked (in your case if it makes more boost unlocked) A simple check is to add a line pressure gauge to the middle port on passenger side of the tranny 1/8npt fitting and you need 200 psi gauge. If you're seeing more than 25-30 psi drop in transmission line pressure with the converter locked, there's a good chance the input shaft is cracked or the converter's lockup clutch(s) is toast and no longer sealing.
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Well the turbo doesnt seem to spool up as well when the TC is locked it chugs out black smoke then boost starts to build fastest ive gone was like 80 mph going from a 50 roll with the TC locked up this is a cali model btw so idk if the TC is different on these
TC should be the same, a 97 truck should be a 215 pump and will retard timing a bit on the top, but what rpm are you at?
rpm for rpm, you should boost more with it locked up vs not.
usually went up to 2800 Rpm and shifted with the TC locked I never got up that high but it never kept climbing. I remember I hit it at wot on 2nd gear rpm climbed near 3k and shifted I had to let off due to traffic
Cornelius I believe automatics dont bring the 215 pump but the 180 and the way this truck locks up is very different than coworker of mine truck which is a 96. The shifting feels different on mine hits hard but different feel
Cornelius I believe automatics dont bring the 215 pump but the 180 and the way this truck locks up is very different than coworker of mine truck which is a 96. The shifting feels different on mine hits hard but different feel

... you are right. lol I have no idea what I was thinking. It's definitely a 180 pump with an auto.
is my PSI limited by my fueling I dont know how far I can take these but most ive seen now is 45psi but it does start clearing up. I will be buying a pusher pump but just want to see what I can get out of it . I dont want to push this turbo too far. I am guessing I dont need to get a rack plug either
well once I have my new pusher pump installed I will do some fine tunning on the AFC side as far as the transmission its a triple disc TC apparently with billet input like i stated before my truck does shift differently than the coworkers I will be moving to NC again so I would like to get this resolve looking for better work over there first
Well guys today at 70 i hit it and low and behold went up to 50 psi cleared up nicely didnt smoke like a train there was a stream but no rolling coal. I will bump up the timing to about 23 degrees to see how she runs this weekend
Yes I have the timing at 18 degrees now I will bump it up to 23 degrees if I can only find a shop around here that can do it
Yes I have the timing at 18 degrees now I will bump it up to 23 degrees if I can only find a shop around here that can do it

get a gear puller that will work (there are tons online for cheap, or make one), a tape measure, and you can do it on your own! I bet there are youtube videos out there, and your tag on your timing case should tell you what it's pinned to.
Havent found one that I can really understand only one ive seen is Godlovesdiesel one but it looks a bit complicated once the DV and timing is done.
Havent found one that I can really understand only one ive seen is Godlovesdiesel one but it looks a bit complicated once the DV and timing is done.

I don't pull the DV. get it pinned, then rotate the engine with the gear off, then hook the gear back up, drive nicely until it's warm, then tighten the gear again and you're good.

To note timing, pin it (timing case tag will tell you where it's pinned. Probably 12.5 or 14deg depending on years). Then measure the diameter of the balancer, find circumference from that, and divide that number by 360 to find how far you need to rotate to equal one degree.

It's nice and easy.