Saturday April 26th TS Outlaw Race/sled pull date

I just wanna know if there is gonna be another crawfish boil with the corn, potatoes, and sausage again...that was some good stuff last time!!!
billy told me he would knock my socks off with his special gumbo stuff... LOL
getblown5.9 said:
I just wanna know if there is gonna be another crawfish boil with the corn, potatoes, and sausage again...that was some good stuff last time!!!

Geez, way to make a guy hungry. That and the ribs that sound like are going to be made there are going to keep me full. Maybe ;)
Looks like I'm staying in Owensboro with family and then making the 76 mile or so trip south to Bowling Green for the event. I'm planning on being up there the 24th and then make the open house Friday and then the races on Sat.

Haloman, care to convoy down with us any of those days?
We are leaving out on Friday Morn about 9 and coming thru O'boro. Lets get numbers exchanged and all that when it gets time. We are staying Friday night and coming back Saturday Night after pulls. But We'd be glad to add more to our convoy.
haloman said:
We are leaving out on Friday Morn about 9 and coming thru O'boro. Lets get numbers exchanged and all that when it gets time. We are staying Friday night and coming back Saturday Night after pulls. But We'd be glad to add more to our convoy.

Sounds good. I'll send you a PM when it gets closer.
I'll be rollin from Richland, IN Friday night and stayin at the Ramada. See ya'll there.
Strokerx and I are rolling from Oklahoma probably Thursday Night -- anyone in AR, or other states driving thru OK to the event?? Let us know!
There a group of us leaving from central Illinois on friday morning!!! Cant wait never been to the ts event but the events i went to last year were great!!!!
I'll be leaving friday morning as well. We could meet up in l-ville somewhere then head down. I booked the econo lodge